Pray for Missouri! Pray for us all!

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Final Thoughts

If for no other reason, I am deeply disturbed by this amendment because of the deception being used to promote it. For example, Cynthia Kramer, who
is running for state office in our district, has used this issue to promote her
campaign by implying that her life-threatening disease could have been treated more effectively with embryonic stem cells. After questioning her
campaign office and reading the text of many of her interviews and website
statements, I can find no evidence for this claim. In reality, she received
adult stem cells in the form of a bone marrow transplant, and the fact
that she is still alive is evidence that this adult stem cell transplant was
successful! When she went to Israel seeking a ‘cure’ for her disease, they
told her to come back to Missouri where she could get the best care available anywhere!

I personally know of many other examples of deliberate deceptions,
intentional misinformation, and freedom of speech violations.

My practice focuses on patients with cancer, and I am profoundly wounded
when one of them dies of their disease. I am in the trenches every day, and
I understand what is at stake. But I am convinced that this amendment is not
the right direction for our state. There are much more effective ways we can
spend our money and time without endangering women.

We all have to make our own decisions, and democracy only works well if we
make those decisions based on facts. Whatever opinion you develop on this
issue, I hope that it is based on facts. Please feel free to email me if you
have more specific questions or if you would like to talk.

Thanks for your attention.

Bill (and Tonya) Harbour

J. William Harbour , MD
Paul A. Cibis Distinguished Endowed Professor Washington University
School of Medicine St. Louis , Missouri 63110
Letter continued:

The amendment proponents have identified one wealthy couple in Kansas City who donated virtually all of the $16 [now nearly $30] million that is
being used to saturate the media with pro-amendment information. Meanwhile, those who are concerned about this amendment have been denied the opportunity for public debate and discourse by our medical schools and universities. Suffice to say, the freedom of speech violations at ostensibly liberal universities to suppress voices against this amendment are breathtaking!

Part 3 below (sorry…didn’t have a link!!)
Not to mention everyone of the financial supporters for this diabolical Amendment seem to have stakes in research in their closets. Senator Danforth, who is pushing it big time , his brother owns another research outfit. :mad:
I personally know of many other examples of deliberate deceptions,
intentional misinformation, and freedom of speech violations.
Like how they say that women will not be allowed to sell their eggs but the amendment itself states that women will be allowed to be reimbursed for their donation.
Thank you 3GirlsRUs for the thoughtful letter from the physician/scientist. There are many doctors who have selflessly dedicated their lives to serve as the healing hands of God in this suffering world. They do not search for vainglorious Nobel Prizes but truly do act in the best interest of their patients.

Unfortunately, it is the pride and greed of unprincipled researchers who give science a black eye. A reasonable person might have expected the recent South Korean scandal with Dr. Hwang, not to mention the shenanigans of Advanced Cell Technology only a couple of months ago, might have dampened interest in ESCR and cloning. Nonetheless, people seemed prepared to forget. In truth, maybe they never understood the import of the scandal and fraudulent claims in the first place. If so, the culpability rests largely with a lack of proper investigative reporting by the media. :o

Whatever the case, the coalition of Americans for Research Ethics called, “Do No Harm” at has done a wonderful job making the facts known about this pivotal issue.

This is spiritual warfare and we need to arm ourselves with prayer, penance and fasting. As the late Bishop Sheen was fond of saying,
[sign]“There are more things wrought through prayer than this world will ever know.” [/sign]
This article appeared today, just in time for Missourians to read and digest:

Stem cells grown from mouse embryos helped power a liver replacement device, Japanese and U.S. researchers reported on Sunday.

Their experiment suggests another use for the cells, controversial when taken from human embryos. They used the cells in a bioartificial liver, an implanted device that uses liver cells to replace some liver function.

Writing in the journal Nature Biotechnology, Ira Fox of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Naoya Kobayashi of Okayama University in Japan and others said their cells saved the lives of mice that otherwise would have died of liver failure.

“Use of this device in mice with acute liver failure, which uniformly die within 4 days of inducing hepatic (liver) failure, resulted in 90 percent long-term animal survival,” they wrote.;_ylt=AiFfpw2WCjpHjM7ndAFGZK0iANEA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

I still say that arguing the speculative value of ESCR is a huge mistake. It will come back to haunt those who use this approach to defeat amendments and laws.

Research on humans is unacceptable. Nuremberg decided that 60 years ago.

If I were to write and produce an advertisement it would be very simple. Picture animation: embryo day 1 through fetus day 270 with the Nuremberg code as subtitle:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. …”

Followed by a picture of Mengele at work…
Something I haven’t heard mentioned but have wondered about–what other scientific procedure is granted the status of a Constitutional right in MO? ESC reseach is legal here now, if I understand correctly, so they don’t need voter approval to conduct the research. So, why do they think they’re special and need this to be a constitutional right? I know the easy answer is taxpayer money, but is that all there is to this?
I am passing this along to all of you. Some of you may want to participate to bring out all of the spiritual tools.

We need to keep praying until Tuesday night.

I am asking all of us to join together in a “bread and water only fast” on Friday (tomorrow) and Monday – Jesus says some situations call for prayer and fasting. I believe this is one of these times. I must say I have never asked anyone to do this before, so it is not something you can expect from me on a regular basis. But, this is a dire situation and we must use every spiritual tool in our arsenal.

I ask you all to forward this request to every person on your e-mail list. Thanks and much prayers.

Peace and Prayers, Fr. Joe Corel
Aurora asked:[sign]So, why do they think they’re special and need this to be a constitutional right?[/sign]

If anyone is wondering how far amending the constitution can go consider this. In 1982 Canada adopted the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into the Constitution. At the time, Canadian citizens had no idea of the constitutional revolution which would follow. At the time, sexual orientation had been hotly debated but deliberately excluded from the charter. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court later read these rights into the charter interpreting the protection of equality and minority rights to include sexual orientation. Same sex marriage became a constitutional right of the land bulldozed through against the wishes of the people.

The moral of the story is beware of the unforeseen implications of constitutional amendment. :eek:
Another provision in the Missouri ammendment which should give no one a false sense of security is the promise not to implant “the blasocyst” ie. embryonic human child into the uterus. Voila the artifical womb. "The End of Pregnancy -Within a Generation there will be mass use of artificial wombs to grow babies"
…The artificial womb represents the completion of an even longer historic process that began nearly 400 years ago at the dawn of the scientific age. It was Francis Bacon, the father of modern science, who referred to nature as “a common harlot”. He urged future generations to “tame, squeeze, mould” and “shape” her so that “man could become her master and the undisputed sovereign of the physical world”. No doubt some will see the artificial womb as the final triumph of modern science. Others, the ultimate human folly.
Many people will likely say, why worry? Surely the artificial womb is far off on the horizon. Five years ago,we thought the same thing about human cloning and using stem cells to produce body parts.
Aurora asked:[sign]So, why do they think they’re special and need this to be a constitutional right?[/sign]

If anyone is wondering how far amending the constitution can go consider this. In 1982 Canada adopted the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into the Constitution. At the time, Canadian citizens had no idea of the constitutional revolution which would follow. At the time, sexual orientation had been hotly debated but deliberately excluded from the charter. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court later read these rights into the charter interpreting the protection of equality and minority rights to include sexual orientation. Same sex marriage became a constitutional right of the land bulldozed through against the wishes of the people.

The moral of the story is beware of the unforeseen implications of constitutional amendment. :eek:
And this on is so tricky, it affects 45 codes in our Amendment. :eek: What a nightmare.
Something I haven’t heard mentioned but have wondered about–what other scientific procedure is granted the status of a Constitutional right in MO? ESC reseach is legal here now, if I understand correctly, so they don’t need voter approval to conduct the research. So, why do they think they’re special and need this to be a constitutional right? I know the easy answer is taxpayer money, but is that all there is to this?
This is going to be the catch all when Roe V Wade falls.

If Amendment 2 passes, Missouri will set precedent for all the other states.

Amendment 2 is going to seal our fate in regards of never being able to protect any human being from murder.
It appears former senator Tom Eagleton has joined the “pro Amendment 2” chorus in opposition to the Mo bishops’ letter. Though Tom Eagleton is Catholic, one must remember that he was dumped from the McGOVERN presidential ticket for being of uncertain mental stability. You can’t get much more doubtful than that.
RidgeRunner, You’re right. This constitutional amendment will supersede any laws Missouri already has to curb abortion. Anything that could possibly be interpreted as impeding the constitutional right to cloning will be trumped.

This initiative will pave the way for fetal farming as cloning techniques become more and more sophisticated and as the researchers needs grow incrementally for ever more developed “human flesh”. :eek: For now, cloning advocates are happy with embryonic human children at the blastocyst stage up to 14 days but that is only because they are still tinkering to understand the basics. That arbitrarily chosen gestational age will not stand for long.
RidgeRunner, You’re right. This constitutional amendment will supersede any laws Missouri already has to curb abortion. Anything that could possibly be interpreted as impeding the constitutional right to cloning will be trumped.

This initiative will pave the way for fetal farming as cloning techniques become more and more sophisticated and as the researchers needs grow incrementally for ever more developed “human flesh”. :eek: For now, cloning advocates are happy with embryonic human children at the blastocyst stage up to 14 days but that is only because they are still tinkering to understand the basics. That arbitrarily chosen gestational age will not stand for long.
😦 Yes, we are in a battle unlike any we have faced before.
Whats the general opinion of the people? Aren’t they outraged?
It’s a bit scary actually. There seems to be an awful lot of MO voters who are buying the lies. :eek:

Phone banks today were running 10 - 1 for defeating it, but thats only the people that actually accepted the calls. Who knows what the ones who declined will vote. Shudder!
Whats the general opinion of the people? Aren’t they outraged?
Some are. I was at Mass today and heard the priest yell like I’ve never heard a priest yell before.
Others, they just don’t get it. They don’t want to take the time to understand.
There are others (like men my husband works with) who actually think that embryonic stem cells will be able to cure everything. They think that if this passes they have a chance to never die. Seriously, they think if they get sick this will be the cure. If they have an organ go bad the stem cells will make it better. If they fracture their spine in an accident it won’t matter b/c they beleive that stem cells hold the cure for everything.
It is election day.

PRAY and FAST for the defeat of amendment 2.

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