My mom made me vote for Biden on my absentee ballot. What do I do?

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Fortunately, the town clerk lives next door to me, so I might ask her to privately get another absentee ballot and shred the one I filled out.
I understand that every US state has their own voting laws, so unless there happens to be a lawyer from Connecticut (with expertise in this area) on the forum, I don’t know whether you will be able to get a definitive answer to this… However, I’d guess that visiting the town clerk at home, having your ballot shredded, and voting a second time is probably not legal. Possibly there is a way of having your original vote voided through official channels (such as by order of a court), but I cannot believe that voters are supposed to visit the town clerk at home for the purpose of having a completed ballot paper destroyed. I’m not a lawyer, and I am not from Connecticut, but it sounds pretty corrupt to me.
Problem is that I already put my ballot in the designated drop-off box in front of Town Hall.
This is very confusing. Initially you said that you were going to shred your ballot and ask for a new one. Now you’re saying that you’ve already turned in your ballot.

Since you’ve submitted your ballot, then you’ve voted. You can’t vote twice by requesting a new ballot. It’s done.

You can still bring this situation to the elections office in your county if you chose.
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LOL No, I do not believe women should not vote.

I liked this comment because I thought it was funny and typified Gen. Z humour.

I take the position of Augustine and Aquinas and believe that only those who are good should vote, ideally.

But if you have been granted the right to vote by the state, you have a moral obligation to do it and to do it well, whether you’re male or female.
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Next time, protect your ballot.
What the mother did may be against the law, but who is going to turn their mother in?
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Great perspective. I think we have to try to remember all parties in these situations are children of God… I’ll pray for you both Live, God bless…
Void your ballot. You have the right to fill out your ballot in secret, and she has no right to intervene.

Edit: This presupposes that voiding your ballot is legal.
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Call the police; this is voter fraud (and yes I am serious). Remember though, I am not a lawyer.
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Call the police; this is voter fraud (and yes I am serious). Remember though, I am not a lawyer.
Yeah. 911 immediately.

Screaming sirens, flashing lights. Door is kicked open.

‘“Nobody move! What’s the problem, ma’am?”
"My mum was arguing politics and ‘I couldn’t take arguing with her anymore, so I filled out the circle for Biden’ ".
"Sister, you’re headed for the Big House! It could be the chair for you. Cuff her Kowalski’"

Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those concerned. Remember though, I’m not a lawyer either.
If one is an American citizen of voting age – and I emphasize, citizen – one should have the right to vote in this country. Anything else is disenfranchisement and unjust discrimination. Gender and property ownership should be irrelevant as far as voting rights go. An American citizen (of voting age) is an American citizen. He or she is entitled to all the rights of citizenship in the United States of America.
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This is not how the police work for white collar crimes. And you call the local non-emergency line, not 911, anyway.

I think the social worker is probably the best idea. Too many people think that just because a person has a disability that limits their independence, it’s ok to treat them as a perpetual child. If OP’s parents think she’s genuinely incapable of making decisions, they’d need to go to court to seek adult guardianship, not just keep making them for her. But it’s not ok at all to treat an adult like a child simply because of disability.
I am a woman.

I think voting should be more limited. That is why I liked the post. Limited to who, I don’t know, that is above my pay grade.

Your post is very accusatory and uncharitable.
I am a woman.

I think voting should be more limited. That is why I liked the post. Limited to who, I don’t know, that is above my pay grade.

Your post is very accusatory and uncharitable.
Why do you should be more limited than it is at present, given that all citizens are affected fundamentally by the laws made by our elected leaders?
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I think voting should be more limited. That is why I liked the post. Limited to who, I don’t know, that is above my pay grade.

Your post is very accusatory and uncharitable.
I find it uncharitable that someone would want to “limit voting.” I think a lot of US people find the idea of disenfranchisement to be an offense against human dignity. A lot of the constitutional and legislative history of USA involves making sure that groups of disenfranchised people - non-property owners, those of various religions, immigrants, women, persons of color, persons in the age group subject to a draft - received the right to vote and were allowed to exercise it. People have suffered punishment and even been killed getting and protecting that right.

If you’re going to hold a controversial position like “certain people shouldn’t be allowed to vote” on a US forum, then you can reasonably expect some people to challenge you on it and not be happy that you hold such an opinion.
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@Freddy I do vote.

I take my right to vote very seriously. Every election I’ve been eligible to vote in I have read policy positions from the candidates running. I watch debates, even at the county and town level if they have them. I try to inform myself as much as possible.

I think it bad for the country when people vote and do so based on a campaign ad, what Sean Hannity says, what Rachel Maddow says, who thier favorite celebrity endorses or what party the candidate is running on.

Because of that I think voting should be more restrictive then it is now. I feel so strongly about this I would be willing to lose my right to vote if it meant that fewer people who were well informed could only vote instead of everyone.

I understand my view may be in the minority, and lucky for the many who disagree I have no intention to ever run for public office to advocate for my position.

I wish that everyone eligible took their responsibility to vote as the truly serious responsibility it is. If that was the case I would not feel the way I do.

I hope this answers your question as well @LilyM and @Tis_Bearself.
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@Freddy I do vote.

I take my right to vote very seriously. Every election I’ve been eligible to vote in I have read policy positions from the candidates running. I watch debates, even at the county and town level if they have them. I try to inform myself as much as possible.

I think it bad for the county when people vote and do so based on a campaign ad, what Sean Hannity says, what Rachel Maddow says, who thier favorite celebrity endorses or what party the candidate is running on.

Because of that I think voting should be more restrictive then it is now. I feel so strongly about this I would be willing to lose my right to vote if it meant that fewer people who were well informed could only vote instead of everyone.

I understand my view may be in the minority, and lucky for the many who disagree I have no intention to ever run for public office to advocate for my position.

I wish that everyone eligible took their responsibility to vote as the truly serious responsibility it is. If that was the case I would not feel the way I do.

I hope this answers your question as well @LilyM and @Tis_Bearself.
It does. Well said. I think I feel the same as you. My apologies if I came across as being negative. I misunderstood you.
Thanks for sharing more about your views. Your concern is a little more understandable now that you have explained.

The argument you raise, that some people will not vote thoughtfully because they don’t take it seriously, are too stupid, are not educated enough, are prone to be influenced by someone else like a celebrity, are all arguments that were raised in the past against giving certain groups of people the right to vote. For example, one argument against letting women vote was that a married woman would just vote for whoever her husband told her to vote for, so what was the point when the husband could just go vote himself.

Ultimately, even though some people will vote thoughtlessly, or choose a candidate for a stupid reason, or not bother voting at all, we’ve decided that these negatives are outweighed by giving everyone a voice via voting, and I would say that the majority of people, probably the vast majority, do take it seriously and try to vote the best they can. And of course we all know that married women don’t always vote the same way as their husbands do. My husband and I usually voted for different candidates since he was a Republican and I am a Democrat.
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I am sorry for what happened.

It obvious that your mother and you disagree on politics (and maybe on others topics).

You should not have her help you to vote. I don’t know how the practical details, but if you absolutely need help, you should ask for someone else. if this is a legal matter, ask a social worker, an educator or anyone who help you. If you don’t have one, it is time to find someone to help you others than your parents.

Everybody that is of age and still have his civic rights has the right to vote for anyone. I will not be wise to even discuss it with your parents. It is not wrong, but in your situation it would deserve you. Being disabled or staying at home is not a reason.
You are an ADULT. Exercise your right to be an adult and vote the way you want. The real question is why you are still, at age 24, being swayed by your mom??
I think this thinking may be too rude or innocent. Disabled people can be considered vulnerable people sometimes. You don’t even know what sort of disability the OP have and how it can impacts her life.
@LiveSkype, I’m sorry your thread was derailed. I hope that you were able to find the suggestions to talk to a social worker about getting some help to live independently. God bless.
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