Only 31 deaths of children under age 15 involving COVID-19. Common flu-related child deaths from 37 to 187 during regular flu season. Should Governors

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2020 Conspiracy: Biden won by a whole lot of election interference by various actors yet to be completely sussed out.
I thought this was already sussed out. Big tech, China, central Democratic cabal, the media, Dominion, Venezuela and Chavez, the governor of Georgia…did I miss anyone out? So all we need is the evidence to tie all this together. How’s that going so far?

Guiliani’s pulling out all the stops. We have video of one of his star witnesses here:

The judge in one of the cases said she is in no way credible. I don’t know what gave him that idea. Just watch a few minutes and take on board that she is someone that Giuliani has considered to be a great example of the ‘evidence’ he has. Tell me it’s not embarressing.

At what point do you realise how much of a farce this?
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2020 Conspiracy: Biden won by a whole lot of election interference by various actors yet to be completely sussed out.
I thought this was already sussed out. Big tech, China, central Democratic cabal, the media, Dominion, Venezuela and Chavez, the governor of Georgia…did I miss anyone out? So all we need is the evidence to tie all this together. How’s that going so far?

Guiliani’s pulling out all the stops. We have video of one of his star witnesses here:

The judge in one of the cases said she is in no way credible. I don’t know what gave him that idea. Just watch a few minutes and take on board that she is someone that Giuliani has considered to be a great example of the ‘evidence’ he has. Tell me it’s not embarressing.

At what point do you realise how much of a farce this?
The farce is in the denial of every possible instance of fraud as “not evidence” no matter how credible the evidence or testimony. Someone is working very hard to try to stop people from thinking that any fraud happened at all. That denial is itself very interesting. 🤔
Anyway, the article has been retracted because the editors realized it was being misinterpreted to spread dangerous misinformation.
Nah, it has been retracted because everything has been politicized by the left and big tech who will not permit anything that goes against the narrative that we are being coerced and bullied to accept.
This wasn’t a Twitter or Facebook takedown. This was a local decision by the John Hopkins editors to retract the article for the reasons they cited. No need to invent a boogey man here!
Worth a listen as to why the retraction is bogus.

Scientists worth their salt should welcome debate and critical analyses. Successful defenses against critique strengthen conclusions by disproving attempts to debunk pet theories and conclusions. Just banning or suppressing alternative viewpoints is a strong indicator that we are being propagandized.

Dr Briande posted her findings to stir debate and critique that she invited.

Your views on this are quite the opposite. You have a narrative you are trying to uphold and you are defending against any views that you perceive as a threat to that narrative.
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You gotta show me something more than a guy in a red flannel shirt with an expensive studio-quality microphone in front of him. You know what? I have one of those high-quality microphones too. Does that make me “worth listening to”?
The farce is in the denial of every possible instance of fraud as “not evidence” no matter how credible the evidence or testimony. Someone is working very hard to try to stop people from thinking that any fraud happened at all. That denial is itself very interesting. 🤔
Trump is the one in denial and anyone who believes him.
There was no more fraud in this election than every other election in the past.
There certainly was no widespread fraud or irregularities or anything that would change the result of the election.
Everyone should wake up and smell the coffee.


Biden will be inaugurated on January 20. End of story.
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You gotta show me something more than a guy in a red flannel shirt with an expensive studio-quality microphone in front of him. You know what? I have one of those high-quality microphones too. Does that make me “worth listening to”?
So you didn’t bother to listen to what he had to say, but merely judged what you wouldn’t hear based upon shallow irrelevancies like his microphone and flannel shirt?

Keep talking, you are revealing more about your capacity to discuss significant issues with each post.

Here, why not knock down this man’s concerns and desparation by mocking his blue jeans or hoodie?

You gotta show me something more than a guy in a red flannel shirt with an expensive studio-quality microphone in front of him. You know what? I have one of those high-quality microphones too. Does that make me “worth listening to”?
So you didn’t bother to listen to what he had to say, but merely judged what you wouldn’t hear based upon shallow irrelevancies like his microphone and flannel shirt?

Keep talking, you are revealing more about your capacity to discuss significant issues with each post.
If the guy in the red flannel shirt were seated before me and I could engage with him on his points, I would. But he is not. I will engage with you if you want to except from his video the points you want to make your own. Then I will be engaging with HarryStotle, not with red flannel shirt guy. See how it is supposed to work?
The farce is in the denial of every possible instance of fraud as “not evidence” no matter how credible the evidence or testimony. Someone is working very hard to try to stop people from thinking that any fraud happened at all. That denial is itself very interesting. 🤔
Trump is the one in denial and anyone who believes him.
There was no more fraud in this election than every other election in the past.
There certainly was no widespread fraud or irregularities or anything that would change the result of the election.
Everyone should wake up and smell the coffee.


Biden will be inaugurated on January 20. End of story.
If all of the states still in contention were to follow the simple Constitutional requirement of authenticating each vote by signature matching to voter registrations, following the law on chain of custody and disallowing votes by those unqualified to have voted, Biden will not be president in 2020.

The real travesty of this election is that the very same election transgressions that the State Department cites to nullify the elections of dictators and strongmen in third world countries are being completely ignored by Democrat governors and secretaries of state in this country.

When Barack Obama challenged signature matches in the Dem Senate race primary in 1996, the average rejection rate was 62%. Trump only needs a rejection rate of 1% to 2% in the states still in question for election results to not be certified for Biden. The requirement for signature matches was completely thrown out in this election in the four or five counties determining this election.

If the standards used by SofS in this election had been applied in 1996, Obama likely wouldn’t have gone beyond the primary.

Consistency much?

Biden will not be president if the election laws are consistently applied.
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Biden will not be president if the election laws are consistently applied.
Trump and his “supporters” are simply sore losers.

Biden won a fair and free election.

Get over it!
Whoa! That is an original and compelling take on the situation that I had not considered before. It will take me weeks and months to unravel the intricacies of the argument that you have laid out there. 🤡
What teacher in their right mind is going to go into a school to teach with the covid numbers as they currently are? No way, no how, if I was a teacher. Especially if I have my own kids and family relying on me.
At what point do you realise how much of a farce this?
The farce is in the denial of every possible instance of fraud as “not evidence” no matter how credible the evidence or testimony.
When are you going to realise that the evidence is not there. In thirty odd cases presented in court, no credible evidence has been produced. That’s as in none. As in zero. As in nada. And as for testimony, do you watch any of the star witness Giuliani put forward in his court of public opinion in the video to which I linked? That’s the best they’ve got. The best. And I couldn’t tell the difference between that and an SNL sketch.

And did you watch Trump’s 46 minutes of stream-of-consciousness ramble? I can guarantee that he wrote most of that himself. Quite possibly the most bizzare presentation by a head of state in history. One of his pieces of evidence: ‘And in Arizona, ballots were stolen and hidden under a rock’. That’s a sentence I would expect from someone who was senile and on meds, not the president of the USA.

And didn’t I say they’d be jumping ship very soon? Barr went over the guard rails yesterday - and who knows, may get sacked for his insubordination. Who’s next d’ya think?
Truth is extremely painful to those who have never confronted it.

The reality of “Everything you know is wrong” causes fits of screaming and sprints toward the local “safe space”
Whoa! That is an original and compelling take on the situation that I had not considered before. It will take me weeks and months to unravel the intricacies of the argument that you have laid out there. 🤡
Well it seems you have a hard time dealing with reality!
Per the CDC - As of August 21st - 188 children [described as age 17 and under age ] have died of the flu in the 2019/2020 flu season. This is with the availability of a flu vaccine - this year’s version even protects against 4 strains of flu. This is with schools [veritable petri-dishes where viruses spread] locked down since mid March and even large swaths of the adult population also restricted to home - no work, no shopping and no eating out.

Conversely - as of September 10th, 105 children had died of COVID-19 [described as age 20 and under].

In both sets of untimely deaths - 75% has at least serious underlying health issue - a co-morbidity. One would hazard a guess that unless there was a significant health issue preventing vaccination - most children who would be susceptible to severe flu - would be immunized. Thus we have 45% fewer deaths from Covid-19 with lock downs and no vaccine then we have this year with the flu in an age grouping for children that is expanded by 15% … The flu was this year and many years far more deadly to children and we dont normally shut down the entire world to protect them …

And the shut downs have other implications - deadly ones … Ruined lives, ruined economy, addictions and sadly the loss of hope … death by suicides are up and high school students are vulnerable - but so are all ages … from the article
CDC Director Robert Redfield also commented in July on a spike in suicides.

“There has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose,” said Redfield.

I have grandchildren this age - so sad for the traumatized family and this little boy …

Per the CDC - As of August 21st - 188 children [described as age 17 and under age ] have died of the flu…
My mother in laws neighbour had her grandkids around a few weeks back (in the UK). Schools weren’t closed in their area. One of them was asymptomanic. She’s now dead. And her husband is in IC.

The kid? Hey, he’s just fine
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