Does Jesus forbid us free will? Does he forbid us from making mistakes? She is 19 yrs old, perhaps Jesus is working in her life in his way. Why is it NOT OK for her to make mistakes and learn? We all travel different paths to get closer to God and become stonger in Our Catholicism, how do you know that is not what will happen with his daughter? You don’t.
- tell her it is NOT okay. Explain why calmly but don’t lecture a long time. 10 minute max.
- Forbid her to go to the other services. Tell her you made a mistake to let her go. Take the blame.
The person who mentioned the Green Scapular, the prayers to St Monica and Our Blessed Mother, Faith in The Holy Spirit is on the right track. His Daughter is 19 yrs old she is in God’s hands he should place her there.