Political Correctness

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Non-Americans are more curious. They’re more willing to listen to facts.
The Americans practically ignore and continue on as if reality obeys their prejudices.
It all centres on Trump. They insist most Evangelicals were Trump supporters right from the start. They weren’t. They confuse/conflate approval of job performance with endorsing Trump’s immorality.
They insist Evangelicals are cold-hearted so they choose the Republicans. No, they were driven to the GOP by the Democrats. You point to the historical data that show a gradual drift. You point to a speech where Democrats attacked Evangelicals openly. Still, they continue with their false narrative.
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Now that’s just stupid.

EDIT: Maybe these Catholics come from families that historically voted Democrat since their ancestors immigrated here and have an allergy for Republicans. It was a race with two pretty bad viable options. You can’t really blame people for working with what they’ve got.
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I don’t know and I wouldn’t bother with figuring it out. I find it absurd that politics is the source of their hatred.
Well, I am sorry that you have encountered this on this forum. I, for one, am willing to work with Evangelicals to defend our common values from a hostile culture.
It doesn’t bother me. It’s a very small number, you can count them on the fingers on one hand. Worse have been said by others. And I’ve experienced that prejudice in real life so it’s not a big deal.
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Now that’s just stupid.

EDIT: Maybe these Catholics come from families that historically voted Democrat since their ancestors immigrated here and have an allergy for Republicans. It was a race with two pretty bad viable options. You can’t really blame people for working with what they’ve got.
I think it’s mostly because there’s a fairly loud, fairly large block of posters here that are cafeteria Catholics who are more Marxist than Catholic.
Ahh yes.

People who like to enforce the rules of political correctness have been accused of virtue signaling yet some of those who do the accusing also like to participate in what I call vice signaling. Being offensive for the sake of being offensive. I call this immaturity.
It’s to be expected. People shouldn’t be afraid of being offensive if they’re saying what happens to be the truth. Anyone can be offended and and it’s not uncommon for people to act that way in an attempt to shut down conversation.

Simply declaring “that’s offensive” is an appeal to decency and polite people used to let themselves be silenced, even if what they were saying was true.

Since the offence fallacy is so often used nowadays, people don’t pay attention to it anymore, or treat it as blood in the water and intentionally offend to prove a point. Namely, that it won’t work on them.
Then I want to ask what is the truth. Once it becomes a matter of perception things become difficult to discern. Some people think they can say whatever they want without consequences. If you’re upset with them, they won’t apologize after all your emotions your problem. At what point does that attitude venture into meanness?
We are just people.
Is it wrong if someone decides to disassociate with you because of a poorly expressed opinion or a difference in opinions?
For some people any sign of an emotional reaction is a sign of weakness.
Some opinions no matter how clearly and calmly they are presented will offend.
Because we will inevitably offend someone, does that mean we shouldn’t take the time to weigh our words or consider who we’re talking to and the topic?
While there are people who are thin skinned. There are people who are brash.
Some argue we’re too sensitive these days.
Sometimes I think that can be an excuse to not take responsibility for harsh words.
Then again, we can argue that harshness is a perception.
I don’t know how I feel about these things.
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On a related note, I’m sick of this trend, stemming mostly but not entirely from conservatives, of getting offended by people who feel offended.

It’s sort of a way of gaslighting people, as though it’s the victim’s fault for getting offended and not the perpetrator’s fault for saying something unkind.

If someone says something insulting, one has every right to get offended.

The political correctness issue is largely about what people do with their offended feelings. Do they ignore the offender? Respond in a Christian way? In an un-Christian way? Debate openly? Demand censorship, “safe spaces,” punishment, etc.?
I was just curious how people on this site feel about the wave of political correctness we’re living in. Do you guys think it’s a positive or a negative?
Political correctness is a replacement religion. Because it deliberately doesn’t call itself a religion it tries to make itself the default common ethics of communication and in the education system.

I think in its broader form it is a great source of evil because it is the vehicle of left wing manufactured morals in service of politics. Hence the term political correctness.

In the broader sense it cannot be anything but divisive and authoritarian.
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That’s not what political correctness means though.
What you mentioned are good things because they mean having respect,humility,receptiveness and an open mind.
If everyone just did that that would be great for society!

Political correctness is something different though and is too far and a distortion and is a way of trying to “please everyone and not offend anyone” but in an unbalanced way.

In addition,its counterproductive as ironically someone usually ends up not pleased!

This is an example of political correctness (in my view =silliness):

** In 2006 SeaWorld Gold Coast decided to rename their fairy penguins to be called “little penquins” instead amid fears they could upset the gay community.

Ironically,gay community spokespersons had no issue with the original name and said the whole name change idea was ridiculous.
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Unfortunately “on paper” these things are easy but in real life is complex because there are so many different types of people that we deal with.😩
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