He most certainly can and he did.
Quo Primam was a measure taken against Cranmer’s Mass (which is now the Novus Ordo) and the requirement that Engish priests say the new venacular Mass, along with its other changes. That is why Pius canonized it.
Quite incorrect, on virtually all counts. You need to read objective history, not propaganda from radical traditionalists. I was an Anglican and any resemblance between Cranmer’s service and the Novus Ordo is purely based on their common roots in the Western liturgy (Cranmer borrowed heavily from the Old Sarum Rite, for example). The essential form of the Mass is “This is My Body,” and “This is My Blood.” We HAVE to have that (in the Western Rite) to have a valid consecration. The pope cannot rule otherwise. Most of the rest of it is subject to discipline and ordering by the pope and no pope can bind a future pope on a matter of discipline. QP is not infallible in this regard as it touches on a
Regarding the vernacular, Trent did not forbid the use of the vernacular per se, but simply said that it did not seem wise at that time. Again, since this is an area of discipline, the Church has the authority to rule. If the pope allowed it, for example, we could easily have the Tridentine Mass in the vernacular.