And this is why we all need to help them. I thought I read that the Vatican had already expressed willingness to help.
Some pics of the inside here…Seeing some photos of the interior now. I realize there are structural integrity concerns, but it honestly doesn’t look that bad in there. The altar cross was still standing.
I’m ready and willing.Yea, I noticed. But of course we all need to remember that is up to us, we are The Church. Catholics around the world need to support the project.
We can’t assume the Church has a pool of hundreds of millions of dollars sitting around that can be used for this project, it doesn’t.
I don’t know about how the Cathedral stored that stuff, but a lot of churches (even small ones) have safes and vaults - literally like bank vaults - in which they keep those treasures, including the eucharists, patens, and so on - often because they are gold, or gold-plated, extremely sacred, and so on.Crown of Thorns was saved. I believe the other relics in the treasury were saved too.