Pope Francis Must Resign: Archbishop Vigano

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The Cold War went on a break for a while, then former KGB agent Putin seized control of the Politburo. There’s a laundry list of his crimes.

Russia will never be our ally.
I’m inclined to agree. It rather reminds me of how Jesus would respond to those in the Gospel who were trying to trap him with their questions. He wouldn’t answer them directly either.

I do understand why some think it is an unsatisfactory answer. But, honestly, would Pope Francis saying, “Those claims are outrageous” have changed anyone’s opinions? Probably not. The only answer that is going to satisfy people is that which comes from digging into it, which is what the Holy Father is asking the reporters to do.

It’s really a pretty brilliant way to respond.
That can happen. I think the best thing to do when you are starting to feel that way is to take a step back from the news and devote more time to prayer. When things like this happen, it is generally many days, weeks, or months before a clear picture begins to emerge. There is no shame in letting others sort through the sound and fury in order to find where the truth lies. Then when the dust is settled, we can read from a better perspective.
So you believe Pope Francis did not know about McCarick’s abuses and sexual misconduct, or he did know?

Isn’t this the whole point of questioning him?
Don’t be an obsequious sheep blindly following leaders.
Or blind media. That is why I read the letter for myself, finding several logical inconsistencies and problems with it. In any case, surely you must realize that those of us here really do not have a full grasp on the facts. I bet most haven’t even read the letter.
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As people have accused Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis knowing about the abuse scandal of former Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop Vigano’ wrote a 7000 word letter accusing both Popes of knowing about the allegations (incidents?) and doing nothing about him. He’s calling for Pope Francis’s resignation, keeping in line with the zero tolerance policy.

I used to love Pope Francis but the more I learn about these scandals the more I’m losing faith in my Church and my Church leaders.

One good thing is, to my knowledge so far, neither of my priests or former priests have been accused of doing anything inappropriate.

Thoughts? Should Pope Francis resign?
This is my post I’d posted earlier.
They were doing their job by asking him. I can fully understand that he is not ready to answer, there is likely much in the report he does not know about. But I do not like his answer, it would have been better to just say, we will give a statement in a timely manner, but not now.
Praying about it is the best I can do ,arguing here isn’t ,and is the opposite of helpful.
God bless.
It was likely considered a private matter when Benedict imposed the restrictions on him. As to lack of enforcement, the answer I have read is that McCarrick had protection of other curia members. There might be some truth to that. A more likely answer, imo, is that it was a private matter and largely left up to McCarrick to be obedient. Benedict did not spend his time monitoring the situation.
They were doing their job by asking him. I can fully understand that he is not ready to answer, there is likely much in the report he does not know about. But I do not like his answer, it would have been better to just say, we will give a statement in a timely manner, but not now.
I agree.
The Pope was not accused of sexual assault. His actual accusation is more vague (“covering” for McCarrick", abdicating his responsibility). Answering vague criticism is tricky. He is not in the same situation as child abusers, or in the position of those bishops that failed to report criminal sexual assault of children to the police.
There is nothing vague about the accusation made against the Pope. I understand it very clearly. He is accused of a very serious coverup that is at least as bad as what you posited. He is accused of acting in a hypocritic way. I did not say he was charged with sexual assault. That is a red-herring used to obfuscate the original post. My point is that we need an answer to the accusation. We are looking for transparency. We expect a different approach than what we have received in the past which is a bureaucratic self serving brush off. We are not satisfied with “You need not concern yourself with the business of us smart people in the highest ranks of the church.”
. I did not say he was charged with sexual assault. That is a red-herring used to obfuscate the original post.
You used the phrase, so it can hardly be my red herring. If you think it is as serious, you have not been sexually assaulted. You may not believe the allegation vague. I will stick to my opinion unless more data comes forward.
We are not satisfied with “You need not concern yourself with the business of us smart people in the highest ranks of the church.”
Not a red herring, but a straw man. No one said this.
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Why should Pope Francis say anything??..to appease these Catholics who have already judged him guilty…just like this Cardinal who waits til he’s out of the country to make his statement…couldn’t he face Pope Francis…ever since Pope Francis was elected there have been certain Cardinals…and lay people… only too willing to besmirch him and his pontificate…the Holy Spirit will see that the church of Jesus Christ will not be mocked…if there is any truth in what the Vicar of Christ is being accused of it will be revealed in time…if it is shown that the accusations are false then those accusers against the Vicar of Christ had better be seeking some serious forgiveness.
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  • Stephen VI dug up his predecessor’s corpse and put it on trial.
  • John XII was accused of homicide, perjury, sacrilege and incest.
  • Boniface VIII said pedophilia was no more problematic than “rubbing one hand against the other.”
  • Sixtus IV had a kid with his sister.
  • Innocent VIII had lots of illegitimate children.
  • Paul IV ordered horrific acts of anti-semitism
  • Pius XI authorized the Vatican Secretary of State (who would later become Pius XII) to sign the first formal recognition of, and cooperation pact with, the Third Reich
  • And don’t get me started on the Borgia popes!
This is making me feel even worse. What does all the above say about the Church being led by the Holy Spirit and the HS leading the voting for Pope?
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You know, the more I think about it, the more I am very concerned that an archbishop has publicly called for the resignation of the pontiff. Of course it’s important to uncover the truth regarding this issue. But it’s a disgusting sign of the times that those in the hierarchy are battling one another in the public eye.

I’m not trying to be reactionary but I can’t help but think of our Lady of Akita’s words:
The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops.
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This is making me feel even worse. What does all the above say about the Church being led by the Holy Spirit and the HS leading the voting for Pope?
The Holy Spirit has never chosen the Pope. The Cardinals pray to God for guidance, and then they choose the Pope. If the Holy Spirit chose the pope we would just put names in a hat and reach in to pull one out.

The Holy Spirit protects the Church from heresy; we choose the Pope.
There were plenty of sinful Old Testament high priests too, and no Christian doubts God ordained that high priesthood. Look at Caiaphas in the Gospel… he condemns Christ to death and yet the Gospel tells us that he spoke by the Holy Spirit… not because of his personal holiness but rather because of his office (see John 11:51).
. I did not say he was charged with sexual assault. That is a red-herring used to obfuscate the original post.
I will rephrase the post:
Would anyone be satisfied with a Bishop answering a question the same way the Pope did about an alleged coverup of a sexual assault?

And my second point was an analogy of an attitude some Bishops had in previous sexual abuse by priest scandals. Many Catholics, including me, were disgusted by that and we are not going to be satisfied again. There, clear enough?
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