On the religion of Islam

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Before taking a string stance of no, at least read it
The thing is, Catholics are not allowed to “take a stance of no”, since that is contrary to Church teaching.

We don’t become better Catholics by taking a harsher stance on something, we become Catholics contradicting Church teaching.
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Am not aware on any official Church teaching that the Islam God and the Christian God are the same. I do realize that Popes and others have certainly implied that is the case. If I am wrong, I would be glad to hear it. BTW, I do think they are the same God. If a misunderstanding of God means we worship different Gods, then one would have to hold the Jews worship a different God than we. But that would be historically absurd.
If one accepts that God is infinite, is the creator of all things, exists in eternity, it is the same God, just misunderstandings.
Am not aware on any official Church teaching
Do check the Catechism.

I was not implying that you believed Muslims and Christians worshipped different Gods, I was merely building on your post to point something out. Apologies for any misunderstanding.
Ok, just did. You are correct. Thanks. Paragraph 841 for anyone who is curious.
It says they "profess to hold the faith of Abraham.” “The faith of Abraham” involves more than simply acknowledging that God is one.
Also its not against logic, thomist thought which the church is built on says things that have essences that are diffrent from one an other are diffrent things all together
The Church’s relationship with the Muslims . "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day."330

…together with us they adore the one merciful God.
There object of adoration is the God of abhram but its still a diffrent substance therefore a diffrent god.
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Read the blog post by Fesser I posted earlier. Fesser is certainly a Thomist, and he makes a very convincing case for them being the same. A quote:
Now, say what you will about Islam, it does not make of God something essentially creaturely. That God is absolutely metaphysically ultimate, is that from which all else derives, that which not only does not have but could not in principle have had a cause of his own, etc. is something Muslim theology understands clearly. Hence from a Christian point of view Muslims clearly must be regarded as like Jews and Arians rather than like Mormons. They are in error about the Trinity , but not in error about divinity as such .
Yes both Catholics and Muslims worship God the Father, but not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, thus both don’t worship the Trinity, correct?

How do Muslims regard Jesus?
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There object of adoration is the God of abhram but its still a diffrent substance therefore a diffrent god
Please seek out a priest to help you form a correct understanding of Thomist thought. You are applying it to a situation that doesn’t call for it to be applied to.
Yes both Catholics and Muslims worship God the Father, but not God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, thus both don’t worship the Trinity, corre
God is Trinity, even if the Muslims don’t believe so. He doesn’t change. Therefore, even when Muslims think they are not worshipping the Trinity, they really are, since the Trinity doesn’t change based on whether you believe in it or not.

Islam sees Jesus as a prophet, one of the greatest, but less than Muhammad. They also don’t believe he is the son of God.
Your quote from feser doesnt prove your claim, it just proves they hold belief in a supreme being
E Michael Jones said something along the lines of Catechism but went further - said that Islam is closer to Christianity than Judaism. His rationale was that both Islam and Catholicism believe in God the Father and Islam views Jesus as at least a Prophet whereas Judaism does not and (via the Talmud) has very unflattering verses on Jesus which I can’t repeat in this thread or would violate forum rules.
even when Muslims think they are not worshipping the Trinity, they really are
Islam sees Jesus as a prophet,
I see a contradiction there. They can’t simultaneously see Jesus as a mere prophet and worship the Trinity. I don’t understand what you mean by “they are worshipping the Trinity since the Trinity doesn’t change whether you believe it or not”…can you expand on that?
Actually it proves more than that. It shows the essense of God. That would be Fesser’s point. Did you read the whole article? Tell me why you do not believe they are the same God, if you don’t mind.
Yes, I have heard that argument. We believe Jesus is Priest, Prophet, and King. Jews believe none of that. Muslims believe he is a prophet. Belloc held that Islam started out as a heresy of Christianity.
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