No contradiction. Even if all the beings in the universe pray at once, the number is still finite and therefore countable even if only on the scale of super-big numbers. Remember, the difference between infinity and any number (no matter how big) is still infinite. So you see Mary still keeps her place as a non-deity well below God.We all know that ONLY God possess the following attributes:
Omnipotent (all-powerful)
Omni-present (everywhere)
Omniscient (all-knowing)
You have millions of prayers a second being offered to Mary (Also prayers offered to saints). People in all over the world, are praying the Rosary, asking Mary to be there at the hour of their death, asking her to guide them, help them, teach them, secure for them eternal redemption and imploring her to come dwell in their hearts as though she were able to fulfill all these requests! A Catholic may deny that Mary is a god, but by asking all these things of her, she would have to be God to do them. She must have powers and capabilities that are only possessed with God.
Please can someone give me an explanation for this contradiction?
Thank you.
Prayers to Mary and the saints are not meant to compensate for some perceived failing in God as He has none. They are meant to compensate for the all too apparent failings of we simple folk on earth.
We help each other.