'Open up the conversation' on gay priests

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Kevin Walker:
They are reconsidering their position in light of the wide spread homosexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church
Those men are criminals and they are a small number. Why should anyone base reevaluation on such a small sampling?
Homosexuals can’t rape teenage boys and get away with it.
Exactly so. And those who rape teen-aged girls ought not to get away with their crimes either.
Hi Guys!

I’m having a problem understanding one aspect of the apparent outrage over suggesting that Paul may have been subject to homosexual temptations (referring to “the sting of his flesh”). Could it be that the correct thinking in this is that no Saint would ever be subject to so loathsome a temptation?
, or at least evaluate it on a case by case basis.
Thank you Nurse. Yes, it is true then that if homosexuals are evaluated as a mental health disorder on a case by case basis, then ergo homosexuality must be a mental health disorder!
Exactly so. And those who rape teen-aged girls ought not to get away with their crimes either.
And what exactly again was the proportion of teen age girls raped by Priests as opposed to teen age boys raped by Priests?

The Crisis in the Church is the doing of homosexuals! If there were no homosexuals in the Priesthood, there never would have been a sexual abuse scandal. A zero tolerance of homosexual Priests is absolutely a necessity to ensure the integrity of the Catholic Priesthood in future generations; or else the Church will have to experience yet another potential sex scandal in the near future.
Exactly so. And those who rape teen-aged girls ought not to get away with their crimes either.
Have you notice just how miniscule is the number of priests who rape teen-aged girls? I wonder why?
Kevin Walker:
Thank you Nurse. Yes, it is true then that if homosexuals are evaluated as a mental health disorder on a case by case basis, then ergo homosexuality must be a mental health disorder!
No, we don’t know what the mental health disorder might actually be.
Have you notice just how miniscule is the number of priests who rape teen-aged girls? I wonder why?
You spoke of rapists, not priest rapists; and I agreed that all rapists need be punished. What’s the problem?
Quite right, another is celibacy. But, isn’t it as easy for a priest who is homosexual to be as celibate as a priest who is heterosexual?
That is why there are not heterosexual Priests living with all nuns. Too much temptation, the same temptation homosexuals have living with men.

Kevin Walker:
The Crisis in the Church is the doing of homosexuals!
Crisis in the Church! “Traditionalists” who want to turn back the clock, sedevacantists, “progressives” who want to allow all forms of license, priests who steal from their parishes, priests who have affairs with female parishioners, priests who engage in homosexual practices; all the doing of just the homosexuals? They’re the whipping boys for all the crises in the Church?
Kevin Walker:
The Crisis in the Church is the doing of homosexuals!
No, actually it’s the doings of bad priests. Not all homosexuals are bad priests and not all bad priests are homosexual.

p.s. Prejudice is described as:

*1 a preconceived opinion. b (foll. by against, in favour of) bias or partiality.
2 harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgement (to the prejudice of).
It can be applied in any area, not only the legal terminology your trying to hide behind.
No, actually it’s the doings of bad priests. Not all homosexuals are bad priests and not all bad priests are homosexual.

No, just the ones who rape teenage boys which is 90% of the current crisis! Jeeze, take the blinders off. You aren’t a homophobe if you admit to reality.
Other Eric:
Hi Guys!

I’m having a problem understanding one aspect of the apparent outrage over suggesting that Paul may have been subject to homosexual temptations (referring to “the sting of his flesh”). Could it be that the correct thinking in this is that no Saint would ever be subject to so loathsome a temptation?
Eric (the other one),

You might want to either start another thread with this topic, or move it to another forum. Not sure how it relates to news, but if it does, please start another thread so people can concentrate on this topic in that thread.
No, just the ones who rape teenage boys which is 90% of the current crisis! Jeeze, take the blinders off. You aren’t a homophobe if you admit to reality.
And you aren’t a Catholic if you judge all by generalities.
And you aren’t a Catholic if you judge all by generalities.
Just looking at reality Norwich. This particular crisis is being caused by priests molesting post-pubescent boys. If that didn’t happen, then the number of assults would have been so small that it would hardly have been a crisis.

So what is the issue? The issue is homosexual behavior that should not have occured.
We need more answers from homosexual priests.

What is the attraction for homosexuals to the priesthood all about? Why haven’t they chosen some other occupation? Do they like the exclusive male priest circle of friends? Is celibacy much of a sacrifice when there are so many like minded male associates?

Until a large number of homosexual priests come forward with some straight answers to these types of questions all our conversation will be in vain.

My hunch is that the male priesthood is an easy out for homosexual men.
  1. Life is easy for them…social security benefits, nice wage, health insurance, car insurance, retirement package, medicaid, loads of vacation and sick time and other gifts and emenities to boot are great.
  2. The predominately homosexual priesthood today makes life for them even better. Birds of a feather stick to together.
  3. They are socially accepted just as they are. No one would dare ask any questions about their lifestyle.
Homosexuals or pedophilias - their attraction to the occupation of priesthood is all for the same reasons mentioned above.

Read the above current news item. The Bishop of this diocese knew of a possible child sex offender during the height of the Church Scandal and did nothing to prevent the chance of another incident. We need open dialoge now. In my estimation there are many possible explosive situations waiting to happen. I hope that the Church ‘cleans house’ in an intelligent respectable manner rather than through the American legal system one painful case at a time.
We need more answers from homosexual priests.

What is the attraction for homosexuals to the priesthood all about? Why haven’t they chosen some other occupation? Do they like the exclusive male priest circle of friends? Is celibacy much of a sacrifice when there are so many like minded male associates?
You are assuming they are celibate
We need more answers from homosexual priests.

What is the attraction for homosexuals to the priesthood all about? Why haven’t they chosen some other occupation? Do they like the exclusive male priest circle of friends? Is celibacy much of a sacrifice when there are so many like minded male associates?

Until a large number of homosexual priests come forward with some straight answers to these types of questions all our conversation will be in vain.

My hunch is that the male priesthood is an easy out for homosexual men.
  1. Life is easy for them…social security benefits, nice wage, health insurance, car insurance, retirement package, medicaid, loads of vacation and sick time and other gifts and emenities to boot are great.
  2. The predominately homosexual priesthood today makes life for them even better. Birds of a feather stick to together.
  3. They are socially accepted just as they are. No one would dare ask any questions about their lifestyle.
Homosexuals or pedophilias - their attraction to the occupation of priesthood is all for the same reasons mentioned above.
We do not need answers from homosexual priests. We need faithful priests that teach the truth. The requirements of the priesthood are not dependent on open dissenters. They are dependent upon the deposit of faith given to us by God. We have let dissenters go on for far too long. When this is cleaned up (and only when), we will no longer see a homosexual problem in the Church.
We do not need answers from homosexual priests. We need faithful priests that teach the truth.
Why do you presume that a homosexual priest cannot be faithful to the Church and teach the truth?
Why do you presume that a homosexual priest cannot be faithful to the Church and teach the truth?
I hear you Richardols but we need to face the fact that there appears to be a strong strand of homosexuality in the priesthood. Many are wondering why. Many are wondering what damage may have happened and what does the future hold if these questions are left unanswered.
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