This is very disappointing. To say that people are out to get the pope because, “frankly, he’s a Latino”? What does he base that claim on?
It was an absurd statement. Embarrassing, frankly.This is very disappointing. To say that people are out to get the pope because, “frankly, he’s a Latino”? What does he base that claim on?
According to McCarrick, he and Pope Francis have been quite close. They share the same agenda for the Church. Cardinal McCarrick spoke at Villanova U shortly after election of Pope Francis in talk entitled, "Who is Pope Francis?” Who is Pope Francis? - YouTubeThere must have been some reason for Francis to trust the man. This is part of what we don’t know.
Indeed. The most we can say is that a man that worked in Sambi’s office confirmed what Vigano said.Vigano alludes to fact that Pietro Sambi, Nuncio prior to him, died “prematurely” He would have been the one to impose the sanctions on McCarrick. Whether or not he left a paper trail is not known.
Wow. So a bishop has now called people who don’t like the sex abuse scandals racists. Racism is the real problem? This is of course a terrible calumny.
Yikes! Now that is some real scary stuff if you ask me. After 2,000 years, a sect of the Catholic hierarchy is looking to elect a Pope who will change the Church established on earth by Jesus Christ. I really wonder what they wanted to remake it in to?He recounts how Bergoglio came to be elected. During first week in Rome, a “very distinguished and influential Italian gentleman came to see me and suggested Bergoglio: ‘He could do it, you know,’ said the gentleman, ‘……He could remake the Church….If he had 5 years he could make the Church over again.’”
It’s calumny. It is shameful. It actually works to confirm the general problem identified by the accusations. If ‘they are racists’ is your defense then you don’t have much of one.This is very disappointing. To say that people are out to get the pope because, “frankly, he’s a Latino”? What does he base that claim on?
Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for those that followed the Pied Piper, did it.“We have never had such a pastor in so long a time. They will find in Francis, like the Pied Piper, one to follow.”