I want to share something that happened to me a few days ago. I was thinking about whether I should start regularly attending a Catholic Church, or stay in the Protestant church with my family. While thinking, I heard a voice telling me three distinct messages: “Go there” (meaning the Catholic Church), “Stay there” and “You are wanted.” Then, I had a vision that I was under water, and Jesus was reaching down to help me out. I have never experienced something like this before, ever. It was so powerful. Although the message is clear, I still don’t know what to make of it. I went to Mass this morning (I also went on Ash Wednesday and on Friday). Since the incident on Thursday, I feel…lighter. I should make a habit of weekly Mass attendance, but I would feel a bit selfish doing something just for myself instead of taking my family to a church that appeals to everyone. I don’t know what to do next, but I am feeling more sure of myself.
My question is, do you think I should share this with my local parish priest?
Also, if I start attend Mass regularly, I am bound to eventually run into issues with my very Protestant in-laws regarding things such as what religion my daughter will be raised in. How should I handle this?