Science is philosophy. It used to called ‘natural philosophy’.
It depends on how one qualifies trust. If demonstrable, objective results are the measure, empirical methods pretty much embarrass anything else out there. You can wax eloquent as you like about “inner being” or something “less superficial” than physical models, but when it comes to performance, you end up mumbling, putting your hands in your pockets, and drawing in the dirt with your shoe, while empirical methods get rockets to the moon, vaccinations on the hunt to eliminate polio from the face of the earth and OC-12 switches pushing 600+ megabytes a second of digital bits down the pipes of teh interwebz.
There are definitely some subjective elements there, but there’s a very good empirical case to be made for educating youth in the principles and superiority in terms of performance of empirical epsitemologies and methodologies. That is, we can conclude from an evidential review that empirical principles are important for a well-rounded education.
I think so, but only in the way our courts of law impose the “religion” of facts and evidence and secular jurisprudence. Objectivity mediated by critical analysis is the universal epistemology. We all use is it, event the hard core fundamentalist or the dreamiest mystic. It just gets abandoned when it can be abandoned by some more readily than others.
The evidence is overwhelming that science works, that it is effective and productive in generating knowledge that is verifiable, objective, predictive and falsifiable. That’s a criterion where theology, for example, scores a pathetic 0 for 4. If you take medicine, fly on an airplane, drive a car, or use a computer, you are validating the importance and success of empirical epistemology. The more evidence we have to assess, the more science dominates the performance curve for performative human knowledge.
Natural knowledge. Natural explanations for natural phenemona. That doesn’t preclude theological conjectures, etc. But it’s a basic building block for a free, prosperous, just society.