He is reaching them. He is showing them how they are to raise their children in the faith when/if they have them. He is teaching them that faith is serious, not a game. He is teaching them that parents have responsibility and are not to look to him to babysit their children.Yes, but he is punishing the chidren for the sin of the parents. Remember, for a sin to be mortal three elements must be present:
1: The act must be a mortal sin
2: Knowledge that the act is a mortal sin
3: Full consent of the will.
Unless these children are capable of walking to mass, they are not in a state of sin based on premise #3. I agree it is best to have the entire family participate, but take every oppurtunity to reach the young people now before they become too jaded.
The priest is not saying the children are sinning. He is saying that the parents must take minimum involvement.
The young people become jaded when they are going to religous ed class in 10th grade and their parents are home watching TV. It makes for a miserable time for the faithful children that do want to learn their faith and are mocked for it.