@Nichole I am so sorry for the hurt you have experienced
It seems many people here try to say that the Church has fixed its policies and procedures and that most of the abuse is all in the past, and they criticize people for withholding financial support based on these assumptions without considering the personal experiences of people within their own dioceses and parishes.
I also no longer financially support my parish or my diocese, and not just because of a scandal “somewhere else” in the Church or for past problems that are just now getting media attention. Rather, it is due to what I have personally witnessed being ignored and swept under the rug by priests and the bishop, and running into a brick wall at every turn when trying to get issues addressed.
Priests will agree that you have a valid concern and encourage you to talk to the bishop, but beg you not to mention their name to anyone else because “they still have to live in this brotherhood”. A priest encourages you to elevate your concerns one day, and then the next day drops all support and recommends that it is easier to just “let this issue go”. The bishop downplays and brushes off concerns. The archbishop and other bishops direct you back to your own bishop and don’t want to get involved…
We have all these safe environment standards we have to comply with when we work in ministry, that teach us all the red flags to look out for, yet the bishops ignore these red flags that are brought to their attention because “there has never been a credible allegation” in someones past, so any concerning or morally questionable behaviors of that person are just “personal hobbies or vices”.
When you tell them it is fracturing your parish family and causing people to leave the parish over concerns for the safety of their children around this new person, they respond that “there will always be people who struggle with changes”.
It is for these reasons that I no longer financially support my parish or diocese, and instead direct my charitable contributions to other needs in the Body of Christ.