Power of the Rosary---is this True?

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Hi Sparkle!

She promised:

"Say the Rosary every day…
Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners…
I’m Our Lady of the Rosary.
Only I will be able to help you.
…In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph."

Our Lady at Fatima

Pretty strong word ONLY hey!

Hi Andy,
Pretty strong words alright.
You have just denied God.
I am so sorry for you.
I am at a loss for words.
Please help them Lord Jesus.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Hi EdwinG!

I believe that it is the Holy Spirit who guides the Catholic Church, and I believe that he convicts us of our sins, and gives us his gifts to lead us closer to Jesus and the Father. However, I do understand that there is some lack of acknowledgment of the Holy Spirit within the Church, simply because the Charismatic Renewal is a recent phenomenon (that is, among the average laity. The Saints * tend to show signs of great Charismatic gifts), and there is also a (somewhat understandable) resistance toward his work in the Church, because it seems “alien” to the more contemplative spirituality that the average Catholic is used to (when in reality, it is an outpouring of grace).

If you’d like to know more about the workings of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church, I recommend visiting the Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing* thread. However, please do understand that the Holy Spirit works within the Church even when there are no obvious manifestations of his gifts. Afterall, the greatest Charism is love.

God bless,
Thank you for the link. I followed it and read half the posts. Yes they were good but I was saddened to see that Mary is still very alive in there. This makes it difficult for God to work in your life.
Christ be with you
walk in love
it’s a Marian devotion, not because of the Hail Marys but because the Blessed Mother has asked us to pray it…obedience is a good thing:D :cool:

if we dropped the Assumption and Coronation, then we would have a protestant rosary:( :eek: :rolleyes: 2 out of 20 mysteries recognizing two truths about our Blessed Mother is not excessive , is it?
Hi faithfulservant,
"Two truths about our Blessed Mother is not excessive , is it?
answer Yes it is far too excessive. That is how satan pleads, oh just a little.a little wont do any harm. see how he temped Eve.
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus , giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

See there is no mention of Mary. His name alone,
Christ be with you
walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Hi EdwinG,

The Kingdom of God is a family. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. God has adopted us into His family through His only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I know you agree with this so I won’t even ask.

God is now our Father. And Jesus is our Brother. Through Christ, we are related to every other Christian as either brother or sister. So there we have it. A complete family. Father and Son. And through the Son, multitudes of brothers and sisters. Do you see anyone missing in the family portrait? We have a Father and Brother and many brothers and sisters but no Mother? How can this be?

Edwin, in the Kingdom of God, Mary is our spiritual Mother. It is as simple as that. If God is now your Father, and Jesus is your Brother, and it is through Jesus that we enter into this Family called the Kingdom of God, then doesn’t it make sense that Jesus’ Mother is now your Mother?

You don’t have to make any leaps from there just yet. I’ve come to this conclusion just recently. Think about it. The greatest theologian in the history of the Church, Aurelius Augustine believed this. And the first Protestant, Martin Luther, believed this. And these are just two believers that I’ve mentioned. There are many more. You’re in good company if you come to believe that Mary is your spiritual Mother. It doesn’t take anthing away from your faith in Christ as your Savior.

Grace and peace to you,
Gene C.

Do you meditate on Scripture?

Did you know that the “Hail Mary” is almost entirely made up of quotes from Scripture?

There is much flowery language used when talking of Mary, but it all starts from the assumption that everyone knows Mary is nothing except for Christ. **And that any praising of Mary only adds to the Glory of God because she is His creation. **

Sadly, that is no longer true. Sadly, you have closed your heart to the Holy Spirit’s promptings on the truth of what the Catholic Church teaches about Mary. You do not understand and I am beginning to lose hope that you ever will.

So you honestly think that meditating on these mysteries while saying the Rosary is trying to do it without the Holy Spirit? Can’t you understand that it actually helps a person become closer to the Holy Spirit and His leading?

The Rosary is a perfect example of meditating on Scripture and Christ’s life and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer. I am sorry you cannot see that.

God Bless,
Hi MariaG
I went to that site and read the contents. And this just convinces me further that you are not aware of the Holy Spirit in your life. How sad it is that you can not testify to His power and love in your life. How sad it is that you have to use someone elses’ words and those not of witnessing.
On this same thread are people witnessing to Mary and the Rosary. This is not the Holy Spirit. You spell the Holy Spirit H-o-l-y S-p-i-r-i-t and you spell Mary , M-a-r-y. I have not seen any one on this forum witness for the Holy Spirit. Has anyone? Let me have the location so I too can be edified by such postings.
Christ be with you
walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
You ignore what I said about these forums addressing the Hot Button issues. I direct you to sites that have outpourings of love for the Holy Spirit and you think that I am incapable of coming up with my own. I was just trying to show you that most of the church and its writings are not about Mary.

The Holy Spirit is more alive in the Catholic Church and in me than you are capable of understanding. You ignore that which you disagree with, you admit you do not understand things yet reject explanations from those who say they do.

You talk a good talk EdwinG, but you are being blinded by Satan. I pray you will be released from your bondage someday.

Come Holy Spirit, shine the light of truth on Edwin’s heart. Help him to quit cutting at the body of Christ with his hurtful words which deny your presence in my life and in the life of others. Lead him to all truth which resides in the glorious teachings handed down from the Apostles who were truly lead by You. Lord, heal the hurt and forgive him Lord, for he knows not what he has done. I ask this through Christ Our Lord Amen.
Thank you for the link. I followed it and read half the posts. Yes they were good but I was saddened to see that Mary is still very alive in there. This makes it difficult for God to work in your life.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Edwin, does God want us to honor those who serve him?
Lets us see what the bible says:
Psalm 15:1, 15:4
“1 ¶ A Psalm of David. O LORD, who
shall sojourn in thy tent? Who shall
dwell on thy holy hill?
4…who honors those who
fear the LORD;…”

Thus the Holy Spirit, who inspired this scripture is telling us that to dwell with God we must honor those who fear the Lord.
Is the Holy Spirit wrong when He tells us that we must honor those who fear the Lord?
Of course not. For when we honor those who fear the Lord, such as Mary and the saints, we are honoring the Lord Himself.
For the Holy Spirit inspired these words to be written,

Matthew 25:40
" And the King will answer them,
‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it
to one of the least of these my
brethren, you did it to me.’"

Thus whatever we do to a member of the body of Christ, we do to Jesus himself. Thus, when we honor Mary in prayer, we honor Jesus himself.
Your idea says that when we honor Mary, we take away honor to Jesus is extremely contrary to the word of God which the Holy Spirit inspired.
Our first duty to the Holy Spirit is to believe the words He inspired to be written in scripture. If we no longer believe what He wrote, then we have lost our salvation.

And again St. Paul writes about the members of the body of Christ:
------- 1 Corinthians 12:21 --------
21 The eye cannot say to the hand,
“I have no need of you,” nor again
the head to the feet, “I have no
need of you.”
Thus, your idea that we don’t need the members of the body of Christ to interceed for us is completely contrary the the Holy Spirit inspired word of God. In other words, the Holy Spirit inspired St. Paul to write that we CANNOT say to Mary, “I do not need you”.
We MUST ask Mary’s intercession in prayer.
    I repeat, it is the Holy Spirit that (name removed by moderator)ired these words of Scripture. If the Holy Spirit is telling us that we CANNOT  say to a member of the body of Christ, especially Mary, who feared the Lord, and who we must honor,  "I do not need you", then the Holy Spirit must be believed. 

I think your idea that when we honor a member of the body of Christ then we take away honor due to Christ is a "tradition of men" since it contradicts the very words the Holy Spirit inspired.
Jesus founded a Church so that we would not be misled by man-made traditions. It saddens me when people claim to be led by the Holy Spirit, but do not even believe the very words the Holy Spirit wrote in scripture.
If you pray the Rosary, and and thus honor Mary, the spouse of Mary, the Holy Spirit, will be so pleased that He will shower you with graces to understand these things. You cannot reject Mary, without rejecting her Spouse, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has given me so much understanding when I believed His Church and started praying the Rosary, that I wish everyone would just try it.
After all, it was the Holy Spirit who inspired the words in which the bible calls the Church "the pillar and bulwark of the truth."  1 Timothy 3:15
Do you believe these words of the Holy Spirit?
It seems that you are the one who doesn’t understand what ‘denying God’ entails?

Is not denying the fairest of His creations denying Him Himself? :rolleyes:
Let me write it again.
Quote , " Only I will be able to help you"
Our lady of Fatima.
This means that God can not help you!!!
This means that Jesus can not help you!!!
This means that the Holy Spirit can not help you!!!
And you agree with this?
Please point to where I have denied God. Help me understand your position please.
Do you really think that God wont accept you if you dont pray to Mary?
How utterly lost you are. What can possibly possess any one to think that God will ignore him if he doesn’t pray to Mary.
Can’t you see past His creations to Him. Are you really that blind.
Was Christ’s blood in vain, was the curtain torn for no reason. Cant you go to Him directly in Christ Holy name. But this is off the point.
The point being that you are defending a position that states God is powerless and only Mary will be able to help you.
Please open your eyes
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
Edwin, does God want us to honor those who serve him?
Lets us see what the bible says:
Psalm 15:1, 15:4
“1 ¶ A Psalm of David. O LORD, who
shall sojourn in thy tent? Who shall
dwell on thy holy hill?
4…who honors those who
fear the LORD;…”

Thus the Holy Spirit, who inspired this scripture is telling us that to dwell with God we must honor those who fear the Lord.

Matthew 25:40
" And the King will answer them,
‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it
to one of the least of these my
brethren, you did it to me.’"
Thus, when we honor Mary in prayer, we honor Jesus himself.
------- 1 Corinthians 12:21 --------
21 The eye cannot say to the hand,
“I have no need of you,” nor again
the head to the feet, “I have no
need of you.”
Thus, your idea that we don’t need the members of the body of Christ to interceed for us is completely contrary the the Holy Spirit .

I think your idea that when we honor a member of the body of Christ then we take away honor due to Christ is a “tradition of men” since it contradicts the very words the Holy Spirit inspired.
Jesus founded a Church so that we would not be misled by man-made traditions. It saddens me when people claim to be led by the Holy Spirit, but do not even believe the very words the Holy Spirit wrote in scripture.
If you pray the Rosary, and and thus honor Mary, the spouse of Mary, the Holy Spirit, will be so pleased that He will shower you with graces to understand these things. You cannot reject Mary, without rejecting her Spouse, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has given me so much understanding when I believed His Church and started praying the Rosary, that I wish everyone would just try it.

After all, it was the Holy Spirit who inspired the words in which the bible calls the Church “the pillar and bulwark of the truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15

Do you believe these words of the Holy Spirit?
Hi dcdure,
Psalm15 4
My reading of this passage is that “God honors those who fear Him”
In your posts you presuppose that I believe in praying to those in rest, and I dont. To me the saints who have left earth are aware and resting and not to be disturbed. Intercession is for the benefit of the intercessor more than any one else, as God knows what the person wants. Through intercession we are pleasing God because we are expressing our love. God doesnt need our intercession , we do.
Matthew 25:40 These people were not even aware of their good works. There is no comparison, between placing an intercessor between Jesus and yourself. Jesus lives in you, understand what you are trying to do. Mary is resting. These people are living on earth and needed help. Again there is no comparsion.
My idea is not taking anything away from Mary. Mary is Christ’s mother, bless her.
I do not agree and in fact can not more strongly disagree with Mary being the only one able to help us.
**Please **please address the matter at hand.
Tell me straight do you agree with or disagree with this: the catholic statement.
If you sidestep it , you are not being just to yourself.
You accuse me of not believing what the Holy Spirit wrote.
Believe this," Mary and your brothers are asking for you."
I believe completely in intercession. But earth to earth. I would never disturb a resting saint.
I dont reject Mary. I also dont worship her and I dont pray to her.
Now that you understand my position again I will ask you to address the question without going off on a tangent.
**The words are " Only I will be able to help you" our lady at Fatima. **
Explain where God is .
Explain where Christ is.
Explain where the Holy Spirit is.
Also on another matter could you please give to me the official name or title Mary has in the catholic church. Thanks
Christ be with you
walk in love
You ignore what I said about these forums addressing the Hot Button issues. I direct you to sites that have outpourings of love for the Holy Spirit and you think that I am incapable of coming up with my own. I was just trying to show you that most of the church and its writings are not about Mary.

The Holy Spirit is more alive in the Catholic Church and in me than you are capable of understanding. You ignore that which you disagree with, you admit you do not understand things yet reject explanations from those who say they do.

You talk a good talk EdwinG, but you are being blinded by Satan. I pray you will be released from your bondage someday.

Come Holy Spirit, shine the light of truth on Edwin’s heart. Help him to quit cutting at the body of Christ with his hurtful words which deny your presence in my life and in the life of others. Lead him to all truth which resides in the glorious teachings handed down from the Apostles who were truly lead by You. Lord, heal the hurt and forgive him Lord, for he knows not what he has done. I ask this through Christ Our Lord Amen.
Hi MariaG,
You have it in your power to cause happiness in my heart. Would you do this for me? Witness to the action of the Holy Spirit in your life. I have asked before.

And additionally MariaG
Do you also agree with the words under discussion
She promised,
" Say the Rosary every day…
Pray , pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners
I’m Our Lady of the Rosary,
Only I will be able to help you
… In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph"
Our Lady of Fatima

Do you also agree that only the lady of the rosary will be able to help you.
Is God dead?
Is Christ dead?
Is the Holy Spirit dead?
Where is He if He can not help us?
Christ be with you
walk in love MariaGhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Thank you for the link. I followed it and read half the posts. Yes they were good but I was saddened to see that Mary is still very alive in there. This makes it difficult for God to work in your life.
Mary is very much alive alright, and alive in Christ ;). I’m surprised you think it would make it “difficult”. Do you think that presence of the Arc of the Covenant made it difficult for God to work among the Israelites? No, it was just the opposite. It was a channel of grace. Same thing here.

The scriptural evidence that the Arc is indeed the type for Mary is, quite frankly, overwhelming. Check out the parallels:
  • The ark spent time in the hill country of Judea, and Mary went to the hill country of Judea to visit Elizabeth;
  • David said “How can the ark of the Lord come to me?”, and Elizabeth said “Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”;
  • the ark stayed in the house of Obed-edom for three months, and Mary stayed in the house of Zachariah for three months;
  • David leaped before the ark when he finally got it to Jerusalem, and the baby John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when she heard Mary’s greeting.
    (source: fictional dialogue on Mary)
  • The old arc carried the Manna (bread from Heaven), Aaron’s rod (symbolising priesthood) and the ten commandments (God’s Word in stone). Mary carried Jesus who is the true bread from Heaven, the true and Eternal Priest, and God’s Word made flesh. Kewl huh?
God bless,
Do you also agree that only the lady of the rosary will be able to help you.
Is God dead?
Is Christ dead?
Is the Holy Spirit dead?
Where is He if He can not help us?
Christ be with you
walk in love MariaGhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Now, to answer your rhetorical questions ;-). Of course God can help us. He can, and he does, all the time. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we pray. That’s a given. Jesus’ sacrifice redeems us. So it’s not these things that Mary is speaking about. We are in need of extra grace, which multiplies the intercessory efforts, and so help the situations where man’s abuse of freewill can be overcome the acts of our freewill, in being obedient to the Will of God. That’s my speculation anyway.

Hope this helps a little. GBU,
I would ask you one thing: to stop putting words in our mouths, please…
Let me write it again.
Quote , " Only I will be able to help you"
Our lady of Fatima.
This means that God can not help you!!!
This means that Jesus can not help you!!!
This means that the Holy Spirit can not help you!!!
No it doesn’t.

You obviously do not understand it as we do; and you are making it difficult for us to try you to show you how we do.
Do you really think that God wont accept you if you dont pray to Mary?
No I don’t and I’ve also never said anything to that effect. Again, you’re putting words in our mouths and arguing against something that we ourselves would argue against…
The point being that you are defending a position that states God is powerless and only Mary will be able to help you.

Again, as I’ve said, we are NOT.
And never have I said that God is powerless. If I did, why would I say I worship God, who is “powerless” in the first place? that would be hypocrisy.
Please open your eyes
Please open your heart.

For the alliance of the Two Hearts,
There is much flowery language used when talking of Mary, but it all starts from the assumption that everyone knows Mary is nothing except for Christ. And that any praising of Mary only adds to the Glory of God because she is His creation.

You keep asking where God is. Read the above. This is the fact that you keep ignoring or do not understand. When things like, “It is only possible through Mary” are said it is with first the above understanding, and second that as the Mother of Christ, literally, Christ came to us through Mary. God could have choose to do things differently. But He didn’t, He choose to use a lowly handmaid to come into this world.

We believe God is Glorified through the honor of Mary because Mary is His creation.

As to showing you the Holy Spirit in my life, I have told you in previous posts some of the things He had done for me. The Holy Spirit leads and guides me everyday. He tries to guide my every action. Sometimes I fail to listen. The saddest part is, I notice the work of the Holy Spirit even more due to your advice. When something out of the ordinary happens, look for His divine hand. And now you are here denying and doubting that the Holy Spirit is even in my life. Ironic and sad.

God Bless,

Now, to answer your rhetorical questions ;-). Of course God can help us. He can, and he does, all the time. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we pray. That’s a given. Jesus’ sacrifice redeems us. So it’s not these things that Mary is speaking about. We are in need of extra grace, which multiplies the intercessory efforts, and so help the situations where man’s abuse of freewill can be overcome the acts of our freewill, in being obedient to the Will of God. That’s my speculation anyway.

Hope this helps a little. GBU,
Thanks for posting on this difficult issue.
“I’m the Lady of the Rosary,
only I will be able to help you”
seems very definite to me.
If your heart thinks this has a meaning of extras that Christ is not able to deliver, I hope this stands you in Christ’s love.
But to be honest I fear greatly that this is a trap. I am really saddened.
And I had a thought also. Since I have been with this forum I have not seen any good witnessing for Jesus ( through the Holy Spirit)even though I have asked a few times. But I have seen some powerful witnessing for Mary, just a couple of days ago.
And I thought maybe this is corrrect. “only I will be able to help you” because Christ can’t because if He does, you will think it comes from Mary. That would break my heart. God is not a God of confusion. If you want healings and miracles from a Mary you have them, but you can’t have both.
This is a very sensitive issue, but one which should be addressed, and if agreement can’t be reached , so be it, but lets be loving to one another.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Christ be with you
walk in love

Do you meditate on Scripture?

Did you know that the “Hail Mary” is almost entirely made up of quotes from Scripture?

There is much flowery language used when talking of Mary, but it all starts from the assumption that everyone knows Mary is nothing except for Christ. **And that any praising of Mary only adds to the Glory of God because she is His creation. **

Sadly, that is no longer true. Sadly, you have closed your heart to the Holy Spirit’s promptings on the truth of what the Catholic Church teaches about Mary. You do not understand and I am beginning to lose hope that you ever will.

So you honestly think that meditating on these mysteries while saying the Rosary is trying to do it without the Holy Spirit? Can’t you understand that it actually helps a person become closer to the Holy Spirit and His leading?

The Rosary is a perfect example of meditating on Scripture and Christ’s life and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer. I am sorry you cannot see that.

God Bless,
Hi Maria,
Do I meditate on scripture? I am in the very fortunate postion of being free from many earthly worries because of the faith given me by God. So when my mind is not on work my mind is on Him.For a non professional ( if I can use that terminology) I spend a lot of time meditating.
God has told us we are not to worship and praise the things He made.
It is not true that the Holy Spirit prompts me on Mary. I am sensitive enough to Him to know He is not doing this.
If what you say is true, about bringing you closer to the Holy Spirit and His leading where is the fruit of this? This is what I have been asking for for a couple of weeks. If I, who am so far away can witness to His Holy Beauty in my life, surely the many mature Christians here should be able to overwhelm me with witnessing so my heart would sing with joy
I am sorry you seem to be able only to talk about it.
We have witnessing for Mary here on this thread I think and very good witnessing too. Why cant we have 10 times as much for the Holy Spirit?
Back to the original question
" I am Our Lady of the Rosary
Only I will be able to help you"
Do you agree with this Maria?
Christ be with you
walk in love
…I look at praying to any saints as being anti scriptural. To me they are aware but resting and I can find convincing evidence in the Holy Scripture for this view. I could not, in any faith, pray to any saint. My faith would be zero…
Perhaps you could share this convincing scriptural evidence?

Thanks edwinG!
There is much flowery language used when talking of Mary, but it all starts from the assumption that everyone knows Mary is nothing except for Christ. And that any praising of Mary only adds to the Glory of God because she is His creation.

You keep asking where God is. Read the above. This is the fact that you keep ignoring or do not understand. When things like, “It is only possible through Mary” are said it is with first the above understanding, and second that as the Mother of Christ, literally, Christ came to us through Mary. God could have choose to do things differently. But He didn’t, He choose to use a lowly handmaid to come into this world.

We believe God is Glorified through the honor of Mary because Mary is His creation.

As to showing you the Holy Spirit in my life, I have told you in previous posts some of the things He had done for me. The Holy Spirit leads and guides me everyday. He tries to guide my every action. Sometimes I fail to listen. The saddest part is, I notice the work of the Holy Spirit even more due to your advice. When something out of the ordinary happens, look for His divine hand. And now you are here denying and doubting that the Holy Spirit is even in my life. Ironic and sad.

God Bless,
Hi Maria,
I have chosen my words poorly if you think I am denying and doubting the Holy Spirit lives in you.
With all my heart, I know the Holy Spirit will never leave you. That is the promise. Not one single doubt.
Praise the sun for its warmth and goodness, praise the oceans for the fish etc etc and is God happy when we praise His creations.
Is God glorified when we honor the sun or the solar system, his creations?
I seem to have lost one of your posts I read earlier and wanted to repy to.
You said my words were painful for you. Ask your self what makes them painful. I only stress Christ and the Holy Spirit. Yes I have been asking for someone to witness as people have for Mary. I looked at this forum as a place where mature Christians exchanged points of view for we each know in part and can learn from each other. You need to meditate on that aspect which is causing you grief. There is some doubt in your mind. When you have resolved it you will be stronger.
You should not anticipate my becoming a Marian believer.
You should not let this aspect affect your happiness.
Hopefully , I will not again talk to you about Mary. I have said what I have said. The words, which are not mine are there for any one to read. Go into the street and ask anyone who is not a church goer what the words mean.
They are not ambiguous.
Christ be with you
walk in love http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
I would ask you one thing: to stop putting words in our mouths, please…

No it doesn’t.

You obviously do not understand it as we do; and you are making it difficult for us to try you to show you how we do.

No I don’t and I’ve also never said anything to that effect. Again, you’re putting words in our mouths and arguing against something that we ourselves would argue against…

Again, as I’ve said, we are NOT.
And never have I said that God is powerless. If I did, why would I say I worship God, who is “powerless” in the first place? that would be hypocrisy.

Please open your heart.

For the alliance of the Two Hearts,
Hi mrS4ntA,
Thanks for posting on this difficult portion of the thread…
Christ be with youhttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
walk in love
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