'Open up the conversation' on gay priests

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Other Eric:
Hi Guys!

I’m having a problem understanding one aspect of the apparent outrage over suggesting that Paul may have been subject to homosexual temptations (referring to “the sting of his flesh”). Could it be that the correct thinking in this is that no Saint would ever be subject to so loathsome a temptation?
That isn’t the point. There is no biblical evidence for Paul having homosexual temptations. So why try to assert it?
Those men are criminals and they are a small number. Why should anyone base reevaluation on such a small sampling?..Exactly so. And those who rape teen-aged girls ought not to get away with their crimes either.
Per the John Jay College of Criminal Justice report on the clergy sex abuse scandal: 10667 victims (81% male, 22% under 10 years of age) of 4392 priests over the last 50 years. This is not a small sampling.
Per the John Jay College of Criminal Justice report on the clergy sex abuse scandal: 10667 victims (81% male, 22% under 10 years of age) of 4392 priests over the last 50 years. This is not a small sampling.
so if 22% were under 10, does that mean 78% were over 10?
Kevin Walker:
I have a BA in Psych from UMASS, 1984, and two years of graduate school in History. Some classes at Harvard Extension. Four years active duty Navy (Diver) and two years active reserve National Guard (Medic).

In 1970 a Jesuit “Street” Priest named David C. Murphy all of a sudden showed up on my street corner in Southie and hung out with the gang (40 Kids) for about three years. He then began to prey and seduced and slept with two of the guys. He was a Jesuit Priest who got arrested in 2002 as part of the sex abuse scandal with over 60 complaints against him. He is on trial right now.
Another Jesuit Priest was arrested for sexual abuse at Boston College High School, about four miles from my current location.

The Navy rightfully does not allow homosexuals from enlisting yet we had so many ‘gays’ on my second ship that we called it the love boat. Homosexuals were not good shipmates and frequently had psychotic episodes which had to be physically subdued.

The all male celibant Buddhist monestaries in Korea are having a similar homosexual problem themselves.

Homosexuals are very sick-in-the-head and no amount of liberal cant and sophistry will make the intelligent American accept them as a desirable element in a position of authority.

Just always remember: The pedophile and pedorast are both horns on the same homosexual devil!
Is this the same Father Murphy that has been accused of molesting the deaf students in the Boston area? The local newspapers were full of glowing reports about all the good work he has done for the community. I often wonder about the good work that Judas Iscariot did before his betrayal and that Martin Luther did as a Catholic monk.
A mental health disorder? Excuse me, Doctor, for questioning your extensive medical knowledge, but I understood that the medical profession, in particular psychiatrists, no longer consider it so, or at least evaluate it on a case by case basis.
The “medical profession” also doesn’t consider a zygote a human being. I hope you don’t choose to trust and rely on the “medical profession” more than you trust God and His word and your Catholic faith.
I hope you don’t choose to trust and rely on the “medical profession” more than you trust God and His word and your Catholic faith.
Well, sir, at this moment, my wife is the last stage of uterine cancer and she has about a 20% chance of survival.

We chose to trust and rely on the medical profession and its surgeons above relying on prayer alone. We’re not Christian Scientists, so we chose medicine and prayer, both/and, not either/or as you think is superior.
Other Eric:
Hi Guys!

I’m having a problem understanding one aspect of the apparent outrage over suggesting that Paul may have been subject to homosexual temptations (referring to “the sting of his flesh”). Could it be that the correct thinking in this is that no Saint would ever be subject to so loathsome a temptation?
It’s not an issue of it being a temptation. It’s the nature of the abnormality and disorder that’s at issue. Would you be happy if someone falsely accused a friend or relative of yours of being a pedophile? I would hope not. Likewise, we are not happy when someone falsely accuses St Paul, who is also our friend and our brother and father, of being a homosexual.
We chose to trust and rely on the medical profession and its surgeons above relying on prayer alone.
What does this have to do with prayer? I never mentioned anything about prayer. I was talking about trusting in God. Relying on the help of doctors (unless it is for abortion or something else immoral) is not opposed to trusting in God, but rather part of trusting in God as God can work through His doctors.

But choosing to go with the word of the medical profession when it comes to whether the zygote is a human being or whether homosexuality is a disorder is opposed to trusting in God. You shouldn’t trust them more than Christ and His promises.
The medical and psychological establishments accept and endorse all manner of pathology as normal. They embrace contraception, abortion, sterilization, homosexual acts, transgender surgery, masturbation, etc. All of which contradict the truth. Their assertions and positions should be questioned to see if they are in harmony with truth before accepting them as gospel.
The medical and psychological establishments accept and endorse all manner of pathology as normal.
And they should. Pathology is the scientific study of the nature of diseases and their causes. I don’t know of any medical professionals who consider pathology an abnormal pursuit of medicine.
As to how disgusting homosexual priests are, I’d suggest that you read about Fr. Mychal Judge, OFM, an alcoholic and a celibate homosexual who was the New York City Fire Department chaplain, and who died at the World Trade Center attack as Victim #00001. The account of his life and his work with people on all levels, not only his beloved NYFD, is totally inspirational.
Just because someone does one good thing at the end of his life, does not mean that the rest of his life is something to celebrate, especially in this case since Fr Mychal was not only openly homosexual but an homosexual activist. By no means is the whole of his life something that should be “inspirational.” He should be condemned for many of the things he did:

First let me state that I know it’s very wrong to speak ill of the dead especially since he really is a hero. Unfortunately I believe it’s even more wrong to glorify a man who is overwhelming overshadowed with controversy. I have met Fr. Mike on several occassions when he stopped by my parish and believe he is a really nice guy. I still recall our lengthy conversations we had with my relationship with my twin-brother and his relationship with his twin-sister.
*Unfortunately he was a very controversial individual and I believe the Church will never officially canonize him as a Saint. The reason why? The truth is he was an openly gay priest! That’s not a rumor… that’s fact! Not only was he gay but he was a well-known gay activist in New York. When Cardinal O’ Connor was alive, Fr. Mychal Judge and him would literally bump heads because Cardinal O’Connor would not let him March with his gay banner during the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Moreover, WB11 News showed pictures of him officiating in “gay marriages.” Yes he was a hero and died in tragedy… but is he really a good example? A man who is disobedient to his bishop? A man who flaunts that he’s gay and finds nothing wrong with homosexual acts? A man who would even go as far as bless “gay marriages?” No, I’m sorry but that’s a horrible example of a priest! Yes he may be a hero but he was also a heretic! *


I would add to what is quoted above by saying that someone who is a “horrible example of a priest” as described above cannot really be said to be a hero unless it can be shown that he repented of these horrible things before he died. Hopefully he did and is in Heaven now with Our Lord and Our Lady.
The medical and psychological establishments accept and endorse all manner of pathology as normal. They embrace contraception, abortion, sterilization, homosexual acts, transgender surgery, masturbation, etc [snip]
And they should. [snip]
Um I think maybe you didn’t understand his post unless you are saying that homosexual acts, contraception, abortion, sterilization, masturbation, transgender surgery are all normal. 😦
Um I think maybe you didn’t understand his post unless you are saying that homosexual acts, contraception, abortion, sterilization, masturbation, transgender surgery are all normal. 😦
I think that you and fix don’t know what the word “pathology” means.
Well, sir, at this moment, my wife is the last stage of uterine cancer and she has about a 20% chance of survival.

We chose to trust and rely on the medical profession and its surgeons above relying on prayer alone. We’re not Christian Scientists, so we chose medicine and prayer, both/and, not either/or as you think is superior.
I assure you whether you trust in prayer alone or in the medical community and prayer, God’s will will be accomplished either way. I lost my mother to cancer recently. I will pray for you.

I think that you and fix don’t know what the word “pathology” means.
I think you don’t understand the PHRASE “manner of pathology”!

Heterosexual attraction is normal and natural. Homosexual attraction is a disorder.
While heterosexual attraction may be “normal” not all of it is acceptable. Those with heterosexual orientation must also struggle against sexual sin and strive for purity.
I think you don’t understand the PHRASE “manner of pathology”!
“Manner of pathology”? The manner of studying diseases and their causes? What is hard about understanding that?
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