Last Sunday at Mass I remembered us at Holy Communion, (even some who don’t post here but who share with us on other threads.) I don’t forget you.
For Barbara Ann, Therese and her husband, Maggie and her family (especially her DH). Mom of one’s friend, Cup of Kindness’ Mother, For Top(Tim’s)intensions, For Big Dave on his journey home. For continued prayers for Fitz and family (especially your daughter). For Johnette’s husband, and for her (thank you comtemplative), for CArose’s marriage, for con’t prayers for freshwater and thea, for Cheesus Power Kid’s friends’ mother and family, For White Dove (thank you Shoshana), for you too. For UCallMeJess and her fiancee. Most especially for all those discerning vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Please continue to pray for my daughter and her baby.
Since today is the Feast of All Saints, I will remember us all at Holy Communion again, and I will be asking the intercession of all the Saints on their feast day.