It’s more education than data. Data is a (relatively) easy problem to solve. The trouble is convincing people to learn something new. Most people don’t want to do that.I bet it is because so much data is in excel spreadsheets and unless the software can incorporate those files I doubt businesses will change. Also, users get into a rut.
Actually, the same problem exists in software engineering. I’ve seen way too many people criticize a language or toolset simply because it is different than what they use, not because it is inherently flawed. Sometimes, the “flaws” are even highly beneficial, just not what they’re used to.
I’d imagine a lot of people still live in places where it isn’t normal to see an openly gay couple. There’s also a serious problem on both sides where almost anything is seen in the worst light possible. Both would probably contribute to seeing any depicted as attempted brainwashing.Also. I don’t understand how it’s brainwashing to acknowledge that LGBTQ people exist.
It’s also just kind of become the knee-jerk reaction.
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