I think women need a meaningful identity that’s a little more than simply possessing a vagina.
I have an identity aside from that. Having a vagina isn’t any more what makes a woman a woman than having a penis makes a man a man (aside from the obvious phenotypic association).
I would have no idea what it means to be a man if I had transgender sex-reassignment surgery because I have not been raised in that world. It’s sort of like civilians telling me what it’s like to be in the military. They have no idea. They’ve never done what we do, and they don’t know. Hanging out with military people gives you an idea, but they still don’t have the experience (oh my husband pulls this all the time, God bless him, solely because he worked with the military for many, many years).
Maybe a better example is my husband. He’s been married to me, an American, for many years. He worked side by side with Americans for the American government for years before we were married and for several years after. He’s lived in the States for many years. He has no idea what it means to be an American because he isn’t one. He wasn’t raised here. He doesn’t understand a lot of the reasons for why we do what we do - because there is a distinct difference in the orientation of thought on a lot of subjects just by virtue of the fact of where someone is raised and what that culture is. Conversely, I don’t know what it means to be a Brit although I’ve lived with one and among them for twenty years. Their world view and perspective is very different from ours - and it’s cultural. It doesn’t mean one side is right and one is wrong, but the perspective is different, and that’s okay.
I’ve seen this in action over the 20 years I’ve known him and the 18 years we’ve been married. For all his travel and world experience, he came here seeing and attempting to push a European lens on the US. You can’t do that any more than I can view European action through an American filter. I don’t know why he didn’t expect this, but I will offer up that for the first four years or so of our marriage it caused significant problems. Seems funny, but it did. Clearly we survived it as our 18th anniversary is this Sunday! LOL.
I think that’s where a lot of people resent a transwoman or a trans-man (is that a word?) is when people start thinking that because they came out as trans they know what it’s like to be female. No, they don’t - they know their perspective as feeling they are the wrong sex, and they know what it’s like to come out as trans. It has nothing to do with anatomy. The experience colors one’s perspective. It’s the human condition, and it’s okay - but for a person raised as a man to tell me they know what it’s like to be raised female cannot possibly be accurate. I can take anyone at face value, and I don’t think I treat anyone any differently than anyone else. People are people and are deserving of respect because of that. But someone raised as a man does not know what it’s like to be a woman, and someone raised as a woman does not know what it’s like to be a man.