I’m not seeing many examples of his compassion for the poor (elimination or curtailment of food stamp program, the (thankfully unsuccessful) drive to take out safeguards in the affordable care act, the separation of migrant family members legitimately seeking asylum)…what I see is more like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14 than the compassion demanded by our Lord in the Judgement of the Nations (Matthew Chapter 25).
I think that eliminating government programs that supposedly help the poor would be a great thing for Christian churches in the U.S.
Yes, I do. Because it would force us to abandon all our “church stuff” like planning Spring Banquets and Fall Chili suppers and “Bible on Tap” and all those activities that basically are “Christian Entertainment”–nothing wrong with it–but if the poor were no longer getting their government handouts, WE CHRISTIANS would hopefully have no choice but to step up and do what Jesus told us to do, and frankly, I think we would do a lot better job of it than the government!! I think we would be more efficient, less wasteful, more discerning (yes, there are people who receive multiple Christmas Baskets), and much more LOVING than the government agencies!
Honestly now, the poor, hungry, prisoners, immigrants, etc. have plenty of rich, Hollywood/intelligentsia progressive types to speak up loudly for them and advocate for their “rights”. But the unborn are silent, and those of us who have been speaking up for them all these years are just ignorant hicks to all those rich Hollywood/intelligentsia progressive types–they won’t even turn their heads our way to listen to one word of what we say.
So I say, “God bless President Trump for his willingness to speak up for those who can’t give him any money or do him any favors or be an ally, can’t vote for him, can’t attend his rallies and wear a MAGA hat, can’t appear in one of his campaign ads, and in all likelihood, won’t ever be born to praise him for helping them to survive! GOD BLESS HIM, flaws and all!”
No wonder the Lord doesn’t answer our prayers–we pray for the unborn, and we are given a President who is trying to help them, and we reject him in favor of a liberal who is talking a good talk about passing laws to make government employees do the work that we should be doing. No wonder abortion is still the law of this country.