Prayer Requests #1

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Thank you for letting us know, I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for her and remember her tomorrow at Mass (and her family).
I am posting this on behalf of another poster here—Lisa4Catholics. She gave me permission to use her name. Her husband has been showing signs of violent behavior recently. He has a history of drug/alcohol addiction, also. Please pray for her and her children’s safety, and that her husband gets some help.
I pray for all here, but Lisa is a very special person whom I have come to think of as being part of my family, & I will be saying a special rosary for her & her situation.
Heavenly Father, put a special hedge of protection around Lisa right now, and let her feel the comfort of the prayers of all who come here. Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of turning to you in prayer. May your angels gather around this home right now & remain as long as the problems continue, and beyond. Amen.
Will do Momofone, I hope that Lisa and her children have a safe place to go when he is like that. He needs help, thats for sure, he needs to go to confession if he is Catholic, and I will definately keep them all in prayer. Hopefully, she knows someone who can talk to him when he is sober. (cause he sure isn’t going to listen while he’s using anything.)
I will offer my prayers for all on this thread. Particularly for Lisa4Catholics. I am also offering my prayers for the victums of hurricane Stan and for the Victums of the earthquake. Prayers of thanksgiving for my having been kept busy with temp work.
Thanks for those who prayed about me and RCIA - I went, and had a blast. 😃 I can’t wait for the next class.

At any rate, please continue to pray for HD - previous prayers are being answered and I am very thankful and grateful for them. 🙂

Finally, I am doing anthropology project that requires me attend non-Catholic church services. While I am confident my faith can handle it, I need prayers such that I can continue to act in charity and love towards them.

Prayers especially for Lisa, and all others in this thread.
I have read all the requests and have prayed for all of them. I want to let you know that I had asked for prayers months ago for an aunt (87) that had surgery. After 5 months she is now able to return to her home with live in help. We as a family have been very involved in helping her through this. We are so pleased with her progress. She gets stronger every day, and we feel she will contintue to progress. Thank you for your prayers. God bless all of you prayer warriors.
Remembered all of you and your intentions at Mass today, and Mylo, glad you went and enjoyed it. 👍
requesting for prayers. strange paths ahead for me. thanks very much!
Please pray for me. I backed into a parked car this morning, and I left a note for the driver. I didn’t see any damage, but I wanted to be honest and let them know that I had bumbed the bumper/scratched the paint. Growing up in my family, it was not o.k. to make mistakes, and if you took responsibility for a mistake, people took advantage of you. I am trying to undo the negative thinking that I grew up with, so I have taken responsibility. But I admit that I am terrified that the person will somehow want to take advantage of me or want to replace the whole bumper for what appears to be minor scratches. Please, please pray for me. I need to be protected but at the same time grow up–physcially, spiritually and emotionally. I am 31 years old, and I don’t want to act like a five year old for the rest of my life.

Thank you Lord! and thanks to all of you prayer wariors… I was just informed that I start a new job on Monday the 17th, and it’s a job doing what I enjoy even more than what I ended up doing in my previous stint of 34 years…👍

For Lisa4: St. Rita, who endured a troubled home for so many years, pray for this family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, shower them with grace.

Praying for you all.
Thank you Lord! and thanks to all of you prayer wariors… I was just informed that I start a new job on Monday the 17th, and it’s a job doing what I enjoy even more than what I ended up doing in my previous stint of 34 years…👍

For Lisa4: St. Rita, who endured a troubled home for so many years, pray for this family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, shower them with grace.

Praying for you all.
Congrats Jim! I am praying for three people I know that are looking for work. I do think God has a better plan if we work hard, pray, and stay the course. One is a forum member, another a brother in law, and one is a bible study friend. Help me in praying for them. Thanks.
I pray for all your intentions too.🙂 Please continue to pray for our family for my husband to receive and accept graces to battle his own demons and for discernment and courage to do Gods will in this situation. I could not get on to post because i lost my password and I saw what you guys wrote and cried I was so touched. I was as close to dispair as one could get and your prayers and love helped me more than you will ever know.God Bless you all,Lisa
please pray for my family. My husband has seperated himself from us and we miss him terribly. Please send him home. We love him greatly. Please rekindle his love and passion for me.
What a privilege to be able to join together in prayer with so many of God’s people! You are all in my prayers…God bless you all.

antiaphrodite said:
God Bless you too, Lisa, always!!!

And the people said:

Much love & many prayers to you & your family, Lisa.
Anna's Mom:
please pray for my family. My husband has seperated himself from us and we miss him terribly. Please send him home. We love him greatly. Please rekindle his love and passion for me.
Anna’s Mom, I read through your thread, and my heart goes out to all three of you. God doesn’t cause these situations, we do, but He can use them to bring his children back to Him. He is the author of Love, and the best teacher of what it means to love. Calm yourself as you pray, and listen to Him.

I will pray that the Holy Family calls you to reconcilliation; to each other, and to God.

Praying for all, and don’t forget to fast for life issues this week (Wednesday and Friday are good days),
Please pray for all those in Pakistan and the areas hit by the earthquake, and also for all those in Central America and the Gulf States.
Please pray for my niece, for her health as she prepares to be welcomed into this world in a few months.
Please pray for all those who stray from Christ, that He will lead them to His most Sacred Heart.
Please for me, as I just learned that I have a really bad ankle injury.
!Muchas gracias y yo oro para todos ustedes!
A friend whom I love dearly is dealing with some very difficult issues right now. She’s under a lot of stress and is depressed as well. Life is very difficult for her right now and I know she needs all the help she can get. Please remember her in your prayers. Her name is Laura.
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