OK, I Am Confused. Do Mormons Believe In The Trinity?

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Well that’s a problem because before the big bang, the universe and therefore time, did not exist. But, JS didn’t know that. He obviously believed the common scientific misconception at the time of a static universe.

Incidentally, once the big bang theory was proven it was a big blow to the atheistic scientific community because it put a definitive time frame on the expansion/development of the universe and evolution. The big bang makes it much more likely that the universe was created by an intelligence.
Too bad the big bang has never been proven, and is now fallen into the realm of scientific dogma–along with global warming and evolution. Science as a religion is a scary thing.

T, we don’t need religion to agree with science. If we are faithful, eventually science will come to agree with true religion!

Thanks for the response. This is my source: Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith - Section Six 1843-44, p.345

In order to understand the subject of the dead, for consolation of those who mourn for the loss of their friends, it is necessary we should understand the character and being of God and how he came to be so; for I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see.”

Section Six 1843-44, p.345

These are incomprehensible ideas to some, but they are simple. It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the Character of God, and to know that we may converse with him as one man converses with another, and that he was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did; and I will show it from the Bible.”

Now I would wager that we are fallible" and therefore if god was once like us, then if follows that god was, at one time, fallible.

Meanwhile, I didn’t get where JS ‘showed this from the Bible’. I suspect that you may help there!

Let me help. We claim nothing more or less than this: That God was once like Jesus Christ and that Jesus was able to take his body from the grave and be resurrected because he saw how the Father had done it before him. We do not, nor would we ever, say that God was once a sinner or fallible or however you want to describe it.

Also, the quote Joseph referenced from the Bible was this one (Section Six 1843-44, p.346):
19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. (John 5:19)
Let me help. We claim nothing more or less than this: That God was once like Jesus Christ and that Jesus was able to take his body from the grave and be resurrected because he saw how the Father had done it before him. We do not, nor would we ever, say that God was once a sinner or fallible or however you want to describe it.

Also, the quote Joseph referenced from the Bible was this one (Section Six 1843-44, p.346):
So God was a Jesus Christ of another planet?
Too bad the big bang has never been proven, and is now fallen into the realm of scientific dogma–along with global warming and evolution. Science as a religion is a scary thing.

T, we don’t need religion to agree with science. If we are faithful, eventually science will come to agree with true religion!
So eventually science will find one city, one road, one coin, one weapon, one pot, ANYTHING from the BOM? Faith need not be divorced from reason, you can walk the streets of Jerusalem, visit the sites where Jesus walked, taught and died. Nothing, not one single thing, can be found from the BOM.
Yes, when I was LDS (in the 70’s and 80’s) I was taught that Elohim (Heavenly Father) was the Christ of another world. That would necessarily mean that Elohim led a sinless life as Jesus did.

Imagine then my surprise when just a few years ago I read in the Gospel Principles manual:

This last part of the quote makes it sound like Elohim was a sinner who “succeeded” in gaining salvation and exaltation. With Jesus, at least from the Christian POV, there was never a possibility that Jesus could not have succeeded because Jesus is fully God as well as fully man. Jesus was God before, during and after his earthly life. From the Mormon POV, Elohim was not God (or a god) until after he “succeeded” in his earth life. After that, according to Joseph Smith, Elohim became God.
I’m glad you brought that up. I teach Gospel Essentials in my ward, and I agree that that particular statement is misleading. I didn’t like it the first time I read, because of the very thing that it implies and that is not consistent with Joseph Smith’s full King Follett Sermon. You will probably be aware that manuals in the LDS church are usually done by committee, who seek inspiration but who may not get everything perfectly right. God is perfect, but man is not; therefore, what I have said on these threads about doctrine needing to have come from either the scriptures or the united written words of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles is a true principle in terms of phrases such as that one.

Here are some pertinent quotes from the King Follett Sermon from TJPJS, pp. 346-347:

“He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did; and I will show it from the Bible.
…What did Jesus say? …Jesus, what are you going to do? To lay down my life as my Father did, and take it up again.”

A footnote (by Joseph Fielding Smith) notes the scripture in John 5:19. There is also a related passage in John 10:18. They say:

5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth:

10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Back to the King Follett Sermon:
“…What did Jesus do? Why, I do the things I saw my Father do, when worlds came rolling into existence. My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same;”

From these quotes, Paul, I think it is clear that Joseph Smith was saying that Jesus did what the Father did when the Father was a “man”–which would be consistent with saying that the Father lived a perfect, sinless life when he “dwelt on an earth.” Whether the Father was also a Savior to a prior “universe”, could be inferred but I don’t think the sermon necessarily infers that.

So I think that the Gospel Principles manual should be modified slightly to either take out the sentence you highlighted, or to explain better what Joseph Smith said.

It is so important to understand that what the Savior did in the pre-mortal world was unimaginably selfless. He understood that (1) He himself could go to an earth, live a sinless life, return to His Father in Heaven spotless and thus “glorify” His Father by having gone through the temptations of mortality and the sicknesses and frustrations of mortality yet living perfectly every second of His life. He also understood that (2) not one of us, His much younger spirit brothers and sisters, could have any possibility of going to an earth and living a sinless life, so we could not return and live in the Father’s presence, because God the Father’s nature is that nothing imperfect can be in His presence without “burning” or being “cast out” of His presence.

So Jesus offered His own life on earth, knowing He would have to suffer incredible pain in the atonement and the crucifixion, yet He was willing to do so because of His perfect love for us and His faith in His own transcendent capability to suffer that infinite amount of suffering. He knew that the eternal law of equity or justice dictated that sins must have an offsetting punishment. Even every little mistake of anger or misjudging people (like I did with you some time back) must weigh in a balance and receive a punishment for that mistake–something we could never do for ourselves and still return to the Father’s presence clean and pure.

I hope you have been able to follow this. Have a wonderful day, sincerely. We of course are enjoying General Conference, the best one I ever remember in my life as far as every talk being superb.
I think the leaders of the day did understand Jesus’ claim. What they misunderstood was that it could be true.. I think Erich’s point is a good one. The angst Jesus caused was based on a claim far more substantial than one of being on the same page as the Father.
Jesus was not saying He was “on the same page as the Father.” He was saying, “I AM that I AM”–I am Jehovah, God with you (“us”), and I am here to fulfill Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 11 and Isaiah 55 and many other scriptures that you (the Jewish rabbis and scholars) are looking to be fulfilled. I am the Very One you have been looking for.

Of course they rejected Him. He not only threatened their leadership role among the people, but He was essentially saying they didn’t really understand the “law and the prophets”. It made them as mad as could be. This is why they tried to discredit His every word.
So eventually science will find one city, one road, one coin, one weapon, one pot, ANYTHING from the BOM? Faith need not be divorced from reason, you can walk the streets of Jerusalem, visit the sites where Jesus walked, taught and died. Nothing, not one single thing, can be found from the BOM.
Many Catholics say they have revelation in their life. If so, they would understand the principle at work. God will not prove the Book of Mormon by archeology or science. He gave the world the Bible, and what has the world done with it? Made many different religions from it; many scholars of today are refuting its validity (I don’t join them at all). They are saying archeology shows they are right. I say their “evidence” is incorrect.

The way God works with humankind is to allow us to find only as much truths as we are willing to go out of our way to find, whether in the Bible or in logic or even in true science. The Book of Mormon is given to humankind to help us turn a key to understand personal revelation in our lives, to help us. It would be inconsistent with that purpose for God to have allowed archeological evidences to “prove” that the Book of Mormon is a true historical record.

One must humble oneself, read, study, ponder, read some more, and pray fervently, sincerely, about whether Joseph Smith wrote that book (or some other person or people, but do adequate research before asking a conjectural question) or whether it contains truth that God wants that person to know.

I’m not saying you should, but I am saying you could if you wanted, sincerely.
The Letter speaks of deeds; Allegory to faith;
The Moral how to act; Anagogy our destiny

None of these are divorced from reason. Christ Himself provided evidence of Who He Is, many times over. His body is resurrected with His wounds. Why do think this is? Does St. Thomas come to mind?

“Let us reason together”, are the words of St. Paul. Faith without reason is zealotry. Reason without faith is atheism. The two work together.
So God was a Jesus Christ of another planet?
I don’t know the full implications of that scripture. However, I do know that God the Father showed Jesus Christ by personal example how to bring about the resurrection from the dead. For it had never been done before on this earth. That is why the scripture says that Christ was the “firstfuits of them that slept.” (1 Corinthians 15:20)

In order for God to show Jesus how to rise from the dead, he had to have died before. That means he would have had to be mortal before. That is about as much as we can deduce from that scripture and about as much as Joseph Smith chose to share with us concerning the subject.
So eventually science will find one city, one road, one coin, one weapon, one pot, ANYTHING from the BOM? Faith need not be divorced from reason, you can walk the streets of Jerusalem, visit the sites where Jesus walked, taught and died. Nothing, not one single thing, can be found from the BOM.
That is nothing more than wishful thinking from a threatened religion. Thousands of pieces of archeological, anthropological, geological, zoological, and geographical evidence had been compiled and verified. I have seen some of this evidence, but I don’t know that this forum is the place to elaborate on such things. Sincere faith, as you know from your religion, must come first.

On the other hand, if Joseph Smith was nothing but an ignorant farm boy from New England, why has there not been any scientific evidence to DISprove the Book of Mormon? How miraculous would that be that Joseph accidentally got so many things right?

You cannot explain away the Book of Mormon and over 25 million people who have accepted it by saying it is a devious work of fiction.
Your god only knows what he has experienced?
I’m not sure who all knows. But Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost would know also since the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one God.
On the other hand, if Joseph Smith was nothing but an ignorant farm boy from New England, why has there not been any scientific evidence to DISprove the Book of Mormon?
DNA, archaeology, anthropology…all are evidence that disproved the BoM.
How miraculous would that be that Joseph accidentally got so many things right?
What did he get right that wasn’t already common knowledge?
You cannot explain away the Book of Mormon and over 25 million people who have accepted it by saying it is a devious work of fiction.
You cannot explain away 2000 years of Christianity and billions of people who have accepted the One Triune God, just by saying “apostasy”.
“Let us reason together”, are the words of St. Paul. Faith without reason is zealotry. Reason without faith is atheism. The two work together.
I like that. However, Mormons would replace the word reason with testimony. Testimony is what we know to be true by several means including personal witness and reason.
DNA, archaeology, anthropology…all are evidence that disproved the BoM.
Really? Again, wishful thinking.
What did he get right that wasn’t already common knowledge?
I think in order to even begin such a discussion, you would have to actually read the book. I cannot even begin to explain all of the things that the Book of Mormon gets right. Every page, every verse, every phrase leads a man to believe on Jesus Christ. You must read the book to know that anything that leads a man to Christ is good.
You cannot explain away 2000 years of Christianity and billions of people who have accepted the One Triune God, just by saying “apostasy”.
No, but I can explain 1400 years and an extensive period of darkness in world history and a sad amount of Church-sponsored violence and war and false doctrine as well as the splintering of Christianity into a million pieces.

If the Catholic Church was truly the steward of Christianity over the past two millennia, what a pathetic and slothful steward she has been. In fact, it is only in the last couple of centuries that Catholicism has even cared to try to fully align themselves with the scriptures.
No, but I can explain 1400 years and an extensive period of darkness in world history and a sad amount of Church-sponsored violence and war and false doctrine as well as the splintering of Christianity into a million pieces.

If the Catholic Church was truly the steward of Christianity over the past two millennia, what a pathetic and slothful steward she has been. In fact, it is only in the last couple of centuries that Catholicism has even cared to try to fully align themselves with the scriptures.
I see. Your anti-Catholicism notwithstanding, I do encourage you to study these topics. Not just take what your church and your prejudices have given you.
I see. Your anti-Catholicism notwithstanding, I do encourage you to study these topics. Not just take what your church and your prejudices have given you.
I am not anti-Catholic at all. I think the Catholic Church does enormous good in the world and is an asset to people of all faiths in the war against atheism and the anti-Christian movement. But the Catholic Church has not always been that way.

I have seen first hand the effects of Catholicism on the South American culture where idolatry and the iron hand of the church are so prevalent you would not recognize your own religion. I am sorry to say that American Catholics have a very different version of Catholicism than much of the rest of the world.
Mormons no they do not believe in the Trinity as Christians do, so the answer to you question is NO.
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