Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Perhaps not Mr. Trump’s best performance, but it hasn’t changed my mind. I know what he has achieved and is capable of achieving if given four more years. Anyone can have an off night. It’s the long haul and large picture that counts.

Won’t alter my vote.
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Democrats have shown that they hate America by inciting riots and by subverting the constitution and by promoting the false “critical race theory”. It’s obvious to anyone who thinks logically and just looks at the facts.
It is “obvious” as long as the person thinking thinks exactly like you do! 😁
“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
Well, friend, let’s leave the judging to God. If you are like me, you’ve got plenty of your own things to work on! God Bless, and good night. 🙏

In the mean time, you might consider what it actually means to forgive people, and how to gently correct them, being charitable and giving them the benefit of the doubt. If you sow anything that even sounds like judgment, you will get the same in return from people.
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I turned it off after the “insulin cheap as water” remark. Having two friends who’ve had close calls from rationing insulin due to cost, I thought having a drink would be more conducive to my mood than an aneurysm in response to ludicrous and wildly false statements.
I take it you don’t watch MSNBC. If you had, you would realize that it is Trump who lies all the time, not Biden. You should try watching. I watch FOX at times as well to get the perspective of the other side.
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They BOTH lie. It’s what people in Washington do. Neither Pres. Trump nor VP Biden are angels.
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This debate was a terrible waste of time! This debate will not change anybody’s opinion of anything. It gave me a headache.

I vote because it is my civic duty, but it is certainly not my civic duty to watch anymore debates between these guys.
America is in decline. Rioting, looting, burning down businesses, beating up shop owners, thousands of people sleeping in the streets in tents or under bridges, millions of unborn children being murdered legally, same sex marriages being supported at American Catholic colleges. At the debates Biden says that the President of the USA, Donald Trump is a liar and a clown and the puppy of President Putin of Russia. Trump said there is nothing smart about Biden as he graduated lowest in his class, and forgot the name of his college and Trump also raised questions about the cocaine use of Biden’s son.
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The problem is that it wasn’t ‘just two old guys…’ This was supposed to be a debate between the POTUS and his challenger for office. Disgraceful doesn’t even come close to covering it. Neither person has any real handle on the topics for debate and therefore it was reduced to a circus act. Biden was correct when he called Trump a clown, but he forgot to put on his own red nose and crazy wig. Putin, Xi J(name removed by moderator)ing and even Kim Jong Un will be chortling over their breakfast cereal this morning. This was American political discourse! America - address your shame. I have followed the opinions forwarded here on CAF regarding both Trump and Biden without commenting ( OK maybe once or twice). At least now I can laugh out loud. How anyone can defend either of these people is beyond me. Really, is this the best your country can do?
That was no debate. It reminded me of arguments I’ve had with my family that quickly turned to personal attacks, the kind of arguments I look back on with shame and regret. It left me feeling agitated and unable to sleep. Since the rules of debate are ignored, and the constant interruptions can’t seem to be stopped, why even go through the motions? If anything, the decision I had already made between the two candidates was only made stronger by what I heard last night. I suspect it’s the same for many of us.
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Politicians and leaders are no longer competent in the current world. The modern culture doesn’t allow such a thing.
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We already have two threads on this. The one below seems to be the most active one. We don’t need another.
Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread World News
The problem is that it wasn’t ‘just two old guys…’ This was supposed to be a debate between the POTUS and his challenger for office. Disgraceful doesn’t even come close to covering it. Neither person has any real handle on the topics for debate and therefore it was reduced to a circus act. Biden was correct when he called Trump a clown, but he forgot to put on his own red nose and crazy wig. Putin, Xi J(name removed by moderator)ing and even Kim Jong Un will be chortling over their breakfast cer…
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I think trump did his best to confuse and rile Biden up. He succeeded in one way that Biden couldn’t get out answers.

Two parts disturbed me.

One part got me to use a bad word in front of the family.

1: when asked if he would denounce White Supremacy. Answer should have been “yes!”

He told the proud boys to “stand back and stand by”
  1. When Joe Biden was talking about his dead son Trump interrupted and said:
“Oh, really? Are you talking about Hunter?" Trump asked.

When Biden said he was talking about Beau Biden, who served as Delaware’s attorney general, Trump said “I don’t know Beau."

Who interrupts a man talking about his dead son to criticize another son?
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On the one hand Biden complained he couldn’t get a word in; but when he did, he had nothing to say and evaded the question.

Both accused each other of low intelligence but it was Biden who started off down that track.

So though neither came out well, Biden came out worse, which is a catastrophe for those who claim he’s a superior person to Trump.
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Neither side looked good. I’ll probably just write myself in.
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Politicians and leaders are no longer competent in the current world. The modern culture doesn’t allow such a thing.
It begs the question of “were they ever?”

We have been blessed with the occasional good leader, but throughout history, many if not most leaders have not been all that great. Furthermore, the leaders that were, in historical hindsight, truly great, such as President Lincoln, were often mocked and vilified by a large segment of the population during their lifetime. Most people don’t even have a clue how government works and evaluate a leader on whether they themselves are in a good economic position and whether the leader looks and sounds good (by their own subjective standards) on a podium.
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I don’t think anyone walks away from watching this or reading about it and rethinking for whom they’ll vote.

It reinforces their idea about their guy or the other guy. I think they should cancel the other two debates. Barring that, they should cut microphones off for the candidate who is not speaking.
I don’t think anyone walks away from watching this or reading about it and rethinking for whom they’ll vote.
I don’t know a single person who “rethought” their vote based on this.

Those who liked Trump already knew he was this way. Many of them like it, and many more don’t care and will vote for whoever is pro-life. I was amused to see one guy in my feed this morning trying to talk pro-lifers out of voting for Trump on the basis that they’ll already have their pro-life Justices so there’s no more reason to vote for him. Sorry but that’s not going to work with the pro-life crew.

Those who don’t like Trump would vote for any candidate who opposed him, even if it was Francis the Talking Mule.
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Here’s a little longer impression of the debate the day after:
  1. I don’t think either candidate came across as a very clear winner. Trump was rude and aggressive and Biden was noticeably lower energy but those are both already well-known features and I don’t think it surprised anybody.
  2. The shorter talking time of the candidates because of the constant interruptions seems ironically representative of life in 2020. People watching in general have shorter attention spans than 10 or 20 years ago because of changes to life and technology.
  3. The lack of human contact and lack of hand shaking because of the pandemic also seems to weirdly reflect a more divided culture.
  4. I’m thinking/hoping that the two VPs will have a more structured debate and we’ll get to hear a lot more content and fewer insults.
  5. I’m not sure that SNL can be as good as the real thing 😛
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