I found this posting on ewtn, they have many, many of them but I think this was explained very well:
Contraception and Natural Family Planning
Question from on 10-26-2005:
HEllo Father A holy Mennonite pastor that I know doesn’t understand the difference between NFP and contraception. Can you please explain the difference as to why birth control is a sin and Natural family planning is not. Thanks, DAve
Answer by Fr. Robert J. Levis on 10-26-2005:
David, There is an important difference. Contraception variously frustrates the marital act of coitus. In various ways the seed of life is prevented from entering the life channels of the spouse. This is done by condoms, by sperm-killing jellies and chemicals, by material devices of one kind or other, or by withdrawal. All these actions are meant to frustrate the seed of life from its proper goal or destination. It is deliberate on the part of the persons performing. NFP is the proper and complete act of marital coitus but done in those periods of a woman’s cycle which is infertile. It is all quite natural, no interference with the natural act of copulation . The spouses limit themselves only to this infertile time of the month. Of course, they must have a good reason for doing this, for to do this without any reason or for a poor reason is sinful. But there is a big diffeence. Fr. Bob Levis
Contraception and Natural Family Planning
Question from on 10-26-2005:
HEllo Father A holy Mennonite pastor that I know doesn’t understand the difference between NFP and contraception. Can you please explain the difference as to why birth control is a sin and Natural family planning is not. Thanks, DAve
Answer by Fr. Robert J. Levis on 10-26-2005:
David, There is an important difference. Contraception variously frustrates the marital act of coitus. In various ways the seed of life is prevented from entering the life channels of the spouse. This is done by condoms, by sperm-killing jellies and chemicals, by material devices of one kind or other, or by withdrawal. All these actions are meant to frustrate the seed of life from its proper goal or destination. It is deliberate on the part of the persons performing. NFP is the proper and complete act of marital coitus but done in those periods of a woman’s cycle which is infertile. It is all quite natural, no interference with the natural act of copulation . The spouses limit themselves only to this infertile time of the month. Of course, they must have a good reason for doing this, for to do this without any reason or for a poor reason is sinful. But there is a big diffeence. Fr. Bob Levis