Only 31 deaths of children under age 15 involving COVID-19. Common flu-related child deaths from 37 to 187 during regular flu season. Should Governors

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Well, as to methods, we do rely on individual responsibility. If the governor of a given state orders various things for the public good, those measures are followed.

However, we are not all that comparable as nations because of the much more intense concentration of 10X the population in about the same area. As well, freezing temperatures are now realized in most of the northern states. The result is practically inevitable.
Well, as to methods, we do rely on individual responsibility. If the governor of a given state orders various things for the public good, those measures are followed.
So do you have free 24hr testing? Contact tracing? Quarantine? Limits on crowd sizes? Limits to how many you can have at home? Limits to the number of people in bars and restaurants? Restrictions on travel?

What have you got where you live that’s been put in place to reduce the severity of covid?
You see subsidiarity in effect. State orders must be followed - but not if you are rioting or looting. Then, there are zero restrictions on mob size or social distancing. Otherwise, we do what our good liberal governor suggests or orders. Masks in public. Social distancing.

I have had a transplanted and chemically suppressed immune system for the past 5 years. Due to that suppression, it is not strong enough to generate antibodies to the disease. I live pretty much in seclusion so very little of this actually applies to me.
However, we are not all that comparable as nations because of the much more intense concentration of 10X the population in about the same area. As well, freezing temperatures are now realized in most of the northern states. The result is practically inevitable.
That’s not true. When you consider the urban areas and populations, cities like Sydney and L.A. are almost identical in density. Global Human Settlement - Global definition of cities, urban and rural areas - European Commission. And I’ve driven many thousands of miles across the States - there’s a whole lot of not very much between the larger cities.

And the winter in Sydney is colder than the winter in L.A. Drive 5 hours south of Sydney and you have the biggest ski field in the southern hemisphere.
You see subsidiarity in effect. State orders must be followed - but not if you are rioting or looting. Then, there are zero restrictions on mob size or social distancing. Otherwise, we do what our good liberal governor suggests or orders. Masks in public. Social distancing.
So no 24 hour free testing and no contact tracing. Recommendations on social distancing but no limits on customer densities in bars and restaurants. Travel wherever you like and no quarantine when you return. No limits on numbers at your home.

And you sound a bit peeved that your governor has suggested/mandated/ordered/mentioned-it-might-be-a-good-idea to wear a mask.

No wonder you guys are in trouble. And all you seem to want to do is actually and exactly what you accuse others of doing - politicize it. To the extent that you feel the need to describe your governor who makes a reasonable suggestion as a liberal and throw in some lootin’ and riotin’.
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No excess deaths from Covid found in new study.
Do you think it would be the same if less was done to protect those groups from infection? Can you imagine the efforts being taken to reduce their chances of contracting covid might also lower their rate of catching other illnesses too?
Can you edit the last post to include some details of what’s being done to protect Americans where you live?
Perhaps you can explain your continued trust in big tech and the news media in light of the fact that Twitter, for example, will not censor or fact check the clearly doctored propaganda photo by China, of the Australian soldier cutting the throat of a young child, but wantonly censors and throttles anything that goes against the Democratic Party’s socialist aims.

This is precisely why I distrust news organizations and big tech. They are engaging in a propaganda war against anything that jeopardizes certain left leaning and socialist political views.

Since you are thoroughly convinced and set in those views it would be a waste of time discussing the differences.

There is clear evidence that lockdowns and masks are ineffective in halting the spread of Covid. There are a huge number of variables that make the situation in Australia different than the US. Not the least of which is that you are now moving into your summer season while it us just the opposite up here. The temps and humidity are becoming ideal for the spread of the virus. Piggy backing on that fact by politicians pretending their measures actually have any effect is part of the propaganda.

In our area masks were mandated in late September and the numbers of positive cases have skyrocketed since. If the corrolation to mask wearing is pointed out, the response is the numbers would have been far higher without masks. Right like that is provable? The propositions are unfalsifiable but pushed by appeals to fear and security. We have become a society of cowards and the overlords have noticed that fact and use it to manipulate to their end goals, with China and its supporters being the benefactors.

Your political persuasions have been made clear which is why I have no need to try to dissuade you from them. I only respond to have an impact on other readers.

Twitter’s alignment with China against western democracy is pretty clear from how it is dealing with the photo of the soldier. This, along with their actions regarding the election and H.Biden’s laptop leave no doubt regarding their allegiances. Global socialism is the end goal and the tech and monied oligarchs are behind the propaganda and the “epidemic.” Note how China is not enduring a second wave.
No excess deaths from Covid found in new study.
Do you think it would be the same if less was done to protect those groups from infection? Can you imagine the efforts being taken to reduce their chances of contracting covid might also lower their rate of catching other illnesses too?
I can also imagine that mandating masks to a society that uses then carelessly is more likely to make masks a nexus of virus and germ spread.

That is the problem with “imagining” rather than establishing by evidence. People can imagine anything which leaves us all open to all kinds of orchestrated manipulation, which is the case now.

It is not about what is determinably good for well-being. It is about manipulation of large sectors of the population achieve poltical ends.

The pandemic and climate catastrophe are the two bogies used to initiate the worst public policies imaginable because the alternatives are so catastrophic to the imaginations of the manipulated population.
Anyway, the article has been retracted because the editors realized it was being misinterpreted to spread dangerous misinformation.
Nah, it has been retracted because everything has been politicized by the left and big tech who will not permit anything that goes against the narrative that we are being coerced and bullied to accept.
This wasn’t a Twitter or Facebook takedown. This was a local decision by the John Hopkins editors to retract the article for the reasons they cited. No need to invent a boogey man here!
“Reasons” can always be provided. Why not leave the article up in public view to be scrutinized and its faults established by rigorous analysis rather than rush to save face against the woke, the left and cancel culture? Fear.

We are being propagandized and a feature of that process is the intensity of fear of going against the narrative and being called out for non-compliance.

I much preferred the society of former times when mistakes were pointed out and everyone carried on in earnest search for the truth without being maligned and ostracized for wrong-think.

You can have this new culture of fear, ostracism and personal attacks on those who do not fully buy in to the politics.
In short, I prefer to be one of the deplorables who are viewed as “disgusting” (your word) by those in the privileged class. This is the society you and those who are like-minded are building: that “right think” alone is permitted.

No thanks.

Soon the number of “permissibles” will grow progressively smaller and smaller and turn against each other. The French Revolution should be kept firmly in mind in your rush to silence, ban and force compliance.
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Why not leave the article up in public view to be scrutinized…
They did - in their archive. I left out that part of the editor’s response because it exceeded the character limit for my posting and I had to cut something, so I cut that.
and its faults established by rigorous analysis
That never happens. What really happens is those who see something that supports their ideology pass it on, it goes viral, and the misinformation spreads. There is no “rigorous analysis”. When have you ever rigorously analyzed a claim by the Trump propaganda machine to see if you can poke holes in it before you post it? If you do, you are the exception, from the trash I see on Facebook and Twitter.
I much preferred the society of former times when mistakes were pointed out and everyone carried on in earnest search for the truth
Those times never existed. It has always been the case that lies spread faster than the truth.
Global socialism is the end goal and the tech and monied oligarchs are behind the propaganda and the “epidemic.” Note how China is not enduring a second wave.
So I keep asking what precautions are being taken (I can’t be bothered to keep listing possibilities) and the answer seems to be…none. Not only that, but your every post is nothing but a political statement on the crisis. Big tech is behind it. China as well. Monied oligarchs. The media. The Dems. Good grief, you could cut ‘n’ paste your posts between covid and the election and no-one would notice. You even put epidemic in scare quotes…

400,000. That’s my next estimate of the number of deaths. It was a quarter of a million back when this started (you can check the post if you can find it). But having read more (including posts in this forum) and I can’t see that there’s any way to stop it passing that figure. I originally thought that a vaccine would stop it in its tracks but what with ‘big tech’ and who knows who else is behind the plot to get you all to submit to a jab there’s fat chance of that happening.

Maybe a tin foil hat will help.
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That never happens. What really happens is those who see something that supports their ideology pass it on, it goes viral, and the misinformation spreads. There is no “rigorous analysis”. When have you ever rigorously analyzed a claim by the Trump propaganda machine to see if you can poke holes in it before you post it?

If the left and the media seriously and honestly analyzed what Trump claimed and stated it wouldn’t be the job of individuals to correct the false impressions left by the media.

Besides, it is, in an adversarial debate, your job to legitimately “poke holes” in what he claims and my job to poke holes in what you claim. Why should I do your job for you?

To prove that the media is basically a conspiratorial arm of the Democratic Party and leftism, in general, Project Veritas is releasing audio clips of the morning planning sessions of CNN.

If it was ever doubted that CNN is nothing like a credible news or evidence bearing service, the cat is now out of the bag. They simply have a narrative and judiciously follow predesigned scripts, adapting their reporting on current events to suit their narrative.

Ergo, your point that “…those [i.e., CNN] who see something that supports their ideology pass it on, it goes viral, and the misinformation spreads…” applies quite perfectly to CNN. The audio proves it.

Your complaint basically boils down to being upset that the narrative you have bought into for years is unravelling because it is being seriously questioned. Sometimes incorrectly, but more often for very good reasons.

Instead of just calling out what you don’t agree with “misinformation” try seriously proving that it is.

Currently, my takeaway is that anything you agree with politically is true and accurate and anything you don’t is “opinion” and “misinformation.”

Must be nice to be so certain of your apprehension of the political world around you. 😎
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If the left and the media seriously and honestly analyzed what Trump claimed and stated it wouldn’t be the job of individuals to correct the false impressions left by the media.

Besides, it is, in an adversarial debate, your job to legitimately “poke holes” in what he claims and my job to poke holes in what you claim. Why should I do your job for you?
For your own protection against embarrassment over stating an argument that is way too easy to poke holes in. I do the same. I don’t want to be embarrassed, so I try to look at my arguments they way an adversary would before I put them out there for everyone to see.

But we weren’t talking about a 1-on-1 debate. We were talking about the wisdom (or lack of it) of leaving misinformation prominently displayed so that, as you put it, “its faults can be established by rigourous analysis.” I repeat that when that is done, those who like what the misinformation says will take it and run with it elsewhere, spreading it around. They will not wait around for critics to point out the faults. It is well known that lies travel faster than the truth. Great damage is done by leaving lies on general display.
To prove that the media is basically a conspiratorial arm of the Democratic Party and leftism, in general, Project Veritas is releasing audio clips of the morning planning sessions of CNN.
Conversely, Project Veritas can easily be proven to be a conspiratorial arm of the extreme right.
If the left and the media seriously and honestly analyzed what Trump claimed and stated it wouldn’t be the job of individuals to correct the false impressions left by the media.
I haven’t read anything over the last couple of weeks that hasn’t analysed what Trump has been saying recently.

I knew I was going to enjoy seeing him being beaten. But the fact that he won’t accept it just adds to the enjoyment of seeing him lose. It’s almost like watching it in slo mo. It’s astonishingly entertaining. For an outsider of course. But my sympathies go out to America as a whole for all the collaterall damage being caused.
If the left and the media seriously and honestly analyzed what Trump claimed and stated it wouldn’t be the job of individuals to correct the false impressions left by the media.

Besides, it is, in an adversarial debate, your job to legitimately “poke holes” in what he claims and my job to poke holes in what you claim. Why should I do your job for you?
For your own protection against embarrassment over stating an argument that is way too easy to poke holes in. I do the same. I don’t want to be embarrassed, so I try to look at my arguments they way an adversary would before I put them out there for everyone to see.

But we weren’t talking about a 1-on-1 debate. We were talking about the wisdom (or lack of it) of leaving misinformation prominently displayed so that, as you put it, “its faults can be established by rigourous analysis.” I repeat that when that is done, those who like what the misinformation says will take it and run with it elsewhere, spreading it around. They will not wait around for critics to point out the faults. It is well known that lies travel faster than the truth. Great damage is done by leaving lies on general display.
To prove that the media is basically a conspiratorial arm of the Democratic Party and leftism, in general, Project Veritas is releasing audio clips of the morning planning sessions of CNN.
Conversely, Project Veritas can easily be proven to be a conspiratorial arm of the extreme right.
Your own conspiracy theorizing is coming unraveled.

I recall months ago a great deal of your opining about the dangers of hydroxycloroquine defending those on your ideological side. There were two medical papers cited in NEJM and Lanset regarding the dangers of HCQ on the human heart. Both those were withdrawn after being shown to be, not merely mistaken, but fraudulent. (Speaking of “lies travel faster than the truth.”)

In a testimony before the Senate that attempt to delegitimize HCQ has now been called “criminal” on the part of that segment of the medical community that published those papers.

There is conspiracy theorizing happening everywhere, perhaps because there are actual conspiracies occurring?

That is why full disclosure and complete pursuit of evidence is necessary. Anyone who prematurely dismisses that complete pursuit of the evidence on the pretext of “conspiracy theory” should be suspected as complicit in conspiracy.

It is time for full transparency and no cover ups, deflections or plausible denials until a full and complete investigation into political ends and the media’s role in covering up evidence is torn wide open.

Your pointing at one side alone as engaging in conspiracy theorizing while you rant about “a conspiratorial arm of the extreme right” is, frankly, hilarious.
I recall months ago a great deal of your opining about the dangers of hydroxycloroquine defending those on your ideological side.
No, I was opining on the lack of evidence of effectiveness. Others may have made a big deal about the dangers. I didn’t.
Both those were withdrawn after being shown to be, not merely mistaken, but fraudulent.
No, just mistaken.
In a testimony before the Senate that attempt to delegitimize HCQ has now been called “criminal”
Anyone can call things “criminal” in testimony. That doesn’t mean it is.
There is conspiracy theorizing happening everywhere, perhaps because there are actual conspiracies occurring?
“Look! Look! I’ve got theory. I’ve said it so many times, there must be something to it!”
There is conspiracy theorizing happening everywhere, perhaps because there are actual conspiracies occurring?
I’m afraid that too many people look at that theory in a slightly different way: There is conspiracy theorising happening everywhere, therefore there must be actual conspiracies.

It’s a leaf out of Giuliani’s playbook.
There is conspiracy theorizing happening everywhere, perhaps because there are actual conspiracies occurring?
I’m afraid that too many people look at that theory in a slightly different way: There is conspiracy theorising happening everywhere, therefore there must be actual conspiracies.

It’s a leaf out of Giuliani’s playbook.
No, actually. It is a play out of the Dem playbook from four years ago alleging a Trump-Russia Conspiracy for the past four years.

It is only now after years of Dems projecting their own doings onto Trump and Republicans that it is becoming clear that whatever leading Democrats accuse Trump of, that is precisely what they are to be credibly suspected of.

2016 Conspiracy: Trump won by Russia interfering in the election.

2020 Conspiracy: Biden won by a whole lot of election interference by various actors yet to be completely sussed out.
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