Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Hunter Biden is an issue for many reasons:
Most notably, he didn’t get to be a multimillionaire by himself on his own merits. He got rich because of his dad’s connections to China, with all it entails. It entails China bought Hunter’s success; and that Joe helped/facilitated/encouraged/allowed the foregoing.
Most notably, he didn’t get to be a multimillionaire by himself on his own merits.
Nor did Trump or any of his kids. Trump got about 400 million from his father, and all of his children are wealthy because of him, just like Kushner.

So what is the issue? That fact the children benefit from who their parents are. It happens all the time, in all walks of life. Just the way things work.
Trump made millions in private enterprise. Did he get something from father? He did. He also has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to get tangible things done, way beyond what most people could ever accomplish. Do you think you could repeatedly take a hole in the ground and make it into a luxury high rise? 20 times over?

Trump’s deals show repeated outside the box thinking and making opportunities where none appear to exist. For example, he bought Mar-a-Lago for a song after he had the presence of mind to buy the beach in front of it.

By contrast, Biden’s family has gotten rich via government service - which is NOT supposed to happen, ever.

Let’s go further: there are a lot of people who think “show me your kids and I’ll see who you are.” Trump’s kids are, across the board; articulate; polished; and come across as winners. They all come across as folks who’d succeed at whatever they’d do. Hunter? Military washout; had a baby out of wedlock with an “exotic dancer;” drug user - and still a multimillionaire, thanks to dad, and, of course, China.

Yeah, sorry - Hunter is very relevant.
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Kinda interesting you deleted your comment that my story was a “fairytale.”

Too bad I saw it first. Here’s your fairytale:

–In 2001, the US government pressed the Taliban then-rulers of Pakistan to assist in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. No matter how much evidence they were presented with of Bin Laden’s guilt in 9/11, the Taliban just repeatedly kept saying, “that’s not enough.”

–And so it is with you and many others: You could be given a mountain of evidence and you could simply dismiss it as a “fairytale;” “irrelevant;” “not enough!,” etc.

But Hunter & Joe did what they did; the Biden family are multimillionaires; how they got their money is very relevant to who they are.
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Do you think you could repeatedly take a hole in the ground and make it into a luxury high rise? 20 times over?
Just how many buildings has he actually built? Not how many have his name on them, how many holes in the ground has he made into buildings.

Many of the Trump properties are simply branded, others he has an interest in and doesn’t whole own.
“Proud Boys, stand back and stand down” is what I heard Trump say. What do you think he said?
If that is what you heard, let’s think about how it might be interpreted.
“Stand back”, in my mind, is back off. “Stand down” is military parlance, appropriate for a commander in chief, and means turn off the aggressive posture.
Surely this is the sort of position we might appreciate, coming from our commander in chief?
I’m not sure why this might be seen as problematical.
And this is a bad thing?

What you’re impliedly acknowledging is that Trump’s NAME, ALONE on a building increases its value - which it does.

Trump often has sold the rights to use his name on other buildings built by others - which shows how respected that name is in the real estate community. People wouldn’t pay for the “Trump”-branding if the Branding didn’t have enormous value.
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The Proud Boys have taken this as a signal that Trump supports them though. That’s not good.
I would anticipate thaqt a group might try to put a favorable spin on a comment relating to it, but that is a reflection upon the group, rather than on the President.
Yes, they took it as an order. Why wasn’t Trump more clear?
Are you arguing on their behalf?
If you personally found it difficult to understand, you may have to wait a while to ask the president to restate it in a manner more familiar to you.
Let’s pray for a speedy recovery and for clarity for any who may struggle with this challenge.
I find this interesting. In my part of the world, any basic cable package includes a device that doubles as a DVR. There’s no longer any need to go out and buy one. I’m honestly curious how it works in the US (I’m in Canada) in 2020?
And his golf courses are big money losers, which we learned from the NY Times tax expose. The myth of Trump is very different from the reality.
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“Proud Boys, stand back and stand down” is what I heard Trump say. What do you think he said?
Are you quite certain?
You placed quotes, you aded in punctuation that is incorrect, and you are telling people exactly what he said.
People can review the audio, and know if they are being deceived.
He said “stand back and stand by”.

Stand by.

Remember when the TV program would glitch and the network would say:

“We are experiencing operational difficulties. Please stand by.”

It meant to wait and see what would happen.

He did not say when prompted “I denounce white supremacy.”
Yes, they took it as an order. Why wasn’t Trump more clear?
He was.
Different people and groups are always going to interpret what was said in a way most favorable to their position.
In this case, your position, and those of the “proud boys” are the same.
I have DVR but since I don’t pay for it (it’s extra iirc) then I can’t DVR any programs.
I do not see why he should have to denounce what leftists deem “white supremacy” that would cede the left an undeserved moral authority. Then Trump has to denounce whatever the cultural Marxists deem homophobic, Islamophobic, and so on. A key premise of the American nationalist movement is that the American left has no moral legitimacy and is unfit to rule this nation made great again.
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I do not see why he should have to denounce what leftists deem “white supremacy”
If that is how he feels, then it would be a valid response. There is no obligation for him to provide any answer, or a specific answer. Chris Wallace explicitly told him that he could talk about something else if he wished.

But he choose to respond to a request for condemnation, and gave a pretty weak one, assuming it can be called a condemnation.
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