Yes, but he is punishing the chidren for the sin of the parents. Remember, for a sin to be mortal three elements must be present:Christian charity is exemplified by a pastor who is willing to stand up for the 3rd Commandment and the Church’s consistent teaching that parents are the primary educators of faith. A policy requiring the family to come to mass is a most basic requirement. A family that considers the sacraments not necessary is instilling nothing of value in their child by making them do something they think is worthless.
1: The act must be a mortal sin
2: Knowledge that the act is a mortal sin
3: Full consent of the will.
Unless these children are capable of walking to mass, they are not in a state of sin based on premise #3. I agree it is best to have the entire family participate, but take every oppurtunity to reach the young people now before they become too jaded.