Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Not much of a debate, not one with intelligent discussion anyway. It seemed to be very personal & a continual attack on personal character rather than addressing any type of meaningful ideology or policy.
The extremist and diametrically opposed interpretations of the debate, who won and who lost, by FOX and MSNBC are almost laughable.

The truth of the matter, as I see it, is that they both lost, but no more than we the people have lost if either of these clowns gets (re)elected.
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It was difficult for Joe to say anything, given the loud and constant interruption by Donald.

I think what was missed by Joe was an opportunity to simply point to the president, in the moment, and show the American people that what Donald was doing in that room is exactly what he has been doing in our nation for the last 4-5 years.

Donald Trump has sown discord. He interrupted the moderator, he interrupted Joe Biden, and he refused to follow the rules, which is exactly what he has done as president.

Joe should have just taken a moment, looked into the camera and said, “Look at what Donald is doing, he’s sowing anger and resentment, here tonight, and he has done the same nearly every day in office, bullying people and demeaning people, and we are seeing it in the streets. He has set the tone for the country, and it is a tone of bullying and violence. A vote for Donald is a vote for 4 more years of discord, animosity, and polarity.”

So yeah, Joe Biden definitely missed a lot of opportunities to really focus in on what is making America worse today, not making it “great again”. We need a President that can bring Americans together, to create a single nation of people who can be civil and get along.
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A disaster from start to finish, including the moderator, and the U.S. is the big loser.
Hello. I believe that true leaders unite and inspire. Sadly it seems that President Trump has continued to divide and attack anyone who dares disagree or criticize him. After the complete chaos of the debate, I can no longer support President Trump. He seems to literally be the opposite of what Jesus would say, do and strive to be. Just my new 2 cents!
peace, SF
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I agree with almost everything you say here except that I think the debate may have persuaded more people NOT to vote for either candidate.
I think Trump won. Yeah maybe he interrupted a lot but he told the truth, and that is what Trump is about and why his base, including me, like him so much! Trump isn’t afraid to speak the truth against those lying, dishonest, nasty, divisive, and frankly un-American Democrats like Joe Biden who lies lies lies through his teeth! Also, Biden appeared incredibly senile.
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Trump was exposing the lies and falsehoods of the Democratic narrative.

. . . . They want to teach “critical race theory” which is full of lies and does absolutely nothing but sow discord among Americans and cause hatred of our country. That’s why there are so many riots! The Democrats have sowed the seeds of discord. . . . [T]hey just try to take advantage of black Americans. And a lot of black Americans are sick and tired of it and are voting for

Joe Biden sows the seeds of discord. Trump has condemned the KKK and white supremacy on numerous occasions, but of course the fake news media never mentions that. Not once has Biden ever condemned the radical leftist ANTIFA rioters. He doesn’t want law and order, the Democrats don’t want law and order. . . .
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I’m not saying Biden won but Trump was completely off the rails, much like an unhinged child. I would be surprised if there are any more debates. Trump interrupted, didn’t honor the rules that his campaign agreed to. America lost tonight.
Welcome to the CAF! 🙂

I think that Joe Biden really missed an opportunity.

Joe should have just taken a moment, looked into the camera and said, “Look at what Donald is doing, he’s breaking rules, being rude, and sowing anger and resentment, here tonight, just as he has done the same nearly every day in office, bullying people and demeaning people, and we are seeing it in the streets. He has set the tone for the country, and it is a tone of bullying and violence. A vote for Donald is a vote for 4 more years of discord, animosity, and polarity.”

So yeah, Joe Biden definitely missed a lot of opportunities to really focus in on what is making America worse today, not making it “great again”. We need a President that can bring Americans together, to create a single nation of people who can be civil and get along. We need a person who can be a respectable leader.
From an outsiders perspective, it was nothing about policy, it was about attack.
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All the Democrats have ever done is cause division. It’s all they know how to do! All they ever do…
Can it be observed that the use of words like “all” and “never” are not helpful in trying to give people the benefit of the doubt, as we are called to do as Catholics?
The Democratic party hates the United States constitution, they hate the founding fathers, and they hate the country.
Again, do you see this statement as giving people the benefit of the doubt? What might be a different conclusion you could make?
The Democrats have sowed the seeds of discord. They’re the racists, they just try to take advantage of black Americans.
I must tell you about a wonderful old Italian Sister who worked in our parish. She said, “Look! Look what happens when I point my finger like this!”, and she pointed her index finger, wrapping her other fingers back like a pistol-shape. “When I point my hand like this, there are three fingers pointing back at me!” Of course, she said this with an enormous smile on her face. 😆
He doesn’t want law and order, the Democrats don’t want law and order. They want to tear down our country because they hate the United States and they hate the people of the United States.
Do you see that people have forgotten this important verse?:

Judging Others

Matthew 7: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
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I’m not judging anybody, I’m simply laying out the facts. Also, those verses in Matthew 7 apply more to the Democrats than anything.
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I’m not judging anybody, I’m simply laying out the facts.
I hope that you consider a long, prayerful look at what you have written above. Any person who judges the other can say that they are “simply laying out the facts”.

Let’s put it another way. Do you hold something against Democrats?
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Hello. I believe that true leaders unite and inspire. Sadly it seems that President Trump has continued to divide and attack anyone who dares disagree or criticize him. After the complete chaos of the debate, I can no longer support President Trump. He seems to literally be the opposite of what Jesus would say, do and strive to be. Just my new 2 cents!
peace, SF
Stand by, the Proud Boys!
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I hope that you consider a long, prayerful look at what you have written above. Any person who judges the other can say that they are “simply laying out the facts”.
But these literally are just the facts… plain and simple…
Let’s put it another way. Do you hold something against Democrats?
. . . and they also support murdering babies, so in a way yes. Do I pray for them? Yes, and I hope for their salvation. Calling them out for what they are is good. Jesus called out the Pharisees for their sins. Some of them even claim to be Christians, and I don’t doubt their faith, but they also support murdering babies which is against the faith, and Christ told us to confront our brothers and sisters if they sin against us and the Church, which they are doing.
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Jesus didn’t really have an interest in politics.
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YHWH_Christ said:
But these literally are just the facts… plain and simple…
You would have to admit, it would be very difficult to prove that any American hates America unless they have explicitly made the statement. Otherwise, it is an unfounded accusation, which is uncharitable. Do you know what it means to “bear false witness”?
YHWH_Christ said:
Let’s put it another way. Do you hold something against Democrats?
Well they’re liars and corrupt and they also support murdering babies, so in a way yes.
So, what is called for is this:

Mark 11:25 New International Version

25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

So, would you consider forgiving them?
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You would have to admit, it would be very difficult to prove that any American hates America unless they have explicitly made the statement. Otherwise, it is an unfounded accusation, which is uncharitable.
Democrats have shown that they hate America by inciting riots and by subverting the constitution and by promoting the false “critical race theory” which openly teaches students to hate America. It’s obvious to anyone who thinks logically and just looks at the facts.
So, would you consider forgiving them?
Yes, and I will also continue to expose them and call them out, just as Christ and the apostles would.

“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
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