On the religion of Islam

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As you may know, the Qur’an designates Christians (and Jews) as ‘People of the Book’. This is an honorific title. They are never referred to as ‘unbelievers’. This is why a Muslim man - who may not marry an unbeliever - may marry a Christian or Jewish woman. Moreover, she enjoys an absolute right not only to retain her Faith, but to practise it. My wife, for example, is a Catholic.

Muslims are certainly allowed to defend themselves when attacked…or to act in defense of another. This can involve lethal force…but only when such is absolutely unavoidable. The right of self-defence ceases the moment the threat ceases. This right - and related conditions - applies to every citizen in my country (UK).

May the Exalted bless you.
What is the point in trying to refute Islam ? Trying to refute a world religion would be like someone else in those other religions trying to argue and or refute Christianity to those Devout Catholics who slap on the blinders and march along with out question and scream bloody murder to anyone who thinks otherwise an tells them how they are either going to hell or purgatory. It just becomes pointless stale mate. The only option is to maintain some kind of peace an let things fall where they may.

( p.s I went from slightly annoyed at getting the flags, to just not caring about it any more, for my flag fans out there. an when I don’t reply to a comment it isn’t because the person bested me, it is because I just didn’t care enough to follow the conversation nor cared about responses. )
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The late, great Catholic historian Hilaire Belloc classifies Islam as a Christian heresy in his book The Great Heresies. He devoted an entire chapter to it in the book.

He wrote it in 1937 and accurately predicted the rise of Islam in the late 20th century. Great book.
Lots of people take that route. Dante placed important founders of Islam in the circle of heretics.
That’s right. I forgot about that (and I have the book too! 😣)
But wouldnt Allah want me in the faith he created and not worshipping a false God?
But wouldnt Allah want me in the faith he created and not worshipping a false God?
Relax, don’t worry…you are in a Faith He created…so am I.

'We have assigned a law and a path to each of you. If God had so willed, He would have made you one community, but He wanted to test you through that which He has given you, so race to do good: you will all return to God and He will make clear to you the matters you differed about.’ (Al-Ma’ida: 48)

There is only one God, by the way. It really doesn’t do to insult Him by calling Him false.

Race to do good, and may the Exalted help you along your way.
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No im talking about Jesus, since im Catholic wouldnt He want me to worship him instead of The Holy Trinity, which would be idoltary?
Relax, don’t worry…you are in a Faith He created…so am I.
That would require God to be internally inconsistent, and self-contradictory. It would require Him to have no consistent internal logic.

Your understanding of God may allow for that kind of irrationality, but ours does not.
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Relax, don’t worry…you are in a Faith He created…so am I.
how could God create two faiths that believe direct opposites?

The question is…

is Jesus God or isn’t He?

St Paul warns about a faith created by an angel
Galatians 1:7-9 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

7 not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are troubling you and want to change the good news[a] about the Messiah. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than what we have preached to you, a curse be on him![b] 9 As we have said before, I now say again: If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to what you received, a curse be on him!
Islam’s God is not false. Their understanding of Him is.

That is a matter of opinion. I do not expect you to state otherwise, after all, you are not a Muslim; nor a Jew; nor a Unitarian!

The Exalted is neither inconsistent, nor contradictory (as some might suppose, from what I have written above). It is people who behave in this manner…who add innovations to that which He has revealed. I acknowledge, of course, that those who accept these innovations do so in good conscience, and act accordingly. Some of the finest people I know, and have known…and loved…do…or once did…just that. Their reward is promised, and certain.

To you be your path, Salibi, and to me, mine. Strive to do good, and in the end, we: 'Will all return to God and He will make clear to (us) the matters (we) differed about.’ (Al-Ma’ida: 48).

May the Exalted guide you on your way.
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Hello Niblo,

I thought you might find this offensive. Sincere apologies. I did think, however, that your offense would be mitigated by your understanding that I, as a Christian, certainly don’t believe in Islamic doctrine about the nature of God.

As for the Trinity being an innovation, we have to agree to disagree.

However, this disagreement does not mean I believe you are an evil person, or that you are destined to Hell. I am not God, and it’s not my place to contemplate the place of another’s soul.

Lord bless you.
Hello Niblo,

I thought you might find this offensive. Sincere apologies. I did think, however, that your offense would be mitigated by your understanding that I, as a Christian, certainly don’t believe in Islamic doctrine about the nature of God.

As for the Trinity being an innovation, we have to agree to disagree.

However, this disagreement does not mean I believe you are an evil person, or that you are destined to Hell. I am not God, and it’s not my place to contemplate the place of another’s soul.

Lord bless you.
Bless you, Salibi, but I am not in the least bit offended. I apologise for making you think so. You speak what is in your heart, and you do so with love and conviction. This is very much to your credit, and I would have it no other way.

I am a guest in a Catholic forum. It is not my desire to offend my hosts by attacking their beliefs. As you say, there are matters about which we must agree to disagree. Bear in mind that my wife…and her family…are Catholics. She and I agree to disagree quite a few times in the normal course of events!

Be at peace. May the Exalted bless you and your family, and bring each of you to Himself.
Christians and muslims have diffrent gods, they are a diffrent substance/essence
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