Hmmm, interesting about that statement. Do you have a source on that? I’d like to understand the context which he made that statement.The Pope Blessed Pius IX during the Civil War stated that slavery in itself is NOT a sin. Slavery was around at the time of Christ: do you remember him condemning slavery? No. He condemned divorice because it is intrinsically wrong.
No, you are wrong. The death penalty has at least some reasoning behind it, to protect innocent life, if there is no other way to secure the guilty. Just saying that the Church partook in torture, therefore it is not wrong is a very weak arguement. Did a pope teach this? Did a doctor of the church ever state that torture was okay in any instance? There is reason why capital punishment is allowable, those reasons are stated in the catachism, but there is no reasoning for torture. You can not equate the two because they are not equal. So, I repeat the original question.As far as torture–what more proof do you need than the Church partaking in it over all the centuries. It is like the death penalty. People try to say it is wrong…then the Church has been wrong for 1900 years. The Council of Trent even stated that capital punishment is in “paramount obedience” to the Fifth Commandment. It merely gets worse and worse. Soon people will think that the death penalty is wrong, just as they think torture and slavery are intrinsically wrong. God bless.
How can torture not be wrong?
I HOPE you don’t jump on a “the ends justify the means” argument…