Power of the Rosary---is this True?

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All mistakes are made when we refuse to believe Jesus when He said to listen to His Church. The minute we start believing other men who say to reject His Church we have lost faith in Jesus and put our faith in our own reasoning and in others.
this is the basic problem… recognizing the authority of the Church that Jesus started and gave His authority to… it’s the trickle down from the Reformation that has become a flood … it’s the snowflake that has become the avalanche… it’s why we have countless thousands of “denominations” today… too many think that theirs is the best way… if our sola scripturists would just adhere to the bible that they hold so dear, they would recognize that there is to be One Church … as there was immediately after Pentecost
Dear Dcdurel,
I am Henry from the post on the Rosary. I would like to thank you for such your reply and such a clear explanation to my doubts on the Rosary and Mary. I have to tell you that you have opened my eyes. I am originally from Poland Mary, Mother of God, is the Queen of Poland. I was praying to Mary all my life. It happened that for the last 1.5 year I was dating a Protestant girl. She was one of those fundamentalists who know the best how to interrupter the Bible. She happened to graduate from Christian fundamentalist college with major in Education but she had to take 2 years of Bible classes and some other faith related classes.

She was the one who injected in my mind the idea that praying to Mary is idolatry. That’s why I posted the message with all my doubts. You cleared them in such beautiful ways – with a strong support from the Bible that I have no doubt now that Mary can be our interceder to her Son.

I am no longer with the girl, we broke up because our religious differences and the main problem that divided us was Eucharist.

I would like to start a new thread in Apologetics on Eucharist. I am going to copy there her email with her reasoning that tries to prove that we worship a wafer.

I would really appreciate if you could read it and reply to it with all your knowledge, and what’s the most important with the support of the scripture as well as other documents that support our belief that Christ really meant what He said “Eat this Bread this is my Body…”

Thank you so much and God Bless you.

Yes the rosary works, either as way to calm us and focus our prayer life or as a good devotional tool.

I have my grandfather’s rosary. My dad says grandpa used it when he was stressed.

I also have an “obedience” rosary, given to a disobedient young priest by his gentle older bishop. The priest was so disobedient, he gave it away and I ended up with it.
Dear Dcdurel,
I am Henry from the post on the Rosary. I would like to thank you for such your reply and such a clear explanation to my doubts on the Rosary and Mary
Thank you so much and God Bless you.
When answering Protestants, we first must find out what the Church teaches on the basics. The Baltimore Catechism #1 & #2 is great for this, since it was put together by the bishops years ago, and approved by Congregation for the Faith in Rome. It is a summary of the Roman Catechism, which is a summary of the Gospel which has been taught by the Church from the time of the apostles.
The Roman Catechism, or the Catechism of the Council of Trent is excellent, since it is directed towards answering the errors of Protestantism. That is where I got most of my insights.
Then the Church councils, etc. The New Catechism is great for answering secularists. And of course prayer. Pray the Rosary every day. The Popes, since Pope Leo XIII have highly recommended the Rosary. Pope Leo XIII recommends praying it “unceasingly”, and since the Popes are Christs repesentative on earth, we can say Christ is recommending that we pray it unceasingly.
Protestants are taught to honor Jesus, and they think any honor given to the saints takes away honor given to Jesus. This comes from Calvin, I think. So they see the honor we give to Mary and they interpret it as worship.
Of course that is contrary to scripture. When Paul was persecuting the Christians, Jesus said, “why do you persecute me”. So whatever we do to a member of the Body of Christ, (members of the Church) we do to Jesus. Also in Matthew 25, whatever we do to the least of these, we do to Jesus. Look up all the scripture verses on the body of Christ and this teaching, they are in Corinthians. Thus, when we honor Mary, by prayer, we are actually honoring Jesus also, and to honor Jesus is to worship Him.
We are supposed to imitate God.
3 John 1:11 “Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good.”
Only God is all good. We imitate God, because everything He does is good. We don’t imitate Satan, because what he does is evil. The Father honors those who serve Jesus:
John 12:26 … “if any one serves me, the Father will honor him.”
Mary served Jesus perfectly. Thus, the God honored Mary by chosing her to become His Mother. Can anyone think of any honor greater than that? Thus, we must follow God’s example and honor Mary. Of course we could never honor her as much as God did. And when we do honor Mary, we are actually honoring God, for whatever we do to a member of the body of Christ, we do to Christ himself. Thus, when we pray the Hail Mary, our prayers go to God, through her intercession, and the honor we give to her goes to God. This is Church teaching. And to honor God is to worship Him. Thus, when we pray the Hail Mary, we are actually praying to God, through her, and honoring God, through her. Thus we are actually worshipping God Himself in a way, when we pray the Hail Mary.
There are many other verses where God honors those who fear Him and serve him. Such as the vision John received of Mary in Revelations, crowned with 12 stars, clothed in the sun, etc.
Now, does the devil honor those who serve the Lord? Of course not. Thus, if we don’t honor those who serve the Lord, we are following the example of Satan. Thus, to refuse to honor Mary by praying the Rosary, and to refuse to honor the saints in prayer to them, is to follow the example of Satan.
We also bless Mary when we say the Hail Mary. When we bless those who God has blessed, we receive a blessing. God blessed Abraham,
------------ Genesis 12:2 ---------
2 And I will make of you a great
nation, and I will bless you, and
make your name great, so that you
will be a blessing.

then He said in the next verse.

Gen. 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves."

So those who bless Abraham will receive a blessing, because Abraham was blessed by God.
Thus since God blessed Mary, (blessed are you among women) then we receive a blessing everytime we bless her in prayer.
And of course, we also bless Jesus in the Hail Mary.
Don’t the psalms say, “I will bless the Lord at all times”
Only Catholics who pray the Rosary unceasingly do this.
And if we receive a blessing for blessing those who God blesses, then how much greater a blessing do we receive by blessing Jesus Himself.
Tim Staples has some great tapes, called “blessed art thou among women”, which are great for showing how much God honors Mary. These are highly, highly, highly recommended.
Also this website

The best tapes I have ever heard in my life are by Father Hardon who was commissioned by the Pope to spread the Church teachings on the Eucharist.

They are called “The Blessed Sacrament” by Father John Hardon
You can only get them by calling 1-800-842-2871 $29.00 I think.
They changed my life. Mother Teresa said Father Hardon was the holiest priest she had ever met. She chose him to teach all her sisters. If you never by anything else again, buy these tapes.
WOW what an awesome post!

I still haven’t yet learned to “pray the Rosary” quite yet–but I just KNOW the power of such is near me and has been for the past 30 years. When I’ve had so many close calls with death, and also those of my family members, as well as just distress, I have ALWAYS had a Rosary nearby. I really think the power of our Blessed Mother Mary has been with me, as well of couse as The Lord Himself. There just IS NO OTHER explanation if you knew all the serendipities I’ve had.

Thanks so much all you most blessed Catholic Friends out there–I have yet to meet one Catholic Friend in my life–but I pray I will some day. As you all know with my Dad a Protestant pastor for 50 years and a totally immersed “Fundamentalist Family”–I’m a bit over-shadowed here. Yet–I wait upon the Lord to bring one in my life. I have soooo seen answers to prayer in other realms.

This week, I’ll try to go to the Rosary before Mass, and learn it/say it with my catholic friends.

Luv ya all–

On the other heand we have Paul saying that (in the heaven) it is the Lord Jesus who makes intercession, in Romans 8:34 we read, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”. The RCs strips this away from the Lord, usurping it and giving it to Mary.

The RCC lie about Rev 12:1

Revelation 12:1 says, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” You see the idol representing this everywhere. But is this really about Mary? No it isn’t it is about Israel pictured in the Great Tribulation.

The woman is Israel, the child is the Lord Jesus. According to the scriptures, particularly in Romans 9:4-5, “Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.” Here it is clear that the credit we find in the Bible as the source of Christ’s flesh is Israel, not Mary!

Gen 3:15 is not about Mary, no Apostle of Christ ever interpreted Gen 3:15 or Rev 12:1 to be about Mary. Context of the both passages will expose this lie sheet.

The seed of the woman (which is Eve) is plausibly the Lord Jesus Christ, RC however speculate that the woman was Mary, that’s not warranted by the text. For in Gen 3:16, the LORD also said, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

Why is it that the RCs cut portions of the scripture (v.15) and ignore the rest (v.16). Surely the LORD said both v.15 and v.16 to the same woman? What right has the RCs to pervert or reduce the scripture?

Now contextually of course one message (v.15 and v.16 both) is said to the woman. In v.16 it says the woman will bring forth CHILDREN. Did you get it? If the woman was Mary, how many CHILDREN did Mary have? This proof text even exposes the other lie of the RCs about Mary being a perpetual virgin.


This is full of cheat of context, abuse of scripture and misrepresentation of God’s Word all for the benefit of an invented and unbiblical doctrine about Mary.

**How am I going to refute their arguments???:banghead: **
I am a Catholic and before I didn’t have any problems with praying to Mary till now. I would like to ask you to help me to see the issue clear as it could be:
  1. I have seen people praying, bowing, kneeling in front of, and kissing the statues of Mary. It is seems to me as a sin of idolatry in its purest form as it can be. People worship Mary and Her statues instead of venerate Her and we know that all our worship should be to God.
  2. How Mary can intercede for us? In order to hear our prayers She would have to be omnipresent. ONLY GOD IS OMNIPRESENT. By believing that Mary can hear our prayers we give Her the attributes of God. I believe it’s a sin.
  3. There is only one way to God, it’s through Jesus Christ our Savior, the Bible says that He is interceding for us.
  4. Who knows, maybe evil is using Mary to pull us away from Christ and making us to pray to Her instead to Her Son. Who knows, maybe Mary in Heaven is crying because of this.
You cannot imagine how much I want to be wrong on the above!!!

Saying Rosary: we pray not to Mary but with Mary. I can accept that Mary is praying in Heaven and we are praying here on Earth but it’s hard for me to believe that Mary can hear our prayers, same with all the Saints in Heaven. In Catholic Church we believe in presence of the Saints, I would like to know where this dogma came from and when.

Maybe a Catholic theologian could clearly explain it to me? I would really appreciate that. Thank you,

I am not a catholic theologian, but I would put my worries to rest. You will know what is from God by it’s fruits. Simply read anything that anyone has written here about the rosary who prays it, and tell me if you think this is really the work of the devil. I have a personal experiance with attachment to sin that has been overcome by using the rossary. Wouldn’t you agree that if it works, we shouldn’t knock it? Eating from the tree of knowledge seems to be a bigger scourge than the simplicity of this meditative gospel prayer. The object of the Bible and Christ’s coming to earth is to gain love and peace in your heart for God and neighbor and to convert from sin, miraculusly surpassing all reasoning and knowledge …which at best comes from looking at truth through a limited and distorted human perspective. Human perspective makes it easy to agrue about the truth. Distracting and confusing to outsiders looking in as well.
this is the basic problem… recognizing the authority of the Church that Jesus started and gave His authority to… it’s the trickle down from the Reformation that has become a flood … it’s the snowflake that has become the avalanche… it’s why we have countless thousands of “denominations” today… too many think that theirs is the best way… if our sola scripturists would just adhere to the bible that they hold so dear, they would recognize that there is to be One Church … as there was immediately after Pentecost
My sense is that the Holy Spirit unites us into one Church and that many who believe they are protestant who find God present within them also are part of the one Church. When two or more call upon his name he is present.
On the other heand we have Paul saying that (in the heaven) it is the Lord Jesus who makes intercession, in Romans 8:34 we read, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”. The RCs strips this away from the Lord, usurping it and giving it to Mary.
Incorrect. You are assuming that there is ONLY one intecessor. The bible is clear that Jesus is not the ONLY intecessor. St. Paul himself writes to Timothy,
1Ti 2:1 “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,
** intercessions,** and thanksgivings be made for all men”
And I quoted numerous verses in the bible where God would not answer prayers unless people went through holy and righteous intecessors. Was God wrong for not answering prayers made directly to Him?
It appears that you have put your trust in a tradition of men, which teaches there is ONLY once intecessor. We must believe Jesus when He said to listen to His Church.
Revelation 12:1 says, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” You see the idol representing this everywhere.
Incorrect. An idol, according to dictionary.com is:
“An image used as an object of worship.”
The images of Mary to simply to remind us of Mary, just people have images of their relatives in their houses. Do you call these images idols? Of course not. They simply remind you of your relatives. Don’t Protestant churches have nativity scenes in their churches at Christmas, with images of Mary, Joseph and Jesus in them? Of course. Do you consider them idols? Of course not. The images of Mary and the saints are to remind us of Mary and the saints in heaven that are surrounding as as a “cloud of witnesses”, as St. Paul writes, who are worshipping Jesus in the heavenly mass at the same time we are worshipping Jesus at mass on earth.
Revelation 12:1 says, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, …” But is this really about Mary? No it isn’t. It is about Israel pictured in the Great Tribulation. The woman is Israel, the child is the Lord Jesus. According to the scriptures, particularly in Romans 9:4-5, “Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.” Here it is clear that the credit we find in the Bible as the source of Christ’s flesh is Israel, not Mary!
  1. In Revelations, there are two others in these passages. A child, Jesus, and a great red dragon, which is later described as Satan. These are all persons. Thus the third entity, “the woman” would also have to be a person.
  2. Later Revalations says of the woman:
    Revelation 12:17 “Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus.”
    Isreal could hardly be described as the mother of those who “keep the commandments of God”
    for Israel was disobedient and sinful, and even killed Jesus.
    and who
    “bear testimony to Jesus.”
    Israel rejected Jesus and persecuted His followers, and was Jerusalem was eventually destroyed for not believing Jesus.
Gen 3:15 is not about Mary, no Apostle of Christ ever interpreted Gen 3:15 or Rev 12:1 to be about Mary. Context of the both passages will expose this lie sheet.
The early Christians, the Fathers of the Church all interpreted this as Mary. Look it up. Some also interpreted the woman in a secondary sense as the Church.
The seed of the woman (which is Eve) is plausibly the Lord Jesus Christ, RC however speculate that the woman was Mary, that’s not warranted by the text. For in Gen 3:16, the LORD also said, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”
Why is it that the RCs cut portions of the scripture (v.15) and ignore the rest (v.16). Surely the LORD said both v.15 and v.16 to the same woman? What right has the RCs to pervert or reduce the scripture?
Gen 3:15 says
“I will put enmity between you
and the woman, and between your seed
and her seed; he shall bruise your
head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
1.) Jesus called Mary “woman”, many times,which can’t mean disrespect, for Jesus is God and never sinned. Thus Jesus is connecting Gen 3:15, His mother Mary, and Rev 12:1 as the same person since Revelations 12:1 calls the mother of Jesus “the woman”
2.) “I will put enmity between you and the woman”
Enmity means total, absolute opposition. This can hardly be Eve, who was a sinner.
It would have to be Mary, who as the Mother of God, would arouse enmity, and who as sinless, would arouse more enmity.
That enmity is clearly shown in Revelations 12, as Satan tried to kill Mary. Satan never tried to kill Eve, who cooperated with him.
3.) “between your seed” (the children of the devil, all those who give into sin) and “her seed” (Jesus) and “on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God” (Rev 12:17)
The seed of Eve did not keep the commandments of God. Her first born son killed her second born son, Abel.
The seed of Mary, was Jesus, who was sinless, and on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God"
4.) Gen 3:15 Says specifically says that “the woman” was NOT the seed of the devil, for it does not include “the woman” as part of “your seed”, whereas Eve certainly was part of his seed.
5.)In the bible, “seed” always the man’s seed, sperm, the husband’s seed, and the father’s seed. Never to the children of women.
But, since Jesus had no human father and Mary did not conceive with a human seed, God’s going to elevate that “woman” and give to her a seed (Jesus Christ our redeemer) through which the serpent’s head will be crushed.
6.) “he shall bruise your head” A more accurate translation is “crush your head”. The pronoun “he” is ambiguous and can be translated “she”, as St. Jerome did. Thus, “she shall crush your head”
In Luke, Mary is called “blessed are you among women”. The only other place that others are called “blessed of women” are the two Old Testament women who slayed the enemies of Israel, one, Jael, who did so by crushing the head of the enemy with a wooden stake.
Jud 5:24 "Most blessed of women be Ja’el,
5:26 “She put her hand to the tent peg and her right hand to the
workmen’s mallet; she struck Sis’era a blow, she crushed his head, she shattered and pierced his temple.”
Thus, Mary is called “blessed among women” to show she is the fulfillment of the Old Testament type who will crush the head of the enemy of Israel, who is Satan.
Cardinal Newman points clearly that “the only passage where the Serpent is directly identified with evil spirit (the Devil himself) occurs in the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse; now it is observable that the recognition when made is found in the course of a vision of a “woman clothed with sun and the moon under her feet” thus two Women are brought into contrast with each other. . . . . . .If then there is reason for thinking that this mystery at the close of Scripture record answers to the mystery in the beginning of it, and that “the woman” mentioned in both passages is one and the same, then she can be none other than St. Mary, thus introduced prophetically to our notice immediately on the transgression of Eve”
My sense is that the Holy Spirit unites us into one Church and that many who believe they are protestant who find God present within them also are part of the one Church. When two or more call upon his name he is present.
the catechism says this
838 "The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized who are honored by the name of Christian, but do not profess the Catholic faith in its entirety or have not preserved unity or communion under the successor of Peter.“322 Those "who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in a certain, although imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church.
why would one not want to be a part of all that Jesus intended for them through His Church? didn’t St Paul admonish those of the Church of Corinth to be one with the Church

1 Corinthians 1:10

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no schisms among you: but that you be perfect in the same mind and in the same judgment.

if one is not in comumion with Rome, then they are not part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, no matter what their “sense” tells them
I recommend highly the little yellow book “The Power of the Rosary” by Albert Shamon. It is only about $3.00.

It gives wonderful examples of how praying the Rosary, especially in a prayer group, is indeed a powerful weapon…it is credited with stopping communism and saving lives, etc.

The prayer group I have been attending here in Kansas City (since 1993), which is an apparition site of Our Lady, prays the Rosary in an even more wonderful way—the way Our Lady wants it to be prayed. Everyone who is new always comments on how much better it is than the way they had been praying the Rosary.

Know for a fact that the Rosary is the second-most powerful prayer. The Catholic Mass is the first. So by doing both, you can only do right!

Trust me…I was raised Baptist and became a Catholic when I was 21. The Baptists (and all non-Catholics) don’t know what they are missing.🙂
Hello everyone, I’m a newbie and should probably be posting in a different thread for my first post… However, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to comment on this very special prayer.

In hindsight, I would say that a lack of attention to Our Lady and the Rosary was a causal factor in me lapsing from the faith many years ago. Conversely, the prayers of my mother (who is a devotee of the Rosry) helped bring me back to the Church around 3 years ago. The sacraments of the Church along with the Rosary help me sustain my faith now.

I think someone once said something like this: ‘to neglect the Mother is to risk losing sight of the Son’. That was certainly true in my life, and I have found that my renewed devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary is leading me closer to Jesus.
Hi Simes,
I hope you dont mind my using your post. Your post has a similar theme to many posts. And that is the blessing your receive from praying the Rosary. I have to say, I am not catholic, and I am not a Marion devotee.
I want to ask you this question and I ask the same question of all people who participate in this thread.
Do you receive the same degree of blessings if you pray only to God in Jesus holy name? I am supposing that you pray to God without any intercessors, apart from Jesus’s Holy name.
In all truth, I see an extreme emotional bond with and defence of Mary, but by comparison hardly anything on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is mentioned in a rote fashion, not in love as Mary is.If you disagree could you give me the names of the threads and the numbers of posts which prove I am wrong. On the other hand start up any thread on Mary and you will see an emotional outpouring.
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
Why are you waiting to say the Rosary? There is usually a booklet in every Church on how to say the Rosary. I teach my Catechism kids in 10 minutes. It is not magical, hanging them all over the house helps nothing. Just sit down and do it!
The Power of the Rosary

Our Lady has 117 titles. She selected this title at Fatima: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.”

St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is - Pray the Rosary.

St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome Italy on just the Hail Mary.

St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in hand.

“The rosary is the scourge of the devil” - Pope Adrian VI.

“The rosary is a treasure of graces” - Pope Paul V.

Padre Pio the stigmatic priest said “The Rosary is THE WEAPON.”

Pope Leo XIII wrote 9 encyclicals on the rosary.

Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about Our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed 15 decades daily.

St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: “The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother.”

If you wish to obtain a favor - Pray the “54 day Rosary Novena.” Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of petition; Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of thanksgiving. Will you give 1% of 1440 minutes each day to God? If so, pray the daily rosary in 15 minutes - 1% of 24 hours. Later on, give 3% and pray the entire 15 decade rosary - Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries.🙂
mayra hart said:
The Power of the Rosary

Our Lady has 117 titles. She selected this title at Fatima: “I am the Lady of the Rosary.”

St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is - Pray the Rosary.

St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome Italy on just the Hail Mary.

St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in hand.

“The rosary is the scourge of the devil” - Pope Adrian VI.

“The rosary is a treasure of graces” - Pope Paul V.

Padre Pio the stigmatic priest said “The Rosary is THE WEAPON.”

Pope Leo XIII wrote 9 encyclicals on the rosary.

Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about Our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed 15 decades daily.

St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: “The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who loves His Mother.”

If you wish to obtain a favor - Pray the “54 day Rosary Novena.” Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of petition; Pray 3 nine day rosary novenas - 27 days of thanksgiving. Will you give 1% of 1440 minutes each day to God? If so, pray the daily rosary in 15 minutes - 1% of 24 hours. Later on, give 3% and pray the entire 15 decade rosary - Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries.🙂

Hi myra hart,
Oh How I wish I could often see such spontaneous outpourings for Jesus and for the Holy Spirit. Can you do the same ( I recognise it is not spontaneous as I am asking) for Jesus and for the Holy Spirit.
It may be a couple of days before I can come back to this post as I am busy and now just take a bit of time here and there as it comes.
Christ be with you
walk in love
One thing that I know for a fact, speaking from first-hand experience, is that devotion to the Blessed Mother leads one to deeper understanding and love of/for her Divine Son. I can’t adequately express this in words, you just has to experience it yourself firsthand, but it’s so not true what some claims that Marian devotion takes away devotion to Jesus.

St Faustina is a saint that witnessed this for me. As many knows, she is the secretary of the devotion to the Divine Mercy; she is so devoted to the Blessed Sacrament (her full name is Faustina Maria Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament) and the Divine Mercy, having been entrusted the mission to widespread the devotion by the Divine Saviour Himself. If you read her Diary, you are overwhelmed with the expressions of her love for the Lord.

Yet, she shows that this love, devotion and desire for the Lord come also from the tutelage of Mary Immaculate. I cite from Mother of All Peoples website:

Taught by Mary Immaculate

Seeking to imitate Mary’s pure, undivided heart was an important part of Saint Faustina’s spiritual life. On one occasion, the Mother of God taught Saint Faustina to follow her example by keeping the eyes of her heart fixed on the Cross even in moments of joy. She told Saint Faustina that the graces that God was granting her were not for her alone, but for other souls as well (See Diary, 561).

This mystical saint often used metaphors to describe her strong desire to love God through a life of purity. She often referred to herself, for example, as a pure lily, a pure crystal, or a chaste virgin. She would use these words as well to describe Our Lady, showing that she wanted to be pure in her love of God like Mary.

Saint Faustina also knew she had to go through Mary Immaculate because “if it were not for the Mother of God, all our efforts would be of little use” (Diary, 686). She understood that when we unite ourselves with Mary, we can do great things!

Saint Faustina’s great desire was to do God’s will and spread devotion to God’s mercy, and she knew that to fulfill her mission she had to call upon Mary’s maternal intercession and mediation. The saint even stated that she wanted to be so close to Jesus so as to be “immaculate” (Diary, 159). For her, being “immaculate” meant being available to do God’s will with a pure heart.

She relied on Mary so completely that she entrusted her desire for purity to the Mother of God: “Mary, Immaculate Virgin, take me under your special protection and guard the purity of my soul, heart, and body. You are the model and star of my life” (Diary, 874).

In seeking this purity through the intercession of Mary, Saint Faustina would meditate on Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Along with her novena of 9,000 Hail Marys for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, she would sometimes prepare in other ways as much as two months in advance of Dec. 8th.

The saint was not disappointed in all her efforts. On the contrary, Saint Faustina said that the gift of purity was “one of the greatest graces which the Most Holy Virgin Mary had obtained for me, as for many years I had been asking this grace of her” (Diary, 40).

I know it’s hard to understand, our sometimes-overwhelmingly expressed love of the Blessed Mother. But our gratitutes for her maternal protection, intercession for the Church can never measure up to what she’s actually done for us. A stained glass only looks beautiful from inside, so in a way I can understand your objections, but unless you can feel how we feel …
.Saint Faustina also knew she** had to go** through Mary Immaculate because “if it were not for the Mother of God, all our efforts would be of little use” (Diary, 686).
"Mary, Immaculate Virgin, take me under your special protection and guard the purity of my soul, heart, and body. You are the model and star of my life" (Diary, 874).

. Along with her novena of 9,000 Hail Marys for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception,

one of the greatest graces which the Most Holy Virgin Mary had obtained for me, as for many years I had been asking this grace of her" (Diary, 40).

Hi mrS4ntA,
Sadly, with a heavy heart, I understand what you are telling me.
The only scriptural support I can find for this attitude is the one where Jesus says that if they are not against us they are for us.

How could any Christian say, " All our efforts would be of little use" Where is the Holy Spirit. Why would this Saint Faustina so ridicule the Holy Spirit. I pray to God you do not know what you are doing. Can you hear what you are saying. The Holy Spirit is of no use. Only Mary, what rubbish. what utter rubbish. If she had to go through some Mary because the Holy Spirit would not help her she was in touch with satan. There can be no doubt about this. Read her words. She just denied God saying He was useless and she had to go through Mary.

You are the model and star of my life. Is this worship?
What are you doing? again I ask " what are you doing to yourself?
Tell me truly that God is the model and star of your life, in Jesus Holy name. God is love and so should we be. Read your words, please.
Then this saint says that Mary is the provider. What blasphemy!!!
Look at the position of these people in Holy Scripture. God, Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, David, Solomon, Noah, Job, Daniel, Moses, Elijah.
Mary does not have any where the prominence in the Holy Scripture that these people do.
Men have elevated her, not Holy Scripture, and not the Holy Spirit. How many catholics say how long it takes them to love Mary unconditionally. This is because they are fighting against the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit was for this aspect that man has forced on poor Mary then the acceptance would be immediate. You are doing harm to the real Mary. If you are really obtaining spiritual help, this is outside God.
If you can not see this it must be because God has blinded your eyes. your words create a depression in my spirit.
Christ be with you
walk in love
mayra hart said:

Yes, it is. Devotional prayer of this kind is as old as Christianity — as old as Judaism, in fact. The present form of the Rosary developed directly from the practices of the apostles, who gathered to say psalms at certain hours of the day or night (Acts 3:1; 10:9, 30; 16:25). This is really just a continuation of Jewish practice, as you can see in passages like 1 Kings 10:5 or Psalm 119:164, or the prescriptions for the services of the Temple in Exodus and Deuteronomy. There is no time in the memory of Christianity when Christians did not do this.

Gradually, as distinctively Christian ways of life took shape, this practice became the “Liturgy of the Hours,” sometimes called the Divine Office or the Great Office. Since earliest times, this prayer was obligatory for clergy, and it was embraced eagerly by the laity. The most popular and most effective form of this devotion was the “Psalter of the Blessed Virgin,” and “the Rosary is . . . a branch sprung from that ancient trunk of Christian liturgy . . . by which the humble were associated in the Church’s hymn of praise and universal intercession,” Pope Paul VI recalled. Its roots are intertwined with those of every other Christian devotion, reaching all the way back through the New Testament to Genesis, by way of the prophets and Psalms. In fact, because the Rosary consists of meditations on the chief episodes of the lives of Mary and Jesus, it can’t be understood at all apart from the Bible — the Gospels that preserve the best accounts of those mysteries, the prophecies that explain them, and the epistles that show you how to apply their meanings in your daily life. Indeed, the constant practice of the Rosary is one of the best ways to gain a more thorough understanding of the Bible. bless you all

Good Post.

This is a link I found that might be useful. It explains how the Rosary came out of the early church, not the middle ages, what it was used for and why.

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