The movement is good and righteous and well supported today by the American people.
Look. Anyone who doesn’t agree with the concept that black lives matter is horrific. All people are made in the image of God, OF COURSE black people matter! All people, all lives matter.
Any one who needed an organization or a movement to teach them that was honestly a horrible person!
This would be like chanting constantly changing “Drinking Water Matters.” OF COURSE black lives matter. It’s common sense & basic human decency.
But the ORGANIZATION is Marxist, anti family, etc. Good Christians of all races (white, black, Asian, etc) should be distancing themselves from the organization.
It doesn’t matter who had the slogan first. The organization and the phrase “Black Lives Matter” are forever intertwined.
Imagine for a moment a bunch of teachers protesting “I love Xerox, I love Xerox.” Well, what they talking about? Are they talking about photocopies? Or are they talking about the company Xerox?
I support black people 100%! I want Cardinal Sarah to be the next Pope! Some of the most inspirational people I’ve heard are Africans. Growing up, I had a number of black friends and had many in my neighborhood. Heck, my nephew (my parents first grandchild) is black.
Black People MATTER 100%
But as a man with a Puerto Rican mother, but with an Italian last name, you want to know what I have found? Most racists I’ve met (who didn’t know my mother was Puerto Rican - so they let their guard down around me) were all DEMOCRATS and/or leftists. The number of white supremacist things I’ve heard over the years have always been from people on the political left. The Republicans I know, all have black friends, invite black friends to attend family events, etc. The Democrats I know, never have black people at family events.
- family events = birthdays, baptisms, first communions, graduations, baby showers, wedding showers, etc.
Now, does this mean that all Democrats are racists and white supremacists? No, of course not. But I’m SICK AND TIRED of hearing that Republicans are racists and that if I don’t support the marxist Black Lives Matter organization (which constantly tries to control the Black Lives Matter movement) that I’m evil. Personally, I can’t see how you can seperate Black Lives Matter, Inc. from the movement.
That would be like chanting “I love Nike, I love Nike!” but then saying, “but I don’t support the Nike Corporation.” Can’t do it. You can’t go around declaring how much you love Nike shoes without people confusing the message for a love of the company.
In my opinion, it’s the same with BLM.