That never happens. What really happens is those who see something that supports their ideology pass it on, it goes viral, and the misinformation spreads. There is no “rigorous analysis”. When have you ever rigorously analyzed a claim by the Trump propaganda machine to see if you can poke holes in it before you post it?
If the left and the media seriously and honestly analyzed what Trump claimed and stated it wouldn’t be the job of individuals to correct the false impressions left by the media.
Besides, it is, in an adversarial debate, your job to legitimately “poke holes” in what he claims and my job to poke holes in what you claim. Why should I do your job for you?
To prove that the media is basically a conspiratorial arm of the Democratic Party and leftism, in general, Project Veritas is releasing audio clips of the morning planning sessions of CNN.
If it was ever doubted that CNN is nothing like a credible news or evidence bearing service, the cat is now out of the bag. They simply have a narrative and judiciously follow predesigned scripts, adapting their reporting on current events to suit their narrative.
Ergo, your point that “…those [i.e., CNN] who see something that supports their ideology pass it on, it goes viral, and the misinformation spreads…” applies quite perfectly to CNN. The audio proves it.
Your complaint basically boils down to being upset that the narrative you have bought into for years is unravelling because it is being seriously questioned. Sometimes incorrectly, but more often for very good reasons.
Instead of just calling out what you don’t agree with “misinformation” try seriously proving that it is.
Currently, my takeaway is that anything you agree with politically is true and accurate and anything you don’t is “opinion” and “misinformation.”
Must be nice to be so certain of your apprehension of the political world around you.