OK, I Am Confused. Do Mormons Believe In The Trinity?

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Sorry for providing such a watered down version of the council. Thank you for your corrections.

Either way, I still consider each person in the council a human being with no evidence they were being inspired by God. They are human, subject to mistakes, I am frightened to put my personal belief in the opinion of another person. does that make sense?

Another poster said the Holy Spirit guided them to come up with the final beliefs. In your beliefs, how does the spirit make itself manifest?
Hello again Mormonboy,

No apology needed, it’s the price we all pay to share in the internet sandbox :).

I would agree that each person in the council were mere human ( See I knew we could find common ground LOL :))

I would disagree, with great respect, that you claim you would be putting your personal beliefs in the opinions of another person. You WOULD be putting your personal beliefs in a creed that is completly based in concepts and truths found in Scripture. You would also be following the guidance of ( 300 or so Church leaders ) that this written creed was established in response to heresy that denied that Jesus was fully God.

I would add that this " council " of 300 or so Church leaders did not " opinionate " this writting, rather they solidified, agreed with and cemented much of what is found and taught in Scripture as well as early Church Fathers Teachings.

I do appreciate the back and forth.🙂

We were discussing the difference in understanding between heaven and hell. I, as an LDs, cannot find any reason as to why there would only be a heaven and a hell. Does God just draw a line and say this half goes to hell and this to heaven? It seems unjust for we all committ sin of different degrees.
Well, first of all I would say that degrees do matter, and in Catholicism it matters a great deal. In our faith not all sins are matters of going to hell. Sins which show a willful choice to reject the love of God, and so are called ‘mortal,’ will result in hell if one doesn’t repent. They are outward acts which confirm our interior rejection of God’s grace and love. God will not force us to accept his love. We can reject it. And if you reject the only happiness in the universe for eternity, what do you think eternity will be? It can’t be happy, but must be the opposite of happiness.

BTW, many people do believe in many levels of hell, with varying degrees of unhappiness and such. They all lack the beatific vision, that idea of seeing God, and without the love of God, the only good, they still must be not-good. And if we understand the nature of evil, and the consequences of it, then we can understand hell of any kind without becoming confused about it.

Consider evil. In this world people do evil. Do you think God created or willed that evil exist? No, and it doesn’t, technically speaking. God didn’t create it because it is not a positive reality. There is no such thing as evil, per se, but rather it is nothing but the absence of good. God created things as good, and free will allows us to turn away from good and that we call evil. It is the absence of good. Eternity is similar. You can choose good, but if you don’t you will have the opposite, hell. Will God send us there? No. Does he want us to go there? No. It is our choice. Respond to his grace, and we are saved. Reject his grace and we are condemned. All we have to do is get in the lifeboat and stop trying to convince ourselves that the Captain is at fault for our jumping in the water.
Sorry for providing such a watered down version of the council. Thank you for your corrections.

Either way, I still consider each person in the council a human being with no evidence they were being inspired by God. They are human, subject to mistakes, I am frightened to put my personal belief in the opinion of another person. does that make sense?
A single human being like Joseph Smith or hundreds of Bishops who had the truth passed down to them from Christ through the Apostles?
To a Catholic, or any Christian, there is:

With God
Not with God

With God = heaven
Not with God = hell


Celestial - With God
Terrestial - Not with God
Telestial - Not with God

Celestial = heaven
Terrestial = hell
Telestial = hell

You have one heaven, and different levels of hell.
Not quite, Rebecca. It’s more like this:


With God = Paradise
Not with God = Hell

Those in paradise will go on to the Celestial Kingdom (Heaven) after judgment.

Those in Hell must pay for their own sins or accept the atonement of Jesus Christ through repentance and proxy ordinances. After they do one of these two things, they will also be judged. Those who fully accept the atonement of Jesus Christ may go on to the Celestial Kingdom. Those noble souls who do not accept it will go on to the Terrestrial Kingdom. The wicked and evil souls after paying for their sins will go to the Telestial Kingdom.
Not quite, Rebecca. It’s more like this:


With God = Paradise
Not with God = Hell

Those in paradise will go on to the Celestial Kingdom (Heaven) after judgment.

Those in Hell must pay for their own sins or accept the atonement of Jesus Christ through repentance and proxy ordinances. After they do one of these two things, they will also be judged. Those who fully accept the atonement of Jesus Christ may go on to the Celestial Kingdom. Those noble souls who do not accept it will go on to the Terrestrial Kingdom. The wicked and evil souls after paying for their sins will go to the Telestial Kingdom.
Much better said…
Hello again Mormonboy,

No apology needed, it’s the price we all pay to share in the internet sandbox :).

I would agree that each person in the council were mere human ( See I knew we could find common ground LOL :))

I would disagree, with great respect, that you claim you would be putting your personal beliefs in the opinions of another person. You WOULD be putting your personal beliefs in a creed that is completly based in concepts and truths found in Scripture. You would also be following the guidance of ( 300 or so Church leaders ) that this written creed was established in response to heresy that denied that Jesus was fully God.

I would add that this " council " of 300 or so Church leaders did not " opinionate " this writting, rather they solidified, agreed with and cemented much of what is found and taught in Scripture as well as early Church Fathers Teachings.

I do appreciate the back and forth.🙂

But there are so so so many religions out there using the same context your leaders did (The Bible) and there still is so much misunderstanding. Your truths and concepts are different than my truths and concepts I get from the Bible…
A single human being like Joseph Smith or hundreds of Bishops who had the truth passed down to them from Christ through the Apostles?
A single human being and the confirmation of the Holy Ghost vs. a few hundred pastors (or bishops… you understand)…

We don’t need to rely on a man’s word when the Holy Ghost is a confirmer of truth.
Not quite, Rebecca. It’s more like this:


With God = Paradise
Not with God = Hell

Those in paradise will go on to the Celestial Kingdom (Heaven) after judgment.

Those in Hell must pay for their own sins or accept the atonement of Jesus Christ through repentance and proxy ordinances.
Jesus died for ALL. A person cannot atone themselves.
After they do one of these two things, they will also be judged. Those who fully accept the atonement of Jesus Christ may go on to the Celestial Kingdom. Those noble souls who do not accept it will go on to the Terrestrial Kingdom. The wicked and evil souls after paying for their sins will go to the Telestial Kingdom.
Are those in the terrestrial or telestial WITH God?
But there are so so so man religions out there using the same context your leaders did (The Bible) and there still is so much misunderstanding. Your truths and concepts are different than my truths and concepts I get from the Bible…
Hey Mormonboy,

I wonder if that was a typo of Divine nature ( " man religions " ) LOL, gotta laugh at ourselves a little, no??🙂

Fair enough Sir, I gotta go get my Son so I will leave it there for now.🙂

It was my treat to have the sharing of thoughts and perspectives with you.

God bless brother
Jesus died for ALL. A person cannot atone themselves.

Are those in the terrestrial or telestial WITH God?
do those who don’t accept Jesus Christ’s suffering get off the hook for their unpaid for mistakes?
Hey Mormonboy,

I wonder if that was a typo of Divine nature ( " man religions " ) LOL, gotta laugh at ourselves a little, no??🙂

Fair enough Sir, I gotta go get my Son so I will leave it there for now.🙂

It was my treat to have the sharing of thoughts and perspectives with you.

God bless brother
hahaha… I meant to say many!!!
do those who don’t accept Jesus Christ’s suffering get off the hook for their unpaid for mistakes?
No. Christ atoned for all sins. There is no accepting this or not, it just is. Those who are found guilty of mortal sin and do not repent will be judged as not with God. Which, is hell. Which is what you are saying is the terrestrial and telestial…ie, judged to not be with God.

Not with God = hell. Scriptorian said this as well.
No. Christ atoned for all sins. There is no accepting this or not, it just is. Those who are found guilty of mortal sin and do not repent will be judged as not with God. Which, is hell. Which is what you are saying is the terrestrial and telestial…ie, judged to not be with God.

Not with God = hell. Scriptorian said this as well.
How can you repent for your sins if you have no knowlege of Jesus Christ or you don’t believe in him?

Scriptorian wasn’t referring to Heaven, he was referring to paradise and prison (or hell in other words). Hell is a waiting place for those who have passed who have not had the opportunity to accept and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paradise is a where the righteous wait. All will await the judegement of our Savior.
What is your definition of faith?
Great strategy by putting my Q back on you… Famous scripture, “Faith without works is dead.” Faith has to be accompanied by action. In this specific case, it would mean actively searching for the true religion together with mighty prayer and supplication.
No, because they all have their faith in the same man you do.
Im not sure what your point is…

I have faith in Christ and I don’t know that it would be correct to say he is a man. I think I know what you are saying though.
Great strategy by putting my Q back on you… Famous scripture, “Faith without works is dead.” Faith has to be accompanied by action. In this specific case, it would mean actively searching for the true religion together with mighty prayer and supplication.
Now you can answer the original question: Are you saying that faith is not enough to know which Church is the true Church of Christ?
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