Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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I truly suspect you wouldn’t be able to tell that Aydrian had been assigned female at birth. Why precisely would someone like Aydrian, who may even possess a penis, be okay when a transwoman would not? A transman is likely to be stronger than you and may have male bits after all. What’s the difference?
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But not these women?

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Women’s facilities are for women, its nothing to do with how you express yourself.
It comes down to the definition of who is a woman. And transwomen certainly seem to be women to me.

I posted some pics above; would you really, truly feel more comfortable if that lad in the cowboy hat walked into the ladies room behind you than is the girl in the yellow dress did? Would you actually be able to tell what they’d been assigned at birth?
I may perceive a very feminine looking man as a woman but they are still doing something wrong. I’ve had some very lecherous male relatives and even they knew better than to enter a woman only space. A man who doesn’t must be a pervert.
I may perceive a very feminine looking man as a woman but they are still doing something wrong. I’ve had some very lecherous male relatives and even they knew better than to enter a woman only space. A man who doesn’t must be a pervert.
The woman in a yellow dress is a woman. Who wants to pee and likely doesn’t care about you at all.
I’d tell my kid to be respectful and kind to that student, as to all others, and probably to try to avoid using pronouns to keep her out of trouble. But I’d also tell her that she doesn’t have to say things that aren’t true, and just because someone thinks he or she is the opposite sex doesn’t make it so. And I’d expect her not to be bullied for it.
They can pee in the men’s toilet where the morally decent adult men go.
They can pee in the men’s toilet where the morally decent adult men go.
What makes a woman a woman? I know we’ve been over this but you said that it was more than simply having a vagina, and did seem to agree that everyone is raised somewhat differently, and that body types range between sexes. So I’m honestly not sure.
To me a woman is an adult female human. It’s nothing to do with how you dress or what job you have. It isn’t something you can earn through suffering or achieve through work.

There is nothing morally commendable about a man invading a woman’s space.
I think this discussion, while fascinating, has likely reached a point where nothing more will come of it.

I believe there is far more to being a woman than simply having been born with a vagina. Having it be purely about that seems to devalue the experience. I don’t think it is other peoples place to cast judgement on whether someone is enough of a woman, and I highly doubt that if any of those trans people in the photos approached you on the street you’d even be able to tell.

It costs us literally nothing to be kind and respectful of what people wish to be referred to as. To insist on misgendering people only does someone an unkindness with no benefit to the world from it.
Please define a “man” and a “woman.”

We should all be kind and respectful of people dealing with any mental illness or mood disorder, including gender dysphoria. But if I know someone’s true sex, I will be unlikely to misgender them by calling them by their preferred pronouns.
That’s fair enough. I think I will always want to stand up for appropriate female only space while looking at what provisions could be made for those who don’t feel they fit in either sex spaces.
Another factor going on is that kids see a lot of propaganda on the internet that encourages same sex experimentation and genderbending. A kid who feels uncomfortable in their life or their body can go online, read a bunch of testimonies from other mixed up kids, diagnose themselves and convince themselves that they “always” felt this way, even if the memories of everybody around them tell a completely different story.
And how exactly would other people know how someone else was feeling or be a better authority on how someone felt than that person themselves? Much of the interior life of most people is hidden from view and even people who think they know them well have no idea what’s really going on inside someone else’s head.
So the person in the yellow dress above should go into the gents?
And most women wouldn’t have a problem if the people with beards who look like men went into the women’s because, after all, they’re XX?
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I think women need a meaningful identity that’s a little more than simply possessing a vagina.
I have an identity aside from that. Having a vagina isn’t any more what makes a woman a woman than having a penis makes a man a man (aside from the obvious phenotypic association).

I would have no idea what it means to be a man if I had transgender sex-reassignment surgery because I have not been raised in that world. It’s sort of like civilians telling me what it’s like to be in the military. They have no idea. They’ve never done what we do, and they don’t know. Hanging out with military people gives you an idea, but they still don’t have the experience (oh my husband pulls this all the time, God bless him, solely because he worked with the military for many, many years).

Maybe a better example is my husband. He’s been married to me, an American, for many years. He worked side by side with Americans for the American government for years before we were married and for several years after. He’s lived in the States for many years. He has no idea what it means to be an American because he isn’t one. He wasn’t raised here. He doesn’t understand a lot of the reasons for why we do what we do - because there is a distinct difference in the orientation of thought on a lot of subjects just by virtue of the fact of where someone is raised and what that culture is. Conversely, I don’t know what it means to be a Brit although I’ve lived with one and among them for twenty years. Their world view and perspective is very different from ours - and it’s cultural. It doesn’t mean one side is right and one is wrong, but the perspective is different, and that’s okay.

I’ve seen this in action over the 20 years I’ve known him and the 18 years we’ve been married. For all his travel and world experience, he came here seeing and attempting to push a European lens on the US. You can’t do that any more than I can view European action through an American filter. I don’t know why he didn’t expect this, but I will offer up that for the first four years or so of our marriage it caused significant problems. Seems funny, but it did. Clearly we survived it as our 18th anniversary is this Sunday! LOL.

I think that’s where a lot of people resent a transwoman or a trans-man (is that a word?) is when people start thinking that because they came out as trans they know what it’s like to be female. No, they don’t - they know their perspective as feeling they are the wrong sex, and they know what it’s like to come out as trans. It has nothing to do with anatomy. The experience colors one’s perspective. It’s the human condition, and it’s okay - but for a person raised as a man to tell me they know what it’s like to be raised female cannot possibly be accurate. I can take anyone at face value, and I don’t think I treat anyone any differently than anyone else. People are people and are deserving of respect because of that. But someone raised as a man does not know what it’s like to be a woman, and someone raised as a woman does not know what it’s like to be a man.
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A very young child is going to act out what they’re feeling. At two or three or four (and even older), if they are feeling wrong in their body, they’re simply not that good of an actor to be able to sustain a behavior that is uncomfortable to them. If a kid is happy and content in their life, hitting their milestones and not showing signs of distress, then what you see is what you get.

Of course, nothing can stop a person from engaging in a bit of creative revisionist history later, if they so please. And if they’ve had ideas put in their head when they were in a vulnerable state, then who knows what they’ll say?

I’ve seen many times when a kid “remembers” early events in some detail that other people can’t corroborate. I’m not even talking about embarrassing or criminal things, either. They’ll remember an event in a certain way, remember people who weren’t even there, or details that can be proven to never have happened (like flowered wallpaper in a room that was actually painted a solid color).
It’s not a big leap for a kid who is older, in crisis, decides that all their problems are related to sexual malfunction, to get the therapist all to themselves (without any outside testimonies), and starts parroting talking points they learned on the internet or on the playground.
Transman is indeed a word.

And trans people can certainly learn to understand what it is to be the gender they identify with. After all; everyone’s upbringing is unique. There is no universal childhood that denotes womanhood.
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