There would be no indult if it were not for the SSPX. The indult did not exist and NOBODY was allowed to say the TLM except in private.
So, wrong, Unfinished, you have it backwards.
No, I am quite correct. God does not abandon His Church. Is it in a bad state right now? Yes. But there was not ONE point in history when the Church was NOT in a bad state.
First they were all martyred, then in became a power stuggle for the next thousand years and the Church got involved in a lot of stuff it had no business with. Then, in the midsts of corruption, the reformation happened. The reformation was OUR FAULT. If the Church had been operating as it should, there would of been no cause for complaining. Does that make the Protestants correct? No.
It is the same now with the SSPX. While they are not in outright rebellion, there is NO NEED to leave the Holy Catholic Church’s authority. God will raise someone up to repair His Church, He always does.
So, I had it correct. If the SSPX had never been created, God would raise someone up to repair things. He is doing it now. All the men in my discernment group are overwhelming orthodox. I happen to attend the Latin Mass, but I am the only one who does. And guess what? None of us feel the need to become schismatic.
The Church has always been in a state of peril because it is under Satan’s constant attack. But the gates of Hell will not prevail. Schisms happen because men do not trust God with that promise, instead they try to fix things themselves. God will provide, he is doing it now. If I am ordained, God willing, I may be on my death bed and only see the start of change, but it is coming.
If Luther had stayed inside the Church instead of rebelling, he might of been able to fix it without creating the Protestants. If the SSPX had not schismed, all those orthodox priests could be helping to repair the abuses instead of jumping ship.
I did not mean to stray off topic here. While I am looking forward to a possible indult, just because of my personal preferance, it will not solve the problems of the Church. Even if Vatican II had never happened, the Church would still be rampet with problems. People would just be complaining about something else instead.