Thank you for letting us know, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for her and remember her tomorrow at Mass (and her family).
Congrats Jim! I am praying for three people I know that are looking for work. I do think God has a better plan if we work hard, pray, and stay the course. One is a forum member, another a brother in law, and one is a bible study friend. Help me in praying for them. Thanks.Thank you Lord! and thanks to all of you prayer wariors… I was just informed that I start a new job on Monday the 17th, and it’s a job doing what I enjoy even more than what I ended up doing in my previous stint of 34 years…
For Lisa4: St. Rita, who endured a troubled home for so many years, pray for this family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, shower them with grace.
Praying for you all.
antiaphrodite said:God Bless you too, Lisa, always!!!
Anna’s Mom, I read through your thread, and my heart goes out to all three of you. God doesn’t cause these situations, we do, but He can use them to bring his children back to Him. He is the author of Love, and the best teacher of what it means to love. Calm yourself as you pray, and listen to Him.please pray for my family. My husband has seperated himself from us and we miss him terribly. Please send him home. We love him greatly. Please rekindle his love and passion for me.