Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Well, thanks all for watching the debate with me. This is my first Presidential election in decades where I don’t get to watch with my husband, so I’m watching with people on 2 different forums instead. I didn’t want to go to a watch party because COVID and it’s a good thing too because the party would have been outdoors and it rained here so…time to go do prayers and zzzz.
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A comment: in the best interest of the audience ,which is worldwide , couldn’t the mic 🎤 of the candidate whose turn to speak is be the only one on and have the other candidate’s off for that while?
As from now on and for all presidencial debates this and coming years?
Thank you.
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Too many environmental policies in CA for its own good.
That is what
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I watched it. Wow, I can’t believe how poorly Joe Biden did.
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Indeed, that’s usually how politics is nowadays.
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If anything, I hope this makes congress take powers away from the president. Clearly, they have too much power and ever since FDR, they have just been getting more. Did any of these two show they were competent?
i was waiting for a triple dog dare to come out
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I just heard the explanation that the moderator has no power to do so without the permission of both sides.

Agree with nearly every post here. I turned it off after about 15 minutes.
A comment: in the best interest of the audience ,which is worldwide , couldn’t the mic 🎤 of the candidate whose turn to speak is be the only one on and have the other candidate’s off for that while?
As from now on and for all presidencial debates this and coming years?
Thank you.
That’s what SHOULD have been done. Savannah Guthrie (one of the NBC commentators) mentioned this after the debate.

You cannot convince me that the debate organizers didn’t anticipate this kind of street fight. My husband and I knew that the debate would be a slugfest. These organizers knew that, but they chose to let it be a free-for-all because a fight is good for ratings, while a cordial discussion would send us all into the Land of Nod. Also, the organizers knew they could blame the candidates, especially Pres. Trump, who definitely took control because it was GIVEN TO HIM on a silver platter by the moderator and organizers.

IF the organizers of the debate were seroiusly interested in a civil debate (which they were not), they should have made it clear to both candidates that the mike would be turned off when it wasn’t their turn to speak, and that if the candidates continued to speak out of turn, the debate would be ended and the network would be left fuming. I’m sure that Lester Holt and all his gang could have filled the remainng time with surmises about the candidates’ stands on the various issues, and Chuck Todd could have done a lot of harumphing about Pres. Trump’s lack of fitness for office (in Todd’s opinion).

Chris Wallace was so sweet and reasonable–very poor choice for a moderator of a debate between two men who obviously have no liking or respect for each other and who do NOT play by the rules of the political game.

The moderator for this opening debate should have been chosen from those who are known for being by-the-book and disciplined, and the moderator should have been given the power to shut down the debate for several minutes, or for good, if the situation warranted it.

And Vice Pres. Biden should have been told to wipe that smirk off his face, and stop saying, “This is ridiculous” under his breath. To many of us “suburb people” who are supposedly poorer under Pres. Trump’s watch (not true, BTW–we are much better off because of the Trump tax cut)–those issues’ that VP Biden is smirking over and dismissing as “ridiculous” are important to us.

I don’t think anyone changed their mind about their votes after this, but I think that it made it very clear that there IS a choice for us to make, and our choice will determine the course of this country, and the course of our daily lives.
The best part of the debate was when President Trump told Biden that he wasn’t his own anymore…Biden is bound to what the minority want him to be and say. The debate was pretty much over with at that point as Biden filled the rest of his air time with rhetoric.
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Trump was rude and his statements were inaccurate. He rehashed conservative tropes.
That’s what SHOULD have been done. Savannah Guthrie (one of the NBC commentators) mentioned this after the debate.
I watched strictly the debate live from abroad. Everyone would benefit, I think…starting by the audience.
Perhaps for future elections then ,if this cannot be agreed upon for the following debates.
It doesn’t even have to be the moderator who may just indicate time is on to a time keeper with the switches.
So nobody feels uncomfortable.
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I’m not saying Biden won but Trump was completely off the rails, much like an unhinged child. I would be surprised if there are any more debates. Trump interrupted, didn’t honor the rules that his campaign agreed to. America lost tonight.
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