A Prayer for Unity
O Jesus, You asked that we may all be one, but we are not.
In Your Church itself, many dissent from the teachings of the church and are disloyal to the Holy Father. Grant these dissenters (including sedevacantists) knowledge of the Truth and lead them back into full union with the Church and the Holy Father, currently Pope John Paul II. Help them all see that the Truth is a whole and cannot selectively be denied.
There are many who call themselves Christians, but do not recognize the true church. Grant these Christians an understanding of the True Church and lead them home in peace and love.
There are many who do not follow Christ. Inspire them to seek You out and find the Truth and come into the Catholic Church loving and adoring the true God.
Finally help those who are faithful to God, His Church, and the Holy Father, loving aide our brethren into full communion with the Church and full acceptance of the Truth.
Thank You, Lord Jesus.

In Your Church itself, many dissent from the teachings of the church and are disloyal to the Holy Father. Grant these dissenters (including sedevacantists) knowledge of the Truth and lead them back into full union with the Church and the Holy Father, currently Pope John Paul II. Help them all see that the Truth is a whole and cannot selectively be denied.
There are many who call themselves Christians, but do not recognize the true church. Grant these Christians an understanding of the True Church and lead them home in peace and love.
There are many who do not follow Christ. Inspire them to seek You out and find the Truth and come into the Catholic Church loving and adoring the true God.
Finally help those who are faithful to God, His Church, and the Holy Father, loving aide our brethren into full communion with the Church and full acceptance of the Truth.
Thank You, Lord Jesus.