In response to the OP
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that abortion IS killing a person, and that it IS infanticide as it exists in our culture, I also think that Gov. Cuomo should be excommunicated (all though I don’t profess to be a moral theologian). BUT I don’t think that we ought to drag the Kennedy family into this. Only one of their three politician sons was still alive 50 years ago. In addition Ted Kennedy (the remaining politician son) did not advocate for abortion prior to Roe v. Wade 41 years ago, which leads me to believe that neither John F Kennedy nor Bobby Kennedy would have done so prior to their deaths in 1963 and 1968 respectively.
I am not recommending JFK or any of the Kennedy’s moral lives by any means, especially as JFK was an undisputed womanizer, however I don’t think that we ought to make bad assumptions of those who have died.
Lastly, while I am not up super well on my US political history, I suppose that it could be said that Ted Kennedy set the precedent for other “catholic” politicians to openly advocate for legislation that opposes church teaching. But as I said I’m not super familiar with US political history. In closing, please remember that the Kennedys were individuals and Ted’s actions don’t necessarily reflect what the others would have done had they been alive.