My mom made me vote for Biden on my absentee ballot. What do I do?

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What are Words of God say 18, 19 or 70, 80 years old are free obligation?
Just three Words “Honor your parents”
My parents deserve my love, respect, and care, but they do not deserve nor have a right to my free agency as an adult. That is what it means to “honor”.
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Be that as it may, she lives in their house and they have authority over her until she is self sufficient or married.
Not in the USA. And not over voting in the USA.

The most “authority” they have is rules for their home, like she’s not allowed to have friends for overnight visits or have a party without permission. And the most they can do to her is ask her to move out.
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Please keep my mom in your prayers. She’s afraid of the state of the US and is afraid it’s going to get worse. Pray that she puts her trust in Jesus, like I have.

How do you close a forum thread?
Fortunately, the town clerk lives next door to me, so I might ask her to privately get another absentee ballot and shred the one I filled out
Don’t destroy anything
If I were you I would call your county’s election commission. To find out how to obtain a new ballot, not the county clerk.

In my state if someone makes a mistake on an absantee ballot. They can return the ballot in its entirety (in person) to election officials and request a new ballot. I don’t know what the laws are in your state, but the place for you to start is with your county election commission office
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Problem is that I already put my ballot in the designated drop-off box in front of Town Hall.
I couldn’t take arguing with her anymore, so I filled out the circle for Biden
Badgering you until you acquiesce is not normal behavior.
Any advice?
Yes, I agree with @blackforest you should speak to someone about setting healthy boundaries between you and your mother as well as gaining increased independence.
she lives in their house and they have authority over her until she is self sufficient or married.
You’re wrong both legally and morally. Although it’s their house, she is an adult. They have no direct authority over her.
If your mom says “Biden” or “Trump”, then as good Catholics please do so
The OP is an adult and you’re seriously misunderstanding this commandment @toddy.
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she’s living with her parents I’d argue they do have a say, even though I vehemently disagree with who they chose.
I didn’t even tell my 18 year old how to vote, and he voted against a proposition which would ban late term abortion in our state! I told him what I thought, but it’s his responsibility to fill out his own ballot.
Actually, I moved back to Connecticut about a year ago. I forgot to change my location , 🤣🤣🤣.
So your vote still wont change the outcome in your state. Biden will carry it.
Do you think a parent has the right to tell a 24 year-old not to eat at McDonald’s, not to wear cotton shirts, or who they must vote for, just because they live under their roof?
Ok, now I’m officially the “cotton shirt-wearing Catholic”.
I did not say that. It is legal for anyone over 18 to vote and people are free to exercise that privilege.
I need to check this…

You response to a suggestion that perhaps voting should be restricted to property owning males over 21 was ‘Ideally’.

I don’t see any way to understand that except to think that you would prefer that in an ideal world it would be restricted as noted. We know that it’s legal for anyone over 18 to vote and that they should exercise that right but is restricting voting something that you see as being ‘ideal’?

I hope it was meant tongue in cheek but here’s your chance to clarify it.
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