Good Morning HD,
I am still puzzled over your responses about the Christian Tradition of prayer and I am hoping you can clarify them. I had asked these questions several days ago :
Heathen Dawn:
But the purpose is the same: to create or change your reality. Which is what you have a complaint against.
My question remains unanswered:
When I read this (above quote) I wondered about your understanding that what you practice in some way creates or changes reality.
Who is it exactly that is “creating” your reality?
Who is it that causes the “change” in your reality?
Then I followed that with this question:I am also wondering about how your above statement applies to your
What is the factual basis for your understanding that this creator/prompter of change you speak of, even exists?
Again I can find no answer posted. I have read your current post which states:
Heathen Dawn:
Where did Original Sin come from? From a nonexistent Adam and Eve?.
Then you follow with:
Heathen Dawn:
I don’t deny sin, I deny the Christian concept of it. Sin is not a state you’re in but an action you perform.
With all due respect I am wondering about your perceptions of your undefined creator and changer of realities.
Does this undefined
WHO that answers your *
call for change of reality or creation of a new reality in your life have a factual basis?
This sin, that you readily admit is an action performed, does it have any consequence in life according to your
When we perform the action of sin, is there an effect caused on our reality?
Does the action of sin change us in any way?
What does this
WHO that you are praying to do with/about your sinning?
Does this **WHO ** of yours appreciate you sinning?
What is your Faith Teaching on your
WHO and our action of sin?
Specifically--------are you told NOT to sin?
Does it even matter in your faith?
Please answer these questions. They are genuine and I am very interested in your understanding of this
WHO and what you ask it to change/create?
Thanks so much, God’s Peace Be with You,