Outrage over sexual freedom movements

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So only having intercourse to have a baby? Otherwise its a big no no? That would be very easy rules
I think “open to conception” would be more precise. I don’t think anyone is saying married couples have to hope for a pregnancy every time they engage in marital relations. They just have to be open to conception.

I think the Church is against “artificial contraception” even if not explicitly stated, e.g., condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, etc. NFP is contraception in that it seeks to avoid conception, but it could be termed “natural contraception” because it introduces no foreign element like a condom.
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Some birth control pills or IUDs work by not allowing a fertilized egg - a very young embryo - from being implanted in the uterus, so they are, of course, causing a very early abortion. I can well see why the Church has banned this form of birth control. Can’t understand what they’ve got against condoms, though. No conception takes place - almost always - and people are protected from STDs as well. I’m not talking about promiscuity here, but faithful married persons can carry Hepatitis C, a yeast infection, HPV, and more and not be aware of it if they’ve ever had sexual relation with another person prior to their marriage. I have a female friend who contracted genital herpes from her husband of fifteen years, who probably contracted it from his prior wife. Both my friend and her husband had always been faithful. It caused such bad feelings between them, it ruined their marriage. My friend was able to get an annulment.
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Even before the sexual revolution men didn’t treat women with respect. That’s just the world we live in. I don’t think that men and women were better people back then. Just less inclined to be public about their premarital sex and their infidelities. If you don’t believe me look up STDs and WWII.
So once you start, you can’t stop until the husband has, yuno, done the life-transmitting part?
Or just ask a priest when I’m actually getting ready to be married. I’m a little too eager to know, it seems.
So why are Humanae Vitae and the church teaching on contraception/fornication so widely ignored?
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I suppose this “Can’t tell me what to do” mentality is why all these terrible sexual and contraceptive revolutions started in the first place. How selfish.
So why are Humanae Vitae and the church teaching on contraception/fornication so widely ignored?
Actually, I find that nearly all contraception users I encounter are married people who either have as many kids as they can support (financially, mentally, ect) or are older couples where the woman hasn’t yet reached menopause but they’re substantially too old to stay-up with infants/chase toddlers.

The “we don’t want to be told what to do” line is pretty much a base-less straw-man, in truth. It MIGHT apply to young people who have never been married, but they account for very little of the contraceptives sought today.
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Hey, we agree there’s some of that out there! No doubt!

But based on who’s consuming it, the face of contraception isn’t a couple of 20-year-olds who “just wanna have a lil’ fun”.

The face of contraception is a tired, middle-aged couple who’re trying to make it all work.
The face of contraception is a tired, middle-aged couple who’re trying to make it all work.
That’s exactly right. Frankly, I don’t see anything wrong with contraception for a couple in their 40s, 50s, who have raised a family. (The women in my family don’t experience menopause till about fifty-five or so.)
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The older women get, the more irregular they get. This increase in irregularity decreases the effectiveness of NFP.

Right before she begins menopause, “when am I going to ovulate” becomes a total crap-shoot for many (if not most) women.
So then if it’s so irregular that no methods work at all, they should be abstinent
Sometimes I would throw out my sexuality just to have peace and not being tempted 😔
But then its a God way how He created us.
And sadness welcomes me.
Except younger couples can use NFP effectively through charting and other methods.
That’s the price they must pay if they don’t want to roll the dice every time they consummate.
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