Well where have you been? It seems your opinion may lay in the category that all priests bishops and Cardinals are all just perfect. Well, that’s not what we have seen since 2002.I thought about this some more last night and I must disagree with you. Even if the child can not walk to Mss on their own they may still be guilty of a mortal sin.
If they have been taught that missing Mass on Sundays and Holidays is a mortal sin and they choose not to go, even if their parents are already not going, then they are guilty.
With such a high regard you have for the Church here in America and such contempt you show to the bishops and priests in many of your replies here at the forum I am surprised that you would consider a vocation to the priesthood.
Anyway, I was in a situation where the great very orthodox pastor wanted to fix his parish and school by making it Catholic from what it had been, so called catholic. Only to later be shhh by the archbishop here because the cardinal was afraid of the catholic School Unions, and wanted nothing which would make it into the news. Well, because of those who wanted the schoool catholic, it did make it to the news anyway. So dear, I know from WITHIN that some dioceses let me say MOST here in the USA at present are a beuracracy!!! Thogh I do highly respect the following bishops and their great dioceses: These are men of principal and CATHOLIC conviction: Archbishop Chaput of Denver, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Archbishop Raymond Burke of Saint Louis. You see, NO I don’t have contempt for those higher up’s who stand up for Catholic teachings.