Praying to Mary.

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We all know that ONLY God possess the following attributes:
Omnipotent (all-powerful)
Omni-present (everywhere)
Omniscient (all-knowing)

You have millions of prayers a second being offered to Mary (Also prayers offered to saints). People in all over the world, are praying the Rosary, asking Mary to be there at the hour of their death, asking her to guide them, help them, teach them, secure for them eternal redemption and imploring her to come dwell in their hearts as though she were able to fulfill all these requests! A Catholic may deny that Mary is a god, but by asking all these things of her, she would have to be God to do them. She must have powers and capabilities that are only possessed with God.

Please can someone give me an explanation for this contradiction?
Thank you.
No contradiction. Even if all the beings in the universe pray at once, the number is still finite and therefore countable even if only on the scale of super-big numbers. Remember, the difference between infinity and any number (no matter how big) is still infinite. So you see Mary still keeps her place as a non-deity well below God.

Prayers to Mary and the saints are not meant to compensate for some perceived failing in God as He has none. They are meant to compensate for the all too apparent failings of we simple folk on earth.

We help each other. 🙂
Corpus Cristi:
Ozzie, you lack the viewpoint of a Jew or a Gentile listening to the teachings of the apostles in the first century. They knew of Kingdoms and monarchs, and the Jews especially, understood typology, and the fulfillment of many aspects of Judaism in Christianity. How then, are you putting scripture, written for an ancient audience, yet putting what is said into a modern day context? How can you do this and say that you’re interpreting scritpure correctly?
I lack the viewpoint of nothing. Read my post again, its content was based on O.T. Scripture, specifically the monarchial government of King Solomon revealed in 1 Kings from where you get the notion that Mary is the anti-type of Bathsheba, sitting on a throne next to her son. However, NONE, absolutly NONE, of the N.T. writers assigned that heavenly title or position to her. Or even hint toward some kind of Bathsheba anti-type in Mary. The angel Gabriel, who spoke directly to her, certainly said nothing to that effect. Point being, the teaching has no Scriptural foundation whatsoever! It is a product of men’s fertile, religious imagination and a desire to make true Christianity conform to a kind of “mother-child” religion found in paganism. Read my post again and come back with something more concrete to refute what I actually stated there. Don’t try to ignore the content of my post.
mayra hart:
All devotions to Mary and the saints ultimately glorify their Creator, who made them what they are. Could we possibly praise the Mona Lisa without praising Leonardo DaVinci? That masterpiece certainly did not paint itself! Even so, Mary is God’s great masterpiece, and all praise given to her is praise of Her Maker
All subjective. Can you prove any of this is Apostolic teaching? To claim it’s Apostolic tradition never written down doesn’t cut it. For a mere mortal, born of Adam, to achieve that high of a heavenly position would have to have Scriptural backing, i.e., some sort of divine seal on it. Good luck finding anything. It certainly isn’t found in the words of her Son or His Apostles or any of the O.T. prophets. Certainly not angelic words, either.
Not getting into typology or anything like that, by defintion Queen Mother is the mother of a King. Christ is THE King. Mary is His mother. That would make her Queen Mother. Can you see this?

Your sister in Christ,

… The angel Gabriel, who spoke directly to her, certainly said nothing to that effect. …
“Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee!”
-- Gabriel, the archangel.​
We all know that ONLY God possess the following attributes:
Omnipotent (all-powerful)
Omni-present (everywhere)
Omniscient (all-knowing)

You have millions of prayers a second being offered to Mary (Also prayers offered to saints). People in all over the world, are praying the Rosary, asking Mary to be there at the hour of their death, asking her to guide them, help them, teach them, secure for them eternal redemption and imploring her to come dwell in their hearts as though she were able to fulfill all these requests! A Catholic may deny that Mary is a god, but by asking all these things of her, she would have to be God to do them. She must have powers and capabilities that are only possessed with God.

Please can someone give me an explanation for this contradiction?
Thank you.
Well, I do it to annoy Protestants. Is it working? Cuz I gotta file a report. The pope called me this morning, said I was behind on my paperwork. :rotfl: Sorry, don’t flame me! That’s what I tell my Southern Baptist family members when they ask, “Why do Catholics do that?” Seriously, I agree with what every other Catholic in the thread said.
I lack the viewpoint of nothing. Read my post again, its content was based on O.T. Scripture, specifically the monarchial government of King Solomon revealed in 1 Kings from where you get the notion that Mary is the anti-type of Bathsheba, sitting on a throne next to her son. However, NONE, absolutly NONE, of the N.T. writers assigned that heavenly title or position to her. Or even hint toward some kind of Bathsheba anti-type in Mary. The angel Gabriel, who spoke directly to her, certainly said nothing to that effect. Point being, the teaching has no Scriptural foundation whatsoever! It is a product of men’s fertile, religious imagination and a desire to make true Christianity conform to a kind of “mother-child” religion found in paganism. Read my post again and come back with something more concrete to refute what I actually stated there. Don’t try to ignore the content of my post.
OMGosh, puh-leeze! :rolleyes: You’ve refuted NOTHING. To refute something, you have to tear the argument apart. People have been duking it out with you for the longest, and you still haven’t given up, neither have we. You haven’t disproved anything, you’ve simply denied it and tried to back it up with FALSE TYPOLOGY. How can you say that NOWHERE in the NT did Mary receive honor or any heavenly title? “Hail Full of Grace!”, “Blessed are you among women, blessed is the fruit of your womb!”(note, this was done under the inspiration of the ONE AND ONLY HOLY SPIRIT!) Not only that, but Mary herself prophetically proclaims “ALL GENERATIONS THENCEFORTH SHALL CALL ME BLESSED!” What are you talking about?!!! Any idiot with half a brain could see the connection. The only possibility besides excessive ignorance, is that you see it, only you don’t want to swallow your P-R-I-D-E and admit it.
All subjective. Can you prove any of this is Apostolic teaching? To claim it’s Apostolic tradition never written down doesn’t cut it. For a mere mortal, born of Adam, to achieve that high of a heavenly position would have to have Scriptural backing, i.e., some sort of divine seal on it. Good luck finding anything. It certainly isn’t found in the words of her Son or His Apostles or any of the O.T. prophets. Certainly not angelic words, either.
It doesn’t cut it for you, but then again, you aren’t of any authority what-so-ever. You’re no theologian, you’re no Biblical expert. The most you can do is search for obscure Bible passages that implicitely say what you want to say, but not really saying it, and then go from there, saying that WE take tbe Bible out of context! :rotfl: Don’t kill me! Seriously, you’ve got to take a better approach to at least trying to prove us wrong.
The way I think of it, it is not a question of necessity. We shouldn’t question whether we need to pray through Mary, just as we shouldn’t question whether we *need *baptize using water. God told us to do it that way, so we do it that way. God, by his own power, can do everything that Angels and Humans can do-so our purpose isn’'t take a load of God, but to take part in his plan. That, after all, is what will fulfill us. It has been argued sufficiently that God wants to use Mary in the way that Catholics view her-after all, Mary’s womb was the place where God and man first intermingled, and this continues in her. Therefore, we should accept this as the part that God gave Mary to play, just as he gives each of us parts to play in his work. We have absolutely no reason to think that our purpose ends once our life on Earth ends-that would be doubting God’s power. So, in short, we are not doubting God’s grace, but you are doubting his plan.
I lack the viewpoint of nothing. Read my post again, its content was based on O.T. Scripture, specifically the monarchial government of King Solomon revealed in 1 Kings from where you get the notion that Mary is the anti-type of Bathsheba, sitting on a throne next to her son. However, NONE, absolutly NONE, of the N.T. writers assigned that heavenly title or position to her. Or even hint toward some kind of Bathsheba anti-type in Mary. The angel Gabriel, who spoke directly to her, certainly said nothing to that effect. Point being, the teaching has no Scriptural foundation whatsoever! It is a product of men’s fertile, religious imagination and a desire to make true Christianity conform to a kind of “mother-child” religion found in paganism. Read my post again and come back with something more concrete to refute what I actually stated there. Don’t try to ignore the content of my post.
ah HEM! Is this microphone working? I will say it again:

In the Kingdom of David (the earthly Judaic kingdom established on earth by God) the wife of the king is NOT the queen. The mother is.

Why does this apply to Mary? Because among other things, the Catholic Church is this Kingdom of David (now under the new Christened one, Jesus). The OT says this kingdom will be eternal and Jesus reiterated this promise in Matthew 16:18.

YOUR church, Ozzie, is not and does not claim to be THE kingdom of God on Earth. Your church does not claim to have the Real Presence of Christ. Your church does not claim to be undivided by death. Your church rests on such reductive and relativist ideas as Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura BOTH of which are un-Biblical. Your church renegged on contraception. Your church is now contemplating renegging on homosexuality. Your church does not even view marriage as a sacrament. Your church hates art.

And you come in here attacking the Blessed Virgin? Why? What could you possibly offer us in return for forsaking the Mother of God? A personal relationship with God? We got that. In fact, we got it so good, that we are members of His heavenly family even while stuck on this mortal coil! These are not abstractions, they are the logical results of being wholly incorporated into the family of God.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Sound familiar? Was Jesus a sinful problem child? Some food for thought: while on earth, Jesus was BOUND to obey his mother by the very law of God the Father. He never sinned. She never put Him in an awkward position where He would have to chose between one sin or another. Otherwise, He would have sinned and the sacrifice for salvation would have been null and void.

Why do think the Catholic interpretation of salvation is the familial story of the prodigal son? We are part of the family. We ARE the new, united, universal, and eternal people of Israel. What kind of sicko father would forbid his children to talk to their mother? What a dysfunctional family that would be! Jesus loves, respects and honors his mother even now. How can imitating Jesus be sinful? Especially when we are part of his family?

What are you offering in exchange for this blasphemy, Ozzie? Keep your pre-fab churches with merely symbolic worship focused on one man’s (or woman’s) selective Bible lecture (sermons). Me, I’ll take this FAMILY RELATIONSHIP TO GOD anyday.
ah HEM! Is this microphone working? I will say it again:

In the Kingdom of David (the earthly Judaic kingdom established on earth by God) the wife of the king is NOT the queen. The mother is.

Why does this apply to Mary? Because among other things, the Catholic Church is this Kingdom of David (now under the new Christened one, Jesus). The OT says this kingdom will be eternal and Jesus reiterated this promise in Matthew 16:18.

YOUR church, Ozzie, is not and does not claim to be THE kingdom of God on Earth. Your church does not claim to have the Real Presence of Christ. Your church does not claim to be undivided by death. Your church rests on such reductive and relativist ideas as Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura BOTH of which are un-Biblical. Your church renegged on contraception. Your church is now contemplating renegging on homosexuality. Your church does not even view marriage as a sacrament. Your church hates art.

And you come in here attacking the Blessed Virgin? Why? What could you possibly offer us in return for forsaking the Mother of God? A personal relationship with God? We got that. In fact, we got it so good, that we are members of His heavenly family even while stuck on this mortal coil! These are not abstractions, they are the logical results of being wholly incorporated into the family of God.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Sound familiar? Was Jesus a sinful problem child? Some food for thought: while on earth, Jesus was BOUND to obey his mother by the very law of God the Father. He never sinned. She never put Him in an awkward position where He would have to chose between one sin or another. Otherwise, He would have sinned and the sacrifice for salvation would have been null and void.

Why do think the Catholic interpretation of salvation is the familial story of the prodigal son? We are part of the family. We ARE the new, united, universal, and eternal people of Israel. What kind of sicko father would forbid his children to talk to their mother? What a dysfunctional family that would be! Jesus loves, respects and honors his mother even now. How can imitating Jesus be sinful? Especially when we are part of his family?

What are you offering in exchange for this blasphemy, Ozzie? Keep your pre-fab churches with merely symbolic worship focused on one man’s (or woman’s) selective Bible lecture (sermons). Me, I’ll take this FAMILY RELATIONSHIP TO GOD anyday.
You rock SO HARD! :cool: 👍 :clapping: :tiphat: :amen:
The way I think of it, it is not a question of necessity. We shouldn’t question whether we need to pray through Mary, just as we shouldn’t question whether we *need *baptize using water. God told us to do it that way, so we do it that way. God, by his own power, can do everything that Angels and Humans can do-so our purpose isn’'t take a load of God, but to take part in his plan. That, after all, is what will fulfill us. It has been argued sufficiently that God wants to use Mary in the way that Catholics view her-after all, Mary’s womb was the place where God and man first intermingled, and this continues in her. Therefore, we should accept this as the part that God gave Mary to play, just as he gives each of us parts to play in his work. We have absolutely no reason to think that our purpose ends once our life on Earth ends-that would be doubting God’s power. So, in short, we are not doubting God’s grace, but you are doubting his plan.
  1. With the whole Church I acknowledge that Mary, being a mere creature fashioned by the hands of God is, compared to his infinite majesty, less than an atom, or rather is simply nothing, since he alone can say, “I am he who is”. Consequently, this great Lord, who is ever independent and self-sufficient, never had and does not now have any absolute need of the Blessed Virgin for the accomplishment of his will and the manifestation of his glory. To do all things he has only to will them.
  2. However, I declare that, considering things as they are, because God has decided to begin and accomplish his greatest works through the Blessed Virgin ever since he created her, we can safely believe that he will not change his plan in the time to come, for he is God and therefore does not change in his thoughts or his way of acting.
  3. God the Father gave his only Son to the world only through Mary. Whatever desires the patriarchs may have cherished, whatever entreaties the prophets and saints of the Old Law may have had for 4,000 years to obtain that treasure, it was Mary alone who merited it and found grace before God by the power of her prayers and the perfection of her virtues. “The world being unworthy,” said Saint Augustine, “to receive the Son of God directly from the hands of the Father, he gave his Son to Mary for the world to receive him from her.”
The Son of God became man for our salvation but only in Mary and through Mary.

God the Holy Spirit formed Jesus Christ in Mary but only after having asked her consent through one of the chief ministers of his court.
St Louis de Montfort, True Devotion.​
Not getting into typology or anything like that, by defintion Queen Mother is the mother of a King. Christ is THE King. Mary is His mother. That would make her Queen Mother. Can you see this?
The Christian faith is not based on earthly definitions, but divine revelation. That’s what separates truth from fiction, true Christianity from all other religions on earth. Can you not understand this? Did Jesus, His Apostles, prophets, angelic beings or divinely inspired writings ever refer to her as “Queen Mother?” Is such a position assigned to her anywhere in Scripture? Is it recorded in Scripture that Jesus said to Mary that when He ascends to the Father He will set up a throne for her there? Men have no power to assign to Mary a Heavenly position that God has not. True Christianity is based on divine revelation, not men’s imagination.

What Solomon did for Bathsheba during his reign over Israel is nowhere revealed that this was to be imitated in Heaven. Plus, I demonstrated in my previous post that this was not “Davidic tradition,” as someone else on this thread has asserted. King David never elevated his mother to such a position, hence, one cannot refer to it as “Davidic tradition.” Another on this thread claimed that the position of “Queen Mother” was for the purpose of interceding for the needy. Well, Bathsheba never interceded on behalf of any “needy” but, in fact, foolishly interceded for Adonijah, Solomon’s half brother, whose only need was to usurp Solomon’s throne, via a plot, by requesting to mary Abishag (please read 1Kings 2).

And what debunks this whole false “Queen Mother” doctrine is the fact that Jesus Himself is not yet reigning and ruling over the Davidic Kingdom. This Kingdom is earthly and therefore His reign will not occur until He returns to this earth and sets up His Messianic kingdom, and reigns over it from Jerusalem (read Zech. 14). Until then He shares His Father’s throne in Heaven operating as the believer’s High Priest (Heb. 7:25-26) and righteous Advocate with the Father (1 Jn. 2:1).

Jesus Himself yet anticipates the day when He will sit on HIS THRONE, but for now He shares His Father’s in Heaven, not as King, but as High Priest and Advocate for believers. Jesus differentiates between His Father’s throne in Heaven from that of His future throne on earth in Rev. 3:21. And we see this being fulfilled prophetically in Matt. 25:31 where it says, *“But WHEN the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, THEN He will sit on His glorious throne.” *Mary cannot be reigning as “Queen Mother” in Heaven when Jesus Himself is not even reigning there as “King.” *Is she greater than Jesus? *This whole false “Queen Mother” scenario is erroneously derived from a false eschatological construct called Amillennialism. You see, it’s the Pauline principle in Gal. 5:9, “a little leaven leaven the whole lump” i.e., “error begets error.”
Catholics do not “make acts of worship to a saint.” Catholics pray to the saints because we have always done so; we learned it from the Apostles. Inscribed on the tomb of the Valerii family located near the tomb of St. Peter are the words: “Peter pray for the pious men who are buried near your body.” The catacombs are full of inscriptions asking the saints for their intercession.
From where do you learn to pray TO “saints” from the Apostles? That inscription on the Valerii tomb is not the words of Peter. Where is it recorded in Scripture that Peter ever instructed anyone to pray TO him? The inscriptions in the catacombs are the superstitious words of men, not God.
To make intercession for another is biblical. St. Paul asked others to pray for him.
Absolutely! To make intercessory prayer FOR someone is Biblical. ALL true believers are priests of God and can intercede for others through prayer. But to pray TO someone other than God is not ever found in Scripture. Paul did ask, by letter, for the brethren to pray FOR Him (1 Thess. 5:25; 2 Thess. 3:1; cf. Heb. 13:8). But can you give me one instance where Paul instructed them to pray TO him either before his death or after? Jay, I can ask you via this medium to pray FOR me, but would I be doing the same thing if I were to humble my heart, bow my head, get on my knees and pray TO you (I feel dirty just saying it)? That would put a whole different spin on it, my friend.
Absolutely! To make intercessory prayer FOR someone is Biblical. ALL true believers are priests of God and can intercede for others through prayer. But to pray TO someone other than God is not ever found in Scripture. Paul did ask, by letter, for the brethren to pray FOR Him (1 Thess. 5:25; 2 Thess. 3:1; cf. Heb. 13:8). But can you give me one instance where Paul instructed them to pray TO him either before his death or after? Jay, I can ask you via this medium to pray FOR me, but would I be doing the same thing if I were to humble my heart, bow my head, get on my knees and pray TO you (I feel dirty just saying it)? That would put a whole different spin on it, my friend.
Which reveals your complete misunderstanding of the communion of saints. We don’t pray to the saints, we ask the saints for intercession. The saints have no power to grant prayers, just to offer them.
In the Kingdom of David (the earthly Judaic kingdom established on earth by God) the wife of the king is NOT the queen. The mother is.
Who said anything about a “wife?” As I have pointed out at least twice now, King David did not appoint his mother to any position in the kingdom. Not until Solomon did this happen, and it caused great problems in the kingdom later.
Why does this apply to Mary? Because among other things, the Catholic Church is this Kingdom of David (now under the new Christened one, Jesus). The OT says this kingdom will be eternal and Jesus reiterated this promise in Matthew 16:18.YOUR church, Ozzie, is not and does not claim to be THE kingdom of God on Earth.
If one can just “claim” the “kingdom,” then I claim my neighborhood as the Kingdom. “Claiming” something doesn’t make it so.
And you come in here attacking the Blessed Virgin?
I don’t attack her. Actually, you do, by bearing false witness about her. Saying things about her that are not true. They may not be negative things, but they’re false nevertheless!! You’re the one who’s attacking her personally. I only challenge the false doctrines propagated by people like you.
Why? What could you possibly offer us in return for forsaking the Mother of God?
The truth. No one has to “forsake” Mary, you simply should not embrace false doctrines about her. The truth is always better than fiction, especially when it comes to true Christianity. Nice passion in your post, but passion does not always amount to truth. Historically, millions of people have died for a lie.

See my previous post on the BIBLICAL revelation of the Davidic Kingdom, over which Jesus is not yet reigning.
Which reveals your complete misunderstanding of the communion of saints. We don’t pray to the saints, we ask the saints for intercession. The saints have no power to grant prayers, just to offer them.
You can’t ASK saints in Heaven to intercede for you except that you do so via PRAYER TO them. When you pray TO them to ask them to intercede for you, then you are expecting them to answer that prayer request TO them. Bottom line, you’re PRAYING to them. This has no Biblical or Apostolic backing. It’s in fact, blasphemous!
ah HEM! Is this microphone working? I will say it again:

In the Kingdom of David (the earthly Judaic kingdom established on earth by God) the wife of the king is NOT the queen. The mother is.

Why does this apply to Mary? Because among other things, the Catholic Church is this Kingdom of David (now under the new Christened one, Jesus). The OT says this kingdom will be eternal and Jesus reiterated this promise in Matthew 16:18.

YOUR church, Ozzie, is not and does not claim to be THE kingdom of God on Earth. Your church does not claim to have the Real Presence of Christ. Your church does not claim to be undivided by death. Your church rests on such reductive and relativist ideas as Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura BOTH of which are un-Biblical. Your church renegged on contraception. Your church is now contemplating renegging on homosexuality. Your church does not even view marriage as a sacrament. Your church hates art.

And you come in here attacking the Blessed Virgin? Why? What could you possibly offer us in return for forsaking the Mother of God? A personal relationship with God? We got that. In fact, we got it so good, that we are members of His heavenly family even while stuck on this mortal coil! These are not abstractions, they are the logical results of being wholly incorporated into the family of God.

Honor thy father and thy mother. Sound familiar? Was Jesus a sinful problem child? Some food for thought: while on earth, Jesus was BOUND to obey his mother by the very law of God the Father. He never sinned. She never put Him in an awkward position where He would have to chose between one sin or another. Otherwise, He would have sinned and the sacrifice for salvation would have been null and void.

Why do think the Catholic interpretation of salvation is the familial story of the prodigal son? We are part of the family. We ARE the new, united, universal, and eternal people of Israel. What kind of sicko father would forbid his children to talk to their mother? What a dysfunctional family that would be! Jesus loves, respects and honors his mother even now. How can imitating Jesus be sinful? Especially when we are part of his family?

What are you offering in exchange for this blasphemy, Ozzie? Keep your pre-fab churches with merely symbolic worship focused on one man’s (or woman’s) selective Bible lecture (sermons). Me, I’ll take this FAMILY RELATIONSHIP TO GOD anyday.
APPLAUSE! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
You can’t ASK saints in Heaven to intercede for you except that you do so via PRAYER TO them. When you pray TO them to ask them to intercede for you, then you are expecting them to answer that prayer request TO them. Bottom line, you’re PRAYING to them. This has no Biblical or Apostolic backing. It’s in fact, blasphemous!
I don’t pray TO anyone but God. If you follow your flawed logic, then you pray TO those people whom you ask to pray for you because in the same vein, you are expecting them to answer that prayer request TO them. Don’t tell me what I am doing because you have no idea. You aren’t Catholic, so don’t presume to speak for Catholics.
Catholics Bless themselves “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

When we pray we Pray in their Name (Trinity)

Do you know the Prayers of the Rosary ?
Accesso negatoThe Sign of the Cross:

In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Accesso negatoThe Apostles’ Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He decended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven,and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgivness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen

Accesso negatoThe Our Father:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Accesso negatoThe Hail Mary:

Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

Accesso negatoGlory Be to the Father:

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Accesso negatoThe Fatima Prayer:

“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy”.
(Our Lady at Fatima, 13th July 1917) Accesso negatoThe Hail, Holy Queen:

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley, of tears. Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus; O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

additional prayers

“O God whose only begotten Son has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, Grant that we beseech Thee while meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may both imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord Amen.”
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