President Trump's pro-life proclamation

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Regardless, he’s appointed plenty of pro life judges, and has done more for the pro life movement than any other sitting president.
Pro-Life judges means nothing. The supreme court already decided on abortion in 1972. It will never be over turned. It’s up to each state now to limit abortion.

Our best way to approach this which both Catholic and Evangelicals have failed is reaching the lost with the message of Christ love. Then we can make a bigger dent in abortion.
Unfortunately, Trumps pro-life credentials are damaged by the very recent efforts he has made to reintroduce the death penalty in the US after years of being in hiatus. This after the Church has declared the death penalty inadmissible… a very anti-life move.
Keep in mind that Trump is not Catholic and does not feel any particular obligation to defer to the teachings of the magisterium. He evidently does not see an inconsistency between being pro-life where the unborn are concerned, and meting out the death penalty as justice for capital crimes. Neither do many other people. I am not saying they are right, I am just stating the fact. People congregate outside prisons when the death penalty is about to be administered, and they rejoice when it actually happens. They think it’s justice. Some are even OK with the concept of revenge and “payback” — if pressed, they would say that, too, is justice. Some of these people call themselves Christians. The death penalty does not exactly bring out the noblest aspects of the human condition.
Regardless, he’s appointed plenty of pro life judges, and has done more for the pro life movement than any other sitting president.
It could be, if not in whole, then in part. Anything is better than nothing as regards limitations on abortion. Enough of a majority of future generations could become convinced of the pro-life stance, that they would insist upon changing laws and possibly even amending the constitution. Pro-life advances could happen state-by-state, or even nationwide. Two or three generations ago, abortion was a hush-hush issue, something done surreptitiously by that certain doctor in town, or the next town over, or in another state. Decent people didn’t talk about it, because society was so hamstrung by convention and propriety, that there were a lot of things that went on, but that people didn’t acknowledge or talk about. I’m not saying it was better that way — it wasn’t — but that’s just the way society worked.
Yeah, since he ain’t the most conservative guy though, would it be nice (would you yourself at least, I understand many Pro Lifers (not an activist me) title conservative or maybe libertarians so that’s who they are) if he did more to promote an option for life like more programs/supports for families in your opinion.

Non practicing person here btw.

Oh yeah, you mentioned you supported single payer? Why not this instead for a compromise? Maybe some added funding to help integrate the uninsured?

Granted, while this could open up basic access for the uninsured, this could jeopardize access for high cost treatments (like assisted living and super expensive care or end of life) considering it’s using the same pot but covering everyone.
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Non practicing btw.

Technically if enough people speak out though (like in the blue states, I’m NOT talking about swing states or battlegrounds), maybe the GOP will pay attention and adjust their platform accordingly?
Not practicing btw.
Actually (not relevant to your exchange with him), didn’t he talk about how he shifted because he realized someone aborted could be someone great (not that that reason could be the best since it can be flipped (the next villain like Hitler or Mason).
Not practicing btw.
Actually (not relevant to your exchange with him), didn’t he talk about how he shifted because he realized someone aborted could be someone great (not that that reason could be the best since it can be flipped (the next villain like Hitler or Mason).
I don’t know about that, I was asking for a specific date.
Brian Carroll. Now that would be a waste of a vote.
I would like to see Trump defeated.
Voting for anyone other than someone who can defeat him would be more or less the same thing as voting for him.
I refuse to vote for Donald Trump, just because has made a pro-life proclamation. Trump has a reputation for being a liar.
I’m not seeing many examples of his compassion for the poor (elimination or curtailment of food stamp program, the (thankfully unsuccessful) drive to take out safeguards in the affordable care act, the separation of migrant family members legitimately seeking asylum)…what I see is more like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14 than the compassion demanded by our Lord in the Judgement of the Nations (Matthew Chapter 25).
I think that eliminating government programs that supposedly help the poor would be a great thing for Christian churches in the U.S.

Yes, I do. Because it would force us to abandon all our “church stuff” like planning Spring Banquets and Fall Chili suppers and “Bible on Tap” and all those activities that basically are “Christian Entertainment”–nothing wrong with it–but if the poor were no longer getting their government handouts, WE CHRISTIANS would hopefully have no choice but to step up and do what Jesus told us to do, and frankly, I think we would do a lot better job of it than the government!! I think we would be more efficient, less wasteful, more discerning (yes, there are people who receive multiple Christmas Baskets), and much more LOVING than the government agencies!

Honestly now, the poor, hungry, prisoners, immigrants, etc. have plenty of rich, Hollywood/intelligentsia progressive types to speak up loudly for them and advocate for their “rights”. But the unborn are silent, and those of us who have been speaking up for them all these years are just ignorant hicks to all those rich Hollywood/intelligentsia progressive types–they won’t even turn their heads our way to listen to one word of what we say.

So I say, “God bless President Trump for his willingness to speak up for those who can’t give him any money or do him any favors or be an ally, can’t vote for him, can’t attend his rallies and wear a MAGA hat, can’t appear in one of his campaign ads, and in all likelihood, won’t ever be born to praise him for helping them to survive! GOD BLESS HIM, flaws and all!”

No wonder the Lord doesn’t answer our prayers–we pray for the unborn, and we are given a President who is trying to help them, and we reject him in favor of a liberal who is talking a good talk about passing laws to make government employees do the work that we should be doing. No wonder abortion is still the law of this country.
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He doesn’t? Sad feeling to have.
It’s a fact, not a feeling. Come visit us in Illinois–we have the most progressive State in the Union when it comes to Reproductive Rights (abortion access), and ALL of us taxpayers are required to ante up and pay for it!"

Land of Lincoln–bah. Abraham Lincoln is turning over in his grave over the evil laws in his beloved State.
Are you sure about that, isn’t that too far? I get being against Trump but why not vote for Carroll?

Not practicing btw.
For the record, I’m pro-life. It’s a shame that Trump doesn’t revere the lives of children at the U.S. border.
@RCIAGraduate: Are you referring to my post? If so, you should attach my comments.
Yes, not attacking you (but realizing this could spark drama) but wanted to get responses.
@RCIAGraduate: I don’t feel attacked!
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Catholic Pro Life Supporeters, your response to this? Not trying to cause drama (realizing this could) but would like to hear an answer to this.
Yes, not attacking you (but realizing this could spark drama) but wanted to get responses.

Non practicing btw.
Might be just me, but I’m having no success whatsoever in Googling up the pro-life proclamation made by his predecessor…
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