The reaction of the mother reminds me so much of my students at High School. having been reminded several times to get their assignment in on time, advised of the need to obtain an extension well in advance and given many warnings about the consequences, many still turn up on the day the assignment is due and plead all sorts of extenuating circumstances which they only now realised which made it impossible for them to hand in the work on the day. The reality of course is that having failed to finish their work on time because they were busy doing other more exciting things they have to come up with an excuse or be failed. They are often quite creative. The problem is of course that all of the excuses could have been discussed earlier if they were in fact true. The sudden raising of them when faced with a failed assignment generally is not conducive to belief.Great priest. These parents are more upset with this good priest, than with their failure to form their children in the faith, not to mention the state of their own souls considering they may not have a serious reason to miss mass. One more sign of the times.