BENG,Where did you recieve this gift of discernment that tell you that the gift of tongues is fake in 99% of you experiences.
Observation and the fact that I’ve never heard tongue interpreter amongst Charismatic circles. And I have quite a bit of Charismatic, and still now. Must convert them.
Its like me saying that 99% of catholics are not christians.
Then that would be not true
You are making a judgement that is not correct.
It’s aproximate.
I understand how you feel about this gift and its not for you because you dont want it.
I’m open to tongue according to 1cor 14 and that would include verse 27 and 28.
We as christians walk by faith and not by sight.
Where’s your faith in the Bible?
This gift is scriptual and the Lord gives it to those whom he wishes.
Wait a minute? What a breach of Charismatic credo!! I thoguht “all of us receive it, we just need to
activate it”
But anyway, of course He gives it to those He wishes, especially He would give it according to the Bible.
It is a gift that brings us into the spiritual realm, one that you do not understand or wish to understand.
I do not understand?
Just because you speak tongue that maybe are fake? (You do speak tongue in front of believers without interpretation right? That would be fake)
I praise God for this gift.
Pray to good for the authencity of the gift while reading 1cor 14 emphasizing on verse 27-28.
Would you do that?
This gift that I hold brings me into a prayer language with God that only He and the Holy Spirit understands.
Would it surprise you to know that even the Devil understand the higher version of tongues?
As I said there are two type of tongues. The one during Pentacost where people of any language can hear and the one at Corrinth. The Devil could speak and hear ANY languages as proven by authentic excorcism stories (
Begone Satan and
Evidence of Satan in the Modern World)
It is important because this gift is necessary to do battle against satan.
Umm, how?
Remember I am talking about a spiritual realm.
Ahh we commoners who can’t speak tongue do not grasp spiritual realm.
Spiritual is a higher plane only accessable through tongue.
Typical Charismatic set of mind.
I shall enlighten people of this.
It also allows my spirit to pray when I dont know how.
Fr William Most - Error in Charismatics
Finding New Life in the Spirit (Servant,1872) has sold 1,690,000 copies. It is a guidebook given to all participants in Life in the Spirit Seminars, developed by the Word of God Community out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Candidates are taught how to invite the gift of tongues, to make a buildup for it –
St. Teresa, as we said above, would worry that the door is left more than a little ajar. This is open to satan and/or autosuggestion. On p.25 the candidate is told to say: “I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit and give me the gift of tongues.” …
Are there abuses? Of course, but in honesty in all of my experiences in the charismatic movement of [19 years] I have never come across any abuses in this movement.
Whenver there are tongues spoken within believers when there are no interpretation then it is an abuse.
From your 19 years of experince, how many of this has happened?
To continue on your mission of trying to expose something that is not true is only causing grief to the Holy Spirit.
What are you talking about?
I’m doing exactly as what St Paul in the Bible said!!
Now, I’m questioning your spirit because you rpohibit me from doing a very important thing to the faith.
Seriously, and earnestly,and prayfully seek God on this topic and ask Him to give you the wisdom that you so much need. Truth will always win out. God Bless.
I would have to say the same word to you.
Read 1 Cor 14:27-28 and OPEN YOUR EYES!