go Leafs go:
I am commonly told that praying to anyone other than God is putting them on the level of a Diety. I understand that protestants generally view “praying” as worship, which is part of the problem.
I don’t understand why they think Saints who have gone before us cannot hear our prayers? How can we be certain that they do?
I understand that we pray to saints as they are now righteous people and prayers from Righteous people availeth much, however Protestants in general view dead saints as being in Paradise and not concerned with earthly happenings given they no longer have pain, sorrow, etc.
Well, this is just one more thing they are wrong about. What else is new? I quit counting.
As to their believing that “prayer” is worship, it is the only thing they have when they get togerhre, so they call it worship when in effect and actuality all they are doing is talking to God personally or through Jesus. They and we, can and, do, all do that at home.
And that is fine but as a friend of mine who was a Baptist minister converting to Catholicism asked other Baptists and others he knew, “Where is the worship in your service?” He got a lot of “I know what you mean, we don’t really have any.” This friend’s’constant refrain was I don’t know how any honest person can read from the last half of John 6 through the end of the gospel and not believe in the Eucharist and also look at Corinthians where Paul tells the congregants not to take the Eucharist unworthily, that is, in sin. I wish I knew what they thought Paul meant by this passage in Corinthians because they don’t believe in the Eucharist and HIS Real Presence in it.
Anyway my friend finally crossed the Tiber at the age of 56 and a week later had a stroke and died.
As to why they don’t believe that the Saints can’t, don’t or won’t hear our prayers, who knows?
God bless and you just keep praying to all the dead folks that you know and want to pray to and don’t worry about your Protestant friends. Just pray they’ll see the light some day.
Here is a prayer for you to say in front of them…
*** Dear Mary, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God and the Communion of Saints, please pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ to intercede with His Father, Our God in my and mine’s behalf, to please allow us on the occasion of our deaths, to go immediately to purgatory if that be your will.
What do you think. Will that work?
God bless.