No Immaculate Conception, No Immutable God

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Dont forget the Sacred Heart of Christ. We may not be double minded but…
Right, but the whole thing, all of us, the Church, is His Body. That’s why you see the Sacred Heart (of Christ) and the Immaculate Heart (of Mary) together all the time. They are united.
And that’s what really worries me. There’s a natural longing in the heart for God, but modern culture is covering it up with Marxism, materialism and mutilation. We may be looking at a Romans 1 situation.
And don’t forget religion…religion is what helped put Christ on the cross. ( and I don’t mean visiting the widowed or sick).
And don’t forget religion…religion is what helped put Christ on the cross. ( and I don’t mean visiting the widowed or sick).
Don’t buy the canard that “religion” is something opposed to Christ. He instituted the Sacraments and the priesthood, after all. If the Last Supper isn’t “religion” I don’t know what is. “Do this in memory of Me” is one of the very few commands He actually issues. And “memory” doesn’t mean “symbolic.” Symbolic bread doesn’t kill people who take unworthily (1 Cor 11).

The idea of getting rid of “religion” in order to simply things winds up destroying the foundations. Like Mary, for instance.
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Then why the lineage?

Strongly disagree…Jesus the man was not all God chromosoned.
All his DNA was from Mary.

People descend, not natures. But yes, legally, he descended from the Davidic line thru both parents.
Don’t buy the canard that “religion” is something opposed to Christ.
Your words were “covering up” natural longing for God…sometimes religion definitely fits.

And what of " No man seeks after God."

Whom do you think cried out, “Crucify Him!”…atheists ? Marxists like folk?
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Your words were “covering up” natural longing for God…religion definitely fits.

And what of " No man seeks aftet God."
Religion is just another word for objective truth. If there’s no “religion”—just you and Jesus and maybe a translation of a translation of the Bible—there’s also no objective truth.

Back in the day, that worked fine because the Judeo-Christian culture provided the objective truth. Nobody questioned the Ten Commandments or the Noachide Laws or the existence of God. No one thought abortion or even divorce was a “human right.”

Nowadays… different story. Without Immaculate Mary, everyone comes up with a different idea of Who God is and what He asks of us.
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Your words were “covering up” natural longing for God…sometimes religion definitely fits.

And what of " No man seeks after God."

Whom do you think cried out, “Crucify Him!”…atheists ? Marxists like folk?
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights” didn’t put Christ on the cross.

Marxism definitely counts as a religion. It’s the worship of power, class and the state (and ultimately the devil). The Errors of Russia as Mary called it. It claims to be objectively true, but isn’t.
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You are really confusing me. I don’t see scripture attributing offspring to Eve and not Adam.
Technically you are correct but Genesis refers to Eve’s seed, which of course is in union with Adam ( they were one)…that to me is the linguistic meaning of seed…my point is why show lineage back to the garden if it was Mary’s seed that was referenced?
I see now what you mean. But the way I see the verse is a poetic way of saying off spring. The Nab renders the verse this way
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel."
I don’t think seed is literal. The snake imo is the devil and he doesn’t have off spring or seed.
Personally I think you could write. You could actually have this published. seriously, excellent forethought here.
Thank you @DENNYINMI ! What a great way to start the day, to wake up and read your compliment. I will seriously consider that. 🙂
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I don’t think seed is literal. The snake imo is the devil and he doesn’t have off spring or seed.
It could be that way, or the seed could be the 1/3 of the demons who fell with satan, or corrupt humans who refuse repentance of their sins.
She has an enmity with Satan. If she were to sin she would be a cooperator and that enmity would not exist.
Some have a different catechesis on the nature of the believer, even two natures ( the old man, that sinneth, and the new man in Christ)…yet in these two we are a new creation in Christ that is at emnity with Satan. Did not know if a saint sins once he is then always at emnity with God. Preposterous in my opinion to say only Jesus and Mary were enemies to Satan.
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