What he did was correct. Unfortunately because of your personal bias you do not see that. St. Thomas Moore was a very holy man, and his condemnation of the protestant heresy and those who follow it only shows that all the more. May God bless you to bring you to the one and only Church of Christ.I do. I just wanted him (her) to say it, for the record so to speak.
I used to wear a St. Thomas Moore medal for many years and considered (consider?) him a personal hero. A few times I daydreamed about what I would do if I were in Herny VIII’s government with St. Thomas and how I would have liked to die with him as a matter of principle. One day I was reading some of his letters where he advocated the execution and torture of Protestants. It was a very sad day for me. I gave my medal to a Catholic friend in law school shortly thereafter and haven’t felt quite the same way about St. Thomas since then…