Perspective | Catholics want New York’s Gov. Cuomo to be excommunicated for his

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When I say legal, most people will know exactly what I mean. I’m not interest in a discussion of how you think Thomistic theology might be applied to the word.
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Let’s keep it at that level. State sactioned. Written into law. Legalized in New York State. And it is Cuomo’s hope that other states will follow suit.
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And apologies for my tone. I’m white hot and seething every time I think about what they have done.
Sorry for joining the discussion late and asking this but does the new law mean a 9 month year old fetus, just about to be born can now legally be ……… well ……. ‘done away with’?
Yes, that is what it means. The law allows for abortion for any reason.
Well if that is true then how can any sane person describe the new law as anything other than monstrous and the smiling officials present at the signing as monsters?

In my opinion it is a clear cut example of the evil of relative morals and the ‘who am I to judge’ mentality that facilitates such evil.

I mean if killing babies just about to be born is not evil then what is?
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Walls are evil, as are everyone that supports them.
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Walls are evil, as are everyone that supports them.
Hold the phone here. I just want to be clear. Are you saying that all those who support President Trump’s wall are evil? And are you then comparing the “evil” of the wall, to the evil of this abortion bill???
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That’s exacting what I am saying.

(Tongue firmly planted in cheek man)
Back when he was Cardinal Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis said that any ‘Catholic’ legislator who voted in favor of abortion should consider himself excommunicated.
Unfortunately the USCCB won’t publicly criticize any politician, let alone call for their excommunication. To do so would put them in a position of making enemies of the people who have the power and status to provide them with funding and opportunities.

To be perfectly honest, the Church, especially here in the US, has been plagued with its own issues of moral clarity, especially in dealing with the sex abuse crisis and all the collusion and cover up that has been associated with it. So it’s sad to admit, but I don’t expect them to stand up with a clear and unified voice to say anyone who supports this new law is guilty of grave and mortal sin.

Live Action president and founder Lila Rose is blasting New York’s disgusting new full-term abortion “rights” as not only morally beyond the pale and medically disgusting but a “cash cow” for Planned Parenthood and others willing to commit abortions. In a Breitbart interview, Rose explained, “A late-term abortion can cost up to $15,000. We’re talking about potentially tens of thousands, or at least thousands, of dollars for elective late-term abortions. So this is a cash cow for willing abortionists.”

I don’t know who will potentially pay for these late term abortions but the money involved is amazing and I don’t doubt that some of these late term abortions can be for this much money.
Well in Ireland the taxpayer is paying for all abortions. Makes me sick that my money goes towards it.
Its a start but the bishops are too quite. We need a Fulton Sheen or Archbishop McQuaid to shake things up.
as i read, the cardinal will not ex-communicate cuomo because cuomo will use it ad a badge of honor and further denigrate the church
In response to the OP
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that abortion IS killing a person, and that it IS infanticide as it exists in our culture, I also think that Gov. Cuomo should be excommunicated (all though I don’t profess to be a moral theologian). BUT I don’t think that we ought to drag the Kennedy family into this. Only one of their three politician sons was still alive 50 years ago. In addition Ted Kennedy (the remaining politician son) did not advocate for abortion prior to Roe v. Wade 41 years ago, which leads me to believe that neither John F Kennedy nor Bobby Kennedy would have done so prior to their deaths in 1963 and 1968 respectively.
I am not recommending JFK or any of the Kennedy’s moral lives by any means, especially as JFK was an undisputed womanizer, however I don’t think that we ought to make bad assumptions of those who have died.
Lastly, while I am not up super well on my US political history, I suppose that it could be said that Ted Kennedy set the precedent for other “catholic” politicians to openly advocate for legislation that opposes church teaching. But as I said I’m not super familiar with US political history. In closing, please remember that the Kennedys were individuals and Ted’s actions don’t necessarily reflect what the others would have done had they been alive.
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Advocates for physician assisted suicide campaigning at NYS capitol.
They probably feel more empowered than ever.
This is what Cuomo ushers in…death.
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