It does seem like that is becoming the case. It’s one reason the civil union thing upset me.Woohoo, no one is capable of ever doing anything ever that puts them in bad standing with the Catholic Church. It’s a social club not a religion, after all. Let’s get with the program and throw out those pesky doctrines. Let’s follow politicians instead of Christ the king.
I’m reading a book by Herbert Spencer at the moment, and he said something that made me think.
As already said… the moral law must be the law of the perfect man—the law in obedience to which perfection consists. There are but two propositions for us to choose between. It may either be asserted that morality is a code of rules for the behaviour of man as he is—a code which recognises existing defects of character, and allows for them; or otherwise that it is a code of rules for the regulation of conduct amongst men as they should be. Of the first alternative we must say, that any proposed system of morals which recognises existing defects, and countenances acts made needful by them, stands self-condemned; seeing that, by the hypothesis, acts thus excused are not the best conceivable; that is are not perfectly right—not perfectly moral, and therefore a morality which permits them, is, in so far as it does this, not a morality at all.