Nuns wearing MAGA masks spotted behind Trump at rally

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So supporting a politician who is pro child murder, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, and anti-religious bigotry is considered not scandalous when their views are diametrically opposed to the faith? Maybe instead we don’t judge what is in the hearts of others, especially women religious like you are, for partisan political reasons. I think you should reflect on what is more important, the faith and being charitable towards others, or being a Democrat. Some person could just as easily accuse you of causing scandal for supporting a party that has the above in its platform.
So supporting a politician who is pro child murder, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, and anti-religious bigotry is considered not scandalous when their views are diametrically opposed to the faith? Maybe instead we don’t judge what is in the hearts of others, especially women religious like you are, for partisan political reasons. I think you should reflect on what is more important, the faith and being charitable towards others, or being a Democrat. Some person could just as easily accuse you of causing scandal for supporting a party that has the above in its platform.
Absolutely and bears repeating. I can’t believe we’d even need to go through this. It’s about supporting real non-negotiables, intrinsic evils. We are in a ridiculous area now. Of course, everyone has the right to their opinion, view, support and vote but honestly, if they are accusing one of causing scandal, it’s a bit ugly to support these evils and a party that is even veering into infanticide but telling others they are doing wrong.

Ditto for those who accuse others of racism; but effectively back Planned Parenthood and it’s skewed demographics.

Don’t even ask about revoking the Mexico City policy to abort children in foreign countries. Likely, 3rd world countries among poor people. I know South Africa is one example.
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I don’t know. That’s why I take a dim view of priests who don’t wear clerical dress at all times.
But to say that this nuns are creating scandal, is interesting and would require some research in to our history and what the church has said and done. Something to think about, with any candidate, not because it is Trump. That is just nonsense.
I guess it depends who you are. Scandal is in the eye of the beholder?

So, yes, probably nuns supporting Biden would create scandal among certain Catholics, and supporting Trump would create scandal among another group.
I wasn’t and am not a fan of the loss of habits. I also think nuns/sisters aren’t treated with as much respect because of the loss of the habit, though I can’t prove that.
So how were nuns/sisters respected back in the day when wimples were a normal part of a woman’s everyday dress?
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If we are being loved by the world, that is a sign the Church is not doing its job.
Very true. But if you’re hated by the people who are doing the work of Christ in the world (healing the sick, feeding the poor, comforting the afflicted, freeing the oppressed) then that should raise some red flags. . . . .
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Wait, so you mean that people who ‘follow the great dictator’ themselves aren’t involved in any Christian works? They don’t themselves heal the sick, feed the poor, comfort the afflicted, free the oppressed, etc? Those are pretty harsh and judgmental words and should raise some red flags. Extremists are not limited to one party.
Wait, so you mean that people who ‘follow the great dictator’ themselves aren’t involved in any Christian works? They don’t themselves heal the sick, feed the poor, comfort the afflicted, free the oppressed, etc? Those are pretty harsh and judgmental words and should raise some red flags. Extremists are not limited to one party.
Certainly some do.And some do incredible work. But in general, Republicans tend to favor spending billions on defense while throwing poor people under the bus.
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Statistically Republicans donate more to charity than democrats.

Republicans do give more, but where that money ends up is not yet clear. One of the study’s authors, Rebecca Nesbit, associate professor of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia, told the New York Times that Republicans prefer to “provide for the collective good through private institutions. But we don’t know what type of institutions they’re giving to.” It also wasn’t obvious “whether donors were being purely generous or whether they would also benefit from their donation. This relationship is called consumption philanthropy , in which people give to a religious organization or a school from which they will derive a benefit in the form of, say, a better religious education program or a new gymnasium.” Giving to a food bank or a homeless shelter has a very different outcome than does giving to a private school.

While red counties may be more philanthropic, tax rates are higher in blue counties, reflecting stronger support for collective action and for a social safety net of services and organizations. “The county you live in and the political ideology of that county affects the tax burden of the community,” Dr. Nesbit said. “That in turn has an effect on charitable contributions. If you leave tax burden out of the equation, you’re not getting the full story.”
Au contraire. Christ the King is above politics. We may have to involve ourselves with politics to make our communities work, but this is all peanuts compared to the kingdom of God. We should be focusing on that end and religious should help us to do that.
Christ is King of kings and as such, politics and temporal affairs should be brought into accord with His rule. In fact, this is how the laity seek the Kingdom of God–it is our vocation:

Catechism of Catholic Church:
The vocation of lay people

898 "By reason of their special vocation it belongs to the laity to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will. . . . It pertains to them in a special way so to illuminate and order all temporal things with which they are closely associated that these may always be effected and grow according to Christ and maybe to the glory of the Creator and Redeemer."431

899 The initiative of lay Christians is necessary especially when the matter involves discovering or inventing the means for permeating social, political, and economic realities with the demands of Christian doctrine and life. This initiative is a normal element of the life of the Church.
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Statistically, Republicans have more money to donate to charity. And as this article points out, it’s not clear whether or not these donations benefit the donors themselves. Human nature being what its is, government safety nets are much more effective than charities in helping the poor. And blue countries show much greater support for the taxes that make these possible, along with helping the needy more generally.
1. I support, or do not support, “Obamacare,” or some other socialized medical program.

2. I support, or do not support, the killing of more than 50,000,000 babies for profit with the promise of many more to follow, in the US and around the world.

Are these two concepts equal, morally? Would you be more or less concerned with no. 1 or no. 2 if you were facing your final judgement in five minutes?

No party is perfect. No candidate is perfect. Sometimes, all one can do is chose the least harm or the least evil. Removing the EGR valve from your car and allowing 3 parts per million of airborne pollutants to escape when you start your engine is bad, but it is not the same objective evil as cutting a living baby’s arms off and sucking them through a vacuum hose while he wiggles to avoid the knife. They are bad but not the same, no matter how you look at it.

As you consider these questions, imagine Our Lord and Our Lady sitting beside you because, in a sense, they are.

I guess it depends who you are. Scandal is in the eye of the beholder?

So, yes, probably nuns supporting Biden would create scandal among certain Catholics, and supporting Trump would create scandal among another group.
Right, let’s add in more clarity,

These Nuns or Sisters may have more respect for the sanctity of life, the right to life.

Vs. those that don’t. Vote Democrat, vote for abortions to people of color overseas by revoking the Mexico City Policy.

Those who may support infanticide.

Those supporting organizations like Planned Parenthood having more clinics overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods.

Those supporting disproportionate abortions among minority groups.

Yes, I see the difference.
Certainly some do.And some do incredible work. But in general, Republicans tend to favor spending billions on defense while throwing poor people under the bus.
Hardly, Trump has done so much to help the poor.

CNN’s Van Jones: Trump ‘doesn’t get enough credit’ for the ‘good stuff he has done for the Black community’​

Those riots over the summer in places like Minneapolis, a Democratic stronghold, seems to suggest the opposite.
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Wow. I’m sorry, but I have plenty of republican friends and it is nowhere near that simplistic ‘either-or’ thinking with them. Why is it not possible to have both help for the poor AND military defences? To assume that because John and Jane down the street are Republicans, and Jim and June up the street are Democrats, that John and Jane are warhawks who sneer at the homeless while Jim and June demonstrate for peace and are constantly assisting at the homeless shelter is the kind of tactic that has been used for decades now to extol one ‘party’ and demonise another.

When in actual factual life it is quite possible that John and Jane not only lost a child in service but quietly assist with Wounded Veterans causes, support Doctors Without Borders, are involved at the homeless shelter, work at green up day, support a dozen local and national charities. . .and Jim and June while loudly vocalising their support of the Democratic Party platform confine their practice to ‘talk’ and do NONE of the above while sneering at the “Repubs’.

One’s party affiliation says absolutely NOTHING about the individual’s personal charitable work.

But it surely has been successful propaganda that the engineered stereotypes are unquestioned by many.

And to be fair, the stereotype of the screaming crybaby Democrat thirsting to stamp out individual rights for ‘the collective’ is equally offensive. I only addressed the Republican stereotype here because the poster I’m responding too really thought that the ‘average’ Republican was ‘the stereotype’. He or she isn’t. Nor is the average stereotyped Democrat.
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